"It is said that the terrifying axe method that once killed the demon gods, although there is only a trace of inheritance left, but it is terrifying to the limit!"

Seeing the men in silver armor gather the strength of the crowd and cut out this axe, the practitioners in the whole world couldn't help but groan in a low voice, their faces full of shock and amazement.

This move, I am afraid, almost reached the blow of a real immortal.


At this time, the Golden Crow screamed, the sun was in the sky, and the blazing rays of light made people unable to open their eyes.


The Golden Crow was like a solid body, bathed in flames, and collided with the axe light. The whole sky seemed to be collapsing.

"You, actually blocked it!"

In the splendid light, the silver-armored man looked at the unscathed white-clothed man in the distance, and murmured in disbelief.

"Hiss, it's so terrifying, no wonder the fellow Daoists of Sword Sect are not opponents!"

"The aura on this aboriginal is clearly a middle-level immortal, why, why did you block this blow??"

"However, no matter how strong, there are so many of us alone, it is enough to consume him to death, it is not enough to be afraid of"

At this moment, not only the man in silver armor, but even the immortals in the distance were shocked, and their faces jumped with surprise.However, everyone calmed down quickly, because they had speculated before that, even if the native was really that strong, they would not be able to escape their siege.

"No matter how strong you are, how many axes can you resist, give me death"

The silver-armored man screamed again, the dark battle axe in his hand was raised, and rumbled out again, and the vision suddenly reappeared, and the axe was blazing, illuminating the universe.

He has dozens of celestial beings' mana supplements, and he fights unscrupulously and violently.


At this moment, suddenly in the sky, there was a huge dragon roar that was as sonorous as gold and jade. It exploded in an instant, and a chill rushed to the brain from the tailbone.

I saw a slender golden flood dragon that was several dozen meters long in the distant rays of light.

At this moment, Jiaolong's sharp claws like a divine weapon slammed towards the silver-armored man!

Time seems to be slowing down, and everyone present can clearly see that the sharp dragon claws made of gold collide with the huge and terrifying axe light, canopy!The axe light with vast murderous intent exploded and annihilated in an instant, just like setting off a small firework, and it was instantly extinguished by pressing it.

Then the dragon claw was castrated, still pressing towards the silver-armored man.The silver armored man of Xing Tianzong was full of fear and unwillingness to believe, his pupils were shrinking suddenly, even though the dragon claws seemed to be slow, in fact, it was already approaching the extreme, and he had no time to escape.

Click!The dragon claw rushed in, and the man who blocked the silver armor was trembling, the battle axe in front of him instantly shattered, and the silver armor on his body exploded, and then continued.

Canopy!A blood mist exploded in the space, and the man in silver armor didn't even have time to scream. Like a little bug, he was killed by the dragon's claws alive.


In the void, the dragon head of the Jiaolong turned, and the broken golden dragon eyes glanced at the practitioners around him indifferently.

Chapter [-]: The Bloodline of Xuantian Spirit Turtle

"Dragon Dragon"

"At least at the level of a pure-blooded adult Jiaolong"

"My God, the goddess actually got into Jiaolong."

After all the practitioners present were glanced at by Jiaolong's dragon eyes, they suddenly poured cold water all over their bodies, and their hearts were cold.

The existence of the pure-blooded adult dragon level can kill ordinary true immortals, even if they have the Qiankun flag, they can gather many human and immortal mana.But the difference between a true immortal and a human immortal is fundamentally the difference between quality and quantity.

"My lord, what happened just now"

At this time, standing above the void, just now, the old man with the head of Gao Guanbo and the white-haired face was solemn, and he wanted to say something.

But the next moment, his eyes flashed, and the figure of Jiaolong in the distance had disappeared without a trace. In an instant, the corners of his eyes twitched wildly, but before he could do anything, his eyes suddenly darkened and he completely lost consciousness.

In the eyes of other monks, the moment the dragon disappeared, it appeared behind him, and then the dragon claws slapped.His body exploded with a bang, turning into a mass of bone slag and blood spray, and the dead couldn't die any longer.

The monks who were scolding and ridiculing just now were all chilled, their pupils were shrinking suddenly, and they wanted to step back, but they didn't dare to make big moves, for fear of being targeted by Jiaolong.

"Let go of me, I have treasures to do"

boom!Another blood mist bloomed in the sky like fireworks, and the fine bone slag flew around.It was the cultivator who vomited the scarlet immortal sword just now. He wanted to ask for mercy, but before he could finish speaking, his body was directly bombed.

For Zhou Zhang, there is nothing more attractive than the energy points on these immortals.

"Fight, fellow Daoists help me! Roar!"

Zhou Zhang's successive shots made the surviving practitioners' hearts sink. At this time, the middle-aged monk in the Taoist robe of Qiankun Sect finally couldn't bear it any longer and wanted to resist.

He screamed in the sky, and because he was the main formation, he immediately mobilized the mana of dozens of celestial beings to concentrate on himself. At the same time, his body was undergoing terrifying changes. A faint blue scale quickly arched up behind it, turning into a mystical tortoise shell.

In a short time, it turned into a furious tortoise with a height of more than ten feet, half human and half beast, roaring, and was about to rush towards Zhou Zhang.

"This is the bloodline of the Xuantian Spirit Turtle. No wonder Senior Brother Song of the Qiankun Sect is so talented in the formation!"

"Full support for Senior Brother Song, the bloodline level of Xuantian Spirit Turtle is quite different from that of Jiaolong, but there is still a chance, kill it!"

At this time, seeing the middle-aged man of Qiankun Sect erupting with divine power, it was like a desperate situation. Everyone present was excited and began to frantically support the mana in the past.

But before they got excited, bang!There was a sound of explosion in the void, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and the space reverberated in Weng Ming. The half-human, half-tortoise that rushed out just flew out, its body covered with cracks, and the dense pale golden fairy blood rushed out.

After Zhou Zhang was transformed into a dragon, the dragon body was under the blessing of the golden body's indestructible mysterious art, and the gap between the two was so easy to smooth out.

Even if his bloodline is the same as that of a pure-blooded Jiaolong, he will only be tortured to death.

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