"Fellow Daoist, everything is a misunderstanding!"

"Stop the electricity, the smell of my meat is coming out!"

The two people from the Jade Jade Sect woke up, and when they saw Zhou Zhang's appearance, they were almost so frightened that their scalps exploded again, and they kept howling there.

The energy aftermath of Zhou Zhang's battle with everyone just now shook the surrounding mountains, the earth cracked, and the ancient forests were smashed into pieces. After all, these two were strong men and immortals. Not their lives, so they survived.

Zhou Zhang glanced at the two of them, but he didn't care.Then Zhou Zhang raised his eyes and looked above the sky, the colorful vortex was shrinking little by little, it seemed that this fairyland would be closed after a while.

Immortal realms are different, some are stable and permanent, some are on the verge of collapse, and some space barriers can be traversed at any time, but many are short-lived and have limited opening time. Obviously, the immortal realm here is the latter type.

Roughly through the shrinkage of the space barrier, Zhou Zhang calculated the closing time, and his figure disappeared again. The two cultivators below were stunned for a while, but they did not return to their senses.

So, did the devil in white let them go?


"My God, the natives of this fairyland are too perverted, walk around and never come back!"

The two of them were disheveled, their bodies were scorched black, and after being sluggish for more than ten breaths, they carefully got up and looked around, and then they howled as if they were dying, where they couldn't care about their internal injuries, and they suddenly turned into rainbow light and plunged into colorful in the vortex.

In the next few days, Zhou Zhang wandered in this immortal realm, encountered some ghosts of the Yin attribute, and after the bombardment, he also obtained a few treasures that were of little use.

The main thing is that this world is too weird, many things have been weathered and corroded. Zhou Zhang has encountered several magical weapons, but they have all lost their aura, dull rust and rotten, and even mortal tools can't compare.

During the period, Zhou Zhang returned to the tomb of the gods again, and saw that there were several places nearby that were stained with blood. Obviously, someone touched the formation and was bombed to death.

Zhou Zhang searched carefully and determined that there should be only a tomb hidden in the cemetery, and then left.

On the fifth day, Zhou Zhang reappeared not far from the space barrier, and the colorful vortex had shrunk to several feet in size.

Time to get out of here and see what the world looks like.

Zhou Zhang's face was calm, and his figure suddenly turned into rainbow light and plunged into the colorful vortex.

Chapter [-] Good Seedling

The endless mountains stand tall, the clouds are shrouded in mist, and the vast ancient forest grows underneath. A little further away, there are rivers and rivers flowing, sparkling, and everything is as beautiful as a fairyland on earth.

At this time, in the mountains, there are two mountains towering into the clouds, facing each other, just like two horns of an ancient beast, majestic.

In the middle of the two mountains, there is a group of colorful whirlpools rotating, dotted with stars, as bright as a magnificent starry sky, full of dreamy beauty.

"This fairyland will be closed in a few days. Who else hasn't come out yet?"

"The loss of this exploration of the Immortal Realm is too serious. I didn't expect that there are such terrifying natives in it. It's too unexpected!"

"Only one disciple escaped from Tongjianzong, and the entire army of Juejianzong was wiped out. Qiankun, Xingtian and other sects suffered heavy losses, and all the genius disciples in the sect perished. I heard that the enemy was Baiyi with the power of a pure-blooded adult dragon. Man, strangling dozens of cultivators directly, the power is amazing."

"Not only the cultivators killed by the man in white, but also the cultivators who explored the secret realm and encountered powerful ghosts and monsters, and will definitely lose a group of disciples. I don't know if there are half of the cultivators who can walk out of this fairyland alive this time. already."

Above the peaks of the two mountains, there is a cultivator with a powerful breath discussing in a whisper, looking at the colorful vortex above the void from time to time.

In the past few days, practitioners from various sects rushed out of the fairyland one after another, and the news brought out was like an eighteenth magnitude earthquake, which shocked all the sect practitioners present in an uproar, one after another. The angry voice of gnashing teeth rushed to the sky.

First, the disciples of Tongjian Sect escaped, and news came out that the two disciples were slaughtered in a cemetery of gods, blood spilled in the sky, very tragic.

The elders of the two major sword sects waiting here were all stunned, and the three corpses jumped violently.But their cultivation level, unless they cut their own cultivation level, can't pass the space barrier at all.

Just as the practitioners of the two sword sects were surrounded by cold killing intent, their faces turned blue.Then, after a long time, two other disciples of the Sapphire Sect, whose bodies were burnt to charcoal, rushed out, very miserable.

However, according to the two cultivators of the Qingyu Sect, they were knocked unconscious when they met each other. After waking up, they were razed to the ground in a radius of dozens of miles. I don't know what happened, but the devil in white was still there. alive.

In this way, the people of the sects who have friendship with the two sword sects are not good, because the previous disciple of the sword sect came out and brought out news, and another disciple is joining the crowd to encircle and suppress the devil in white. , but the devil in white is still alive, so what happened to the others?

Sure enough, after another day, there were scattered practitioners who found that the devil in white was not around the space barrier, and rushed out desperately, bringing out even more exciting news.

The practitioners who besieged the white-robed devil were all dead, and not even the bones were left.When the leaders of many sects heard the bad news, their eyes were black, and then their eyes were red, and their bodies were filled with suffocation.

But after a few days, everyone can only accept the reality, because no one of them dares to cut their own cultivation base to enter, or they might be planted in it.

As the natives of the Immortal Domain, they are naturally bound by barriers. Unless they are strong enough to shatter the void, they will not want to run out, so even if they want to kill the white-clothed devil, they have no way to start.

hum!At this moment, ripples appeared in the colorful vortex.

"Look, someone is coming out!"

"Which sect's disciple will it be?"

Seeing the Immortal Domain Space Barrier surging again, many practitioners on the two mountain peaks froze, their eyes staring at the exit.At this moment, many sect practitioners are secretly praying and expecting in their hearts, hoping that their own disciples will rush out.

In fact, every time I explored the New Immortal Territory, there were sect disciples who fell, but this time so many people died, which was really rare, and everyone present became nervous.


A foot with embroidered cloud white boots stepped out, followed by a spotless white shirt, crystal-clear and handsome facial features, a quaint and gorgeous silver crown, and long hair that fell like black jade.

"This? Which disciple is this?"

"The aura is high and the spirit is like jade. He is like a dragon and a phoenix among practitioners. He is a good seedling!"

The cultivators present saw a man dressed in snow come out, and they were stunned for a moment, and then they whispered and sighed.I don't know which one it is, but there is such a genius.

This white-shirted man looked forward to Gu Shenghui, his eyes were splendid, and his whole body seemed to be surrounded by the spirit of a fairy.


Zhou Zhang glanced at the monks on both sides of the mountain, took a light breath of the air in this world, and immediately felt a refreshing feeling in his heart, and the traces of spiritual energy were extracted from the air and refined into mana.

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