This world is so rich in spiritual energy, and taking a breath of air actually contains a lot of spiritual energy.

"White, the devil in white!"

"My God, he, he actually broke through the space barrier!"

"It's him! The natives in the fairyland are the ones who killed so many people"

At this time, the cultivators who had seen Zhou Zhang's appearance in the Immortal Realm before saw Zhou Zhang walking out of the space barrier, their faces were sluggish, and they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

Then the sect disciples of the two mountain peaks trembled all over, pointing at the white-clothed man standing in the void, stammering, his face full of horror, his eyes widened, and the more he talked, the more excited he became, and finally he even roared.


"The devil in white? Him?"

Hearing the roars of these disciples, the two peaks that were a little noisy suddenly became dead silent, and everyone present was full of shock, just like ordinary people seeing ghosts, too unbelievable.

Actually, the devil in white, actually rushed out of the shattered void? ? ?

Chapter [-]: Heartless Silk

From ancient times to the present, it is recorded that there are only a handful of indigenous people who broke out from the fairyland, and each and every one of them is the devil who defies the sky to the extreme.

The fairyland space that can transform the fall of the angels into pieces is shattered, and it is conceivable how terrifying the cultivation base is, at least the existence of the top of the real fairy.

The birth of each indigenous devil will cause a bloody storm in the whole world, causing countless creatures to fall and die, with blood floating and corpses everywhere.

Therefore, when the practitioners who had seen Zhou Zhang's appearance shouted out, the first reaction of all the cultivators present was not to be delighted to be able to take revenge, but to be extremely horrified, feeling that the hair and hair all over their bodies were about to explode, and their bodies and minds were cold.

"No, that's not right, he only has the aura of the middle-level immortals!"

"That's right! And the natives shattered the void, they didn't take the path of space barriers at all, they shattered the void alive and opened up a path to walk out."

"Is it? Fake?"

Just when everyone was horrified, suddenly a swordsman from Tongjianzong raised his eyebrows on his temples, with a tall and straight posture, an elder who looked like a middle-aged man frowned, and exclaimed in a low voice in surprise.

As the words of the Tongjianzong elder fell, everyone present was instantly refreshed, and they all used their spiritual sense to perceive the man's cultivation. Sure enough, the man in white was only a middle-level human being.

Suddenly, there was a voice of questioning, and all the practitioners present suddenly became cheerful along with the sound of questioning.

"The devil in white is not a Broken Void powerhouse at all, otherwise the disciples of the original Sword Sect would not have escaped as a fish that slipped through the net!"

"Maybe he just broke through with the help of some treasure!"

Thinking of this, all the cultivators present felt relieved, and expressions of resentment and anger appeared on their originally horrified faces.

A middle-level demon in a mere immortal, actually killed a lot of their sect disciples inside, and now he dares to run out, it is simply too bold and too lawless.

"Capture him!"

"This fellow almost slaughtered all the sect disciples who entered the Immortal Realm, give me a life!"


Nearly half of the sect leaders and captains who were present were about to burst out of the fire with their eyes soaring, screaming in the sky with hatred.

Canopy!Above the two mountain peaks, dozens of imposing real immortals rushed out, stirring the wind and clouds, and the mountains in a radius of hundreds of miles were trembling. In a rage, the ground shook and the mountains shook, like the resurrection of gods and demons, and the energy was terrifying. to no edge.

Just when Zhou Zhang was about to make a move, an alarm bell rang out in his heart, and he was a little horrified.

In an instant, Zhou Zhang's figure moved a thousand feet away, and a subtle and almost untraceable sword light suddenly appeared, directly smashing the space where Zhou Zhang was just now.

Boom!The space exploded, and dark space cracks appeared distorted. The space cracks produced terrifying suction, and the whale swallowed and plundered the breath together, as if it could absorb even light, which was amazing.

"The ruthless silk of the Taoist Sword Sect!"

"This is one of the dao tools of Juejian Tianxian at the beginning. It contains the power of Tianxian. Even if there is a real demon head breaking out of the void, I'm afraid it can be a fight!"

Seeing that subtle and gentle sword light directly split the dense space cracks, all the practitioners present suddenly changed their faces and exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, Juejianzong came with a Taoist weapon, and as soon as he made a move, he would perform an unexpected lore on the native of Xianyu.It can be said that it is a tiger fighting a rabbit.

"Evil animal, where to escape!"

At this time, on the position of Juejianzong, one of the old men with white hair and beards, the old man with immortal style and daogu shouted angrily.

At this time, the split space crack healed instantly.A few feet long, the sword glow like a crystal silk thread, under the old man's envoy, slashed out again, quiet and silent, almost like a teleportation, appearing in front of Zhou Zhang, making Zhou Zhang horrified.


Zhou Zhang's whole body was covered with a lavender glow, the light rain was falling, and his figure disappeared again, appearing hundreds of miles away.

Click!At this time, on top of Zhou Zhang's head, the silver crown shattered directly, and strands of hair fell from the body.Zhou Zhang's face was icy cold. In the moment just now, if his reaction was slow, his head would be in a different place.

Pong!A strand of hair ignited, and finally turned into ashes and floated into the air.Zhou Zhang didn't dare to leave his hair stained with his own breath. It should be noted that there are many strange techniques that can be traced based on the opponent's hair, blood, and even cursed killing.


"Absolutely can't let this evil beast escape!"

At this time, the sky hundreds of miles away was trembling, and dozens of sect elders with a terrifying aura flickered, each casting secret techniques and slaughtering towards Zhou Zhang.

According to Zhou Zhang's soul searching of those sect disciples, these sect elders are all existences above the real immortal realm, and a Zhou Zhang can still be killed, but a dozen or so, plus the Tao tools that may exist in their hands, where will Zhou Zhang know? Hit them hard.


The Flying Immortal Movement Technique in Zhou Zhang's body was operating to the extreme.

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