
Zhou Zhang's figure just disappeared, the void he just stood on burst open, and was submerged by one after another terrifying edge. The surrounding mountains were shaken frantically and disintegrated.

"Shuzi, you dare to escape!"

There was an angry roar that shook the world, and they were more than a dozen true immortals to attack, but they still couldn't capture a famous immortal, which was a shame.

More than a dozen real immortals and one human immortal have chased for no less than ten thousand miles. Zhou Zhang's flying immortal movement method is indeed the most perfect movement method deduced by the system. The speed is amazing, far exceeding the speed of ordinary real immortals. It's just two or three true immortals who are proficient in escaping light.

"I really don't think I'm a mess!"

Zhou Zhang saw a huge ancient city appearing in the distance, with buildings lined up one after another, and a crowd of people walking like ants. Zhou Zhang suddenly curved his mouth slightly, showing a stern smile, and his body slammed into the shape of a man. Meteor instantly disappeared into the ancient city.


"Go down!"

The three true immortals who were chasing after saw the white-robed demon head fall on the streets of the ancient city, and they all squeaked, and they also turned into rainbow lights and fell on the street instantly, their eyes were like electricity, and they glanced around.

This is a wide and straight street. There are many pedestrians walking on the street, and there are also the sounds of merchants selling one after another.

"I saw him fall here just now, why did he disappear?"

At this time, a tall, cold-faced True Immortal was standing in the street. He was the elder of the Qiankun Sect. Qiankun was able to escape successfully, and it was no problem to go to heaven and earth. I just saw that the devil in white fell here. It has now disappeared.

In addition to him, the other two true immortals were blocked on the street and at the end of the street, and the air was filled with air, forming a net of heaven and earth, making it difficult for the white-robed devil to fly.

The Qiankun Sect elder narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly, his eyes shone with black and white yin and yang rays of light, and he opened his eyes and glanced around.

"Hey, are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, a faint male voice sounded behind the elder.

Chapter [-]: The Art of Change

The elder was shocked, his eyes showed horror, and he was about to react.


In the next instant, the head of the Qiankun Sect elder exploded, the blood mist filled the air, and a big hand covered with dragon scales slowly pulled back from the blood mist.

The one who killed the elder was an ordinary-looking middle-aged man in a gray shirt.I saw that the shirt on his right arm had been shattered, revealing an arm covered with golden dragon scales. His fingernails were slightly longer, revealing a terrifying edge, and with fine scales, they were similar to dragon claws.

After beheading the elder of the Qiankun Sect, the appearance and figure of the middle-aged man in gray changed again, and he turned into a slender, handsome young man.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Zhou Zhang!

The Golden Body Indestructible Mystery Art was originally developed based on the variety of Ruyi Tiangang. The first Tiangang was in a variety of ways, with the ability to simulate various blood power breaths and virtual changes.But now that it has been perfected through deduction and evolution, this technique of change has entered a level, and it can be called the technique of change.

Changes are just deceiving people's vision, and the noumenon does not really change.But the art of transformation actually changed the body of the body, and even the characteristics of the soul, and completely transformed into another person or other creature.

However, at this stage, the inextinguishable Xuan Gong Zhouzhang of the golden body can only change in the category of human species, and it can only change into other creatures at the level of change.

But this is also very amazing, even the elders of Qiankun Sect can't penetrate Zhou Zhang's transformation technique.

"Kill, kill!"

"My God, someone kills people in the street, crazy!"

At this time, many of the pedestrians on the street were covered in the blood of the Qiankun Sect elders, and they were stunned by the sight in front of them.

But when the headless corpse slammed to the ground, everyone was shocked and woke up. They were full of horror, and they made an earth-shattering howl, and they desperately scattered.


The headless corpse fell into the hands of the street, and its shape suddenly changed, turning into a big fish with black and white sides, several feet long.This big fish was covered with a faint glow, but its head was blasted away, and its soul was directly wiped out, but the fish body was still unconsciously twitching and beating the ground.

The ground shattered continuously, and the sand and stones splashed.

Um?Turned out to be an alien!

Zhou Zhang was a little surprised when he saw that this old man from the Qiankun Sect became a big fish. He didn't expect that the one who was chasing him was actually a fish.

In fact, although some people will awaken their bloodline just like Zhou Zhang with cultivation, but in the essence of life, the core, they still belong to the human race.Therefore, even if the bloodline is awakened, few people will often change into a beast body to live, even after death, it is a human body instead of a beast body.

This elder who died and turned into a black and white fish is obviously a successful existence in the cultivation of alien beasts.

"Elder Qian!"


At this time, the two true immortals who were searching at both ends of the street saw this scene, their faces suddenly changed color, their eyes widened, and they turned into two rainbow lights and charged towards Zhou Zhang.

Zhou Zhang waved his hand and directly put away the black and white fish body without the head. This is a big fish in the realm of real immortals. The flesh and blood are definitely a big supplement, and you can't let it go.

boom!Zhou Zhang's figure jumped up and down, and the rainbow turned into the sky in an instant, straight up to Qingming!

"Where did the devil escape!"

"Suppress me!"

Seeing Zhou Zhang suddenly soaring into the sky, the two true immortals stagnated suddenly, and they also rose to the sky in an instant. One of the true immortals with a thin body and sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks suddenly threw out a golden rope, and the rope seemed to swim. The dragon turned into a streamer in an instant and chased after him.

The other monk with a strong body and a rough face threw a cyan pagoda several inches long with Ruixia flowing all over his body. Go directly to Zhou Zhang cover.

Immediately, there was a sonorous sound of dragon roar and tiger roar, and two phantoms of dragon and tiger intertwined, rushing towards the two instruments, bursting with blazing rays of light, the two instruments collided with the phantoms of dragon and tiger, and suddenly the space With a roar, the two instruments were blocked directly and flew out.

Swish!At this time, Zhou Zhang had already broken through the thick cloud layer and disappeared in front of the two of them. The two cultivators in the back chased after them and looked at each other, also submerging into the thick cumulus clouds.

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