The Chenghuang Temple is made of blue bricks and yellow tiles, with a solemn shape and many believers. When entering the temple, incense is lingering everywhere, and green smoke fills the air.

After passing the patio and reaching the hall, a majestic and solemn statue of the city god came into view of Zhou Zhang.This statue of the city god is tall and looks like a middle-aged man, sitting upright above, wearing red and black official uniforms, wearing a mysterious crown, looking straight ahead, with a serious bearing.

"Why is this breath a little weird!"

Zhou Zhang raised his eyes and glanced at the statue. He was a little far away from the Temple of the City God just now, but he only felt a faint breath of divine power.But now that he got closer, he actually found that the aura of the statue was a bit strange.

In the holy and noble aura of divine power, there were also traces of a cold and bloody aura that was almost indiscernible, which reminded Zhou Zhang of the yellow-skinned Huang Daxian who pretended to be a god in the world of ghosts and gods.

However, relatively speaking, the cold and bloody aura emanating from this City God statue was far less than that of Huang Daxian.However, Zhou Zhang's cultivation level has improved several times compared to the time of the ghosts and gods. In addition, his physical body has reached the level of a real dragon. No matter how subtle his breath is, he can't escape Zhou Zhang's perception.

"The remnants of the world?"

Zhou Zhang's aura didn't hide, he just stepped into the City God Temple, hum!The eyes of the city god statue sitting above burst out with dazzling divine light, and a deafening majestic and angry voice sounded.

Then the statue seemed to come alive, with light shrouding its body, its big hand sticking out, and it instantly swelled to become huge, grabbing it towards Zhou Zhang under the hall.

Zhou Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he made a big move, boom!The lavender thunderbolt with thick arms suddenly appeared in the sky, and the body of the statue penetrated in an instant, and suddenly there was a terrified scream in the statue: "Damn the remnant"

Bang!The entire statue exploded in an instant, turning into smashing sand and gravel in the sky. A golden light wanted to escape from the smashed sand and gravel, but was grabbed by Zhou Zhang's big hand. The golden light reversed its direction and rushed into Zhou Zhang's. hand.

"what happened!!!"

"Master Chenghuang was shattered by lightning, my God!"

"Ah! Help!"

Immediately there was chaos in the Temple of the City God. In fact, the scene of the city god's appearance just now was invisible to their mortal eyes, but when they saw the thunder suddenly smashing the statue of the city god, everyone was immediately terrified.

There were also some unlucky ones who were close by, and were injured by the splattered gravel, even if it was only slightly injured, but when they saw blood gushing out from their foreheads, arms and legs, they could not help lying on the ground and wailing.

"What a daring spirit, it can't wait to strike before he can take action! Also, what does the remnant of the world mean? This sixth person who travels through the world is faintly weird!"

Zhou Zhang captured a trace of the remnant soul of the city god, and the soul search technique was suddenly activated, and his big hand flashed a ray of light that mortals could not see.

Chapter [-] Demon God Court

With the activation of the Soul Searching Technique, the golden light in Zhou Zhang's hand began to tremble violently, and a faint scream rang out in the golden light.

Then, scene after scene appeared in Zhou Zhang's mind, allowing Zhou Zhang to quickly understand the news about this world.

After a few breaths of time, the remnant soul aura in Zhou Zhang's hand that was similar to a snake completely dissipated, turning into little golden light that drifted away.

Zhou Zhang finally became clear about many situations in this world.

"The court of God rules the world, monsters harm all beings, and humans are kept in captivity. The human race in this world is actually at the bottom!"

After plundering the memories of this spooky city god, Zhou Zhang's complexion changed slightly, and he felt chills oozing out of his body.

According to the memory of this strange city god, Zhou Zhang can know.This world is a huge land, with a vast territory and many countries, big and small.In all directions of the land continent, it is called the endless sea, and there are all kinds of powerful and dangerous sea beasts.

On this continent, the human race is prosperous on the surface, but in fact all the rules of this world are under the control of the demon.

Hundreds of years ago, the demons captured the heavenly court of human cultivators, and in order to monitor the world, they re-established the divine court.This divine court rules the world, formulates rules, controls the rise and fall of dynasties, and harvests a large number of humans as blood food every year.

At the same time, in order to prevent the human race from fighting back, the court has been working hard to search for the remnants of the monks hidden in the world. Once discovered, they will be killed without mercy!

This is no wonder that this city god is in charge of the spirit, and when he senses Zhou Zhang's aura, he will be horrified and killed.

"People in the world don't know that the gods they worship and worship are actually a group of demons who keep them in captivity like livestock and are ready to harvest at any time."

At this time, Zhou Zhang's heart was cold, the truth of this world was too amazing.

In the world before Zhou Zhang, many people once put forward some ideas about parallel space.

They believe that there are countless parallel spaces in this world, and that time is like a big river, occasionally branching into tributaries, resulting in similar worlds with completely different endings.

In the world that Zhou Zhang had traveled through before, the legends about the heavenly court were all supreme and powerful beings that transcended the world.

But in this world, Heavenly Court was actually destroyed by demons, it was a horror.

However, the heaven in this world, of course, cannot be compared with the heaven in the world mythology before Zhou Zhang, where there are saints who are immortal and immortal in the background.

However, the Heavenly Court in this world also represents the most powerful cultivator force. They create the divine way, reward the good and punish the evil, and also represent the supreme divine authority.

But such a powerful force was destroyed, and the remaining human monks were chased and killed. The demons occupied the court of God, put on sacred clothes, and became a god who is aloof and enjoys all the offerings in the world.

All of this subverted Zhou Zhang's previous cognition.

Swish!At this moment, Zhou Zhang opened the system's page, and saw the sixth lavender world option on the option of crossing the world page finally appeared with the name: God's Court World!

The four-character dragon and phoenix, showing a faint brilliance, is simply deeply malicious, but the court of God is governed by demons, which must be said to be an irony.

"Bold remnants, dare to commit murder openly!"

"In broad daylight, killing a god is an unforgivable sin, kill!"

After Zhou Zhang glanced at the system, he immediately turned off the system's display page.At this moment, the Temple of the City God was already in a mess, and Zhou Zhang had no intention of staying. Just as he was about to leave, suddenly there were thunder-like angry voices in the sky.

These angry voices rang directly at the level of the soul, and mortals couldn't hear them at all, but they were clearly audible in the ears of cultivators.

Then, above the sky, there were three tall figures emitting a mighty light, and a sacred and solemn figure appeared.

If anyone is familiar with the statues of Nanzhou, they will definitely recognize that these three tall figures are the county god of Canglong County, and the civil and military judges around him.

The three gods sensed the sudden disappearance of the county god's breath, and without any hesitation, immediately turned into divine light and rushed to inspect.Just appeared in the sky above Nan'an City, the faces of these three gods changed greatly. They felt the residual breath of the human race cultivator's shot, and they immediately shouted angrily.

"Void Core Realm, Golden Core Realm!"

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