Zhou Zhang's brows wrinkled slightly when he sensed the auras of the three gods above the sky that were filled with dazzling divine light.

These gods seem to have a sacred breath, but they must often enjoy the blood of the human race, so even if their divine light is noble and holy, Zhou Zhang can feel the cold and bloody aura emanating from them.

But so soon there will be a Jindan realm jumping out, which is somewhat beyond Zhou Zhang's expectations.The next realm of Jindan Guixian is the Yang God.From the looks of it, they are only low- and middle-level terrestrial creatures. It seems that the energy level of this world is indeed much stronger than that of the previous world.

blah blah blah!

At this time, Zhou Zhang's figure slowly walked out of the lobby of the City God Temple, went to the direction of the patio, and looked up at the three gods above with a blank expression.

boom!Zhou Zhang's body stomped abruptly, and in an instant Huahong rose up into the sky, slaying the three gods.

Chapter [-] The Curse

In the void, a dazzling golden light flashed across in an instant.


"How dare you resist, ah"

In the sky, the three gods were even more furious when they saw the splendid golden light rushing towards them.

But before they could react, the golden light flashed away, and it was almost unbelievable. In an instant, three rumbling explosions sounded, and the rays of light splashed.The City God Lord and the civil and military judge, who were standing high in the sky, had not finished their angry shouts, and the body of the gods was instantly shattered and killed on the spot.

"Someone is flying in the sky, god, god!"

"I'm obedient, it seems that I flew up at the Temple of the City God. Could it be the thunder and lightning just now?"

"I beg the gods to bless my son with the title of Jinbang, and my daughter-in-law will give birth to a precious son early"

Zhou Zhang's figure didn't use any invisibility techniques at all. He rose into the sky and immediately caused a huge stir in the county below. Countless people all looked up, and then many people knelt on the ground. Pray up.

There are also some people who were in the Temple of the City God just now. They seem to think of something, and their scalps are numb. Could it be that the gods are fighting?

However, if the gods do not take the initiative to reveal their bodies, the mortal eyes will not be able to detect them at all.So even if they guessed something, they never thought that four gods had already died in the entire county today.

"Are you going to be targeted?"

After Zhou Zhang smashed the three gods to pieces, he could vaguely feel something on his body.

Then Zhou Zhang looked at the back of his hand, and he didn't know when, a blood-splattered divine mark appeared faintly, and it was the word "God".

Bang!The mana in Zhou Zhang's body slammed into the divine rune seal characters, but it didn't work at all, just like a natural birthmark, part of Zhou Zhang's flesh and blood.

"It's like some kind of curse, even the mana of the human and immortal perfection realm is difficult to clear. Then, try this again!"

Zhou Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly, the curse is the most bizarre and unpredictable, and can even involve the law in the dark.However, with the cultivation of these false gods, it is impossible to issue such a curse.

As soon as Zhou Zhang's words fell, his right hand changed greatly, and dark golden scales grew out, glowing with a metallic light.

The dragon energy of the real dragon rushed towards the back of the hand, and the faintly-appearing divine pattern instantly disintegrated, turned into a faint blood-colored evil energy, and dissipated in the air.

After clearing the ancient seal characters of the divine rune, the dragon scales in Zhou Zhang's big hands once again hibernated and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Zhou Zhang's figure suddenly turned into a rainbow light, plunged into the distance, and disappeared in an instant.

In fact, from Zhou Zhang's shot, to the removal of the imprint, it only took a few dozen breaths.

Zhou Zhang's figure just disappeared, boom!The whole world began to tremble, and above the sky, there was a splendid glow of glowing rays of the sun, and several tall figures exuding vast divine might appeared.

They were wearing golden armor, and their whole bodies were shrouded in the radiance. It was difficult to see their appearance, but their eyes were shining brightly, piercing the clouds and mist, and scanning all directions.

"The county city god and the civil and military judges have all been killed, why is there no breath of chasing and killing talismans!"

"Where is the Nanzhou City God, hurry up and investigate!"

These several gods oppressed the sky, standing high above, overlooking the entire area, and at the same time using magic techniques, they did not sense the trace of the murderer.

Immediately, a golden-armored god who took the lead had a cold face and shouted in a low voice.

"Heavenly official, the lower official is here! Go and find out the truth now!"

Accompanied by the lightness and dissatisfaction of these gods, in the void, a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe, an official hat, and a slightly wealthy state walked out. The ghost of the armor followed.

After the Nanzhou City God brought the ghost messenger to salute the gods above the sky, he immediately flew down to the county town below with a group of his subordinates.

At this time, in the entire county, there were still many people kneeling on the ground and praying. Even if the others did not kneel, they were full of shock and awe, and there were many discussions.

They couldn't see those gods appearing, but after seeing Zhou Zhang fly away, it was as if the pot had exploded, and they had a heated discussion.

However, after Nanzhou City God led his subordinates to fly down, a faint mist rose up in the entire county, and all the people's expressions became dull. Like puppets, they were fixed in place, and their memories began. were searched one by one.

It didn't take long for the fog to dissipate, and everyone didn't know what happened just now. They were still continuing their previous actions, kneeling down, kneeling down, discussions and discussions, bustling.

"My lord, it's Yu Nie's hand, and his strength should not be underestimated, that county city god has no power to resist!"

Nanzhou City God quickly stepped forward to return to his life, and used a technique to describe the appearance of Zhou Zhang that he had seen from everyone's memory.

"These remnants of the world, after so many years, have been sneaking around like the rats in the ditch, and have almost been chased and killed, and now they have even cultivated the existence of the Immortal Yang Divine Realm.

And they actually know how to clear the chase?Go on the order, hunt down this man all over the world, let these ants understand that any resistance will be futile! "

Jinjia Tianshen, who took the lead, saw that Nanzhou City God used magic to deduce what happened just now, his face was cold, and his voice was extremely desolate.

"Here, my lord!"

"I'll go down and make arrangements now!"

The gods and city gods behind the Jinjia Tianshen all knelt down one after another, with grim faces, and took over the oracle issued by the deity.

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