Then a golden light was nailed to his chest, and then it exploded like a cannonball. The sharp rotating spearhead formed a whirlwind like a tornado. A puddle of mud, then turned into dust and flew away.

"Take it!" Zhou Zhang waved his hand coldly, without even looking at the pool of rotten meat, he flew towards his three daughters.

The crowd below fell into an almost carnival level, and roared excitedly: "God King, God King is invincible!"

"God King, I want to give birth to a child for you."

"Fuck off, look at your ugly face of size 42, and still have a child? The wife of the Lord God must be an extremely beautiful woman, so, Lord God, I have a sister"

"Lord God King, you are too powerful, I really kneel down for you, can you accept me as a disciple!"

Zhou Zhang looked indifferent, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, no matter what people said, he nodded slightly, without refuting or talking, he flew all the way to the second-story building, then bent over and jumped in, asking: "Jingteng The information passed to me is also a few fragments, there is no complete information, who of you can say what happened?"

It's just that the three women inside don't have Zhou Zhang's stable mentality. The three of them are about to explode, and none of them will answer his question properly. Like three streams of light, they slammed into Zhou Zhang's body, wishing they could integrate into him. body in general.

"You're finally back, worrying about me to death."

"Just come back, just come back!"

"You seem to be stronger, and your momentum seems to have a little more of a king's demeanor."

Zhou Zhang also smiled helplessly. Seeing that these three girls have also suffered these days, he also understands that sometimes women are not as rational as men. The three girls embraced each other and said with a smile, "In a while, I will find a world that is absolutely safe for you, so that you can live happily and without the slightest worry."

The three girls, the three beautiful faces like Yu lifted up, looked at Zhou Zhang's face, and said in unison, "It's good to have you!"

Chapter [-]: The Roots of Changes in the End Times

Zhou Zhang actually sighed more than once, how kind God treats him, others are lucky to have one of his wives, but he has got all of them, and he is fully entrusted to himself, love to the core, It is simply boundless happiness.

Zhou Zhang has never denied that he is a scum, at least emotionally a scum. He can't end it from the beginning, and he has never thought of comforting himself with the words "I'll be nice to everyone". It's scum, he never denied it, just wanted a clear conscience.

In fact, Zhou Zhang is a very egoistic person. He never asks for the approval of others, but only asks for a clear conscience and walks the world with his head held high.

So, if nothing else, Zhou Zhang will have many wives. Of course, to be more precise, as a person who has crossed countless worlds, and each world is the top powerhouse, his wives seem to be a little less. For the real powerhouse, the wife has already become an accessory, as long as they are willing, thousands of them are not a bad idea.

It's just that Zhou Zhang was born a human after all, and he is more interested in a relationship, but it's just that it's no longer one and the same!

This kind of temperament, as a man who can make women love deeply, is not a bad thing for a woman who falls in love with him, it is better than Yang Guo, Yang Guo is like this, but he is always from the end, some kind To a certain extent, Yang Guo is indeed better, but, at the very least, Zhou Zhang will never give up an evaluation of Yang Guo's life by mistake.

As long as I can put myself right as a wife, I am really happy to have Zhou Zhang to protect her.

At least, that's what the three women think now. The three really don't think about anything at this time. First, they buried their heads in Zhou Zhang's arms, or sobbed softly, or stared blankly at Zhou Zhang's cheeks, or squinted slightly. Eyes, greedily sucked the smell of his body, and then, the three seemed to be crazy.

The three women actually carried Zhou Zhang alive, carried it to the nearest room, and then threw it onto a large bed, and then three tigresses rushed to eat, holding Zhou Zhang down, and then the pieces of clothes flew all over the place. , the colors of white as jade are intertwined, and then there is a burst of passion.

Zhou Zhang seemed to be able to feel the excitement in their hearts, so he simply let go of his resistance and let them still exert his power. However, Zhou Zhang was a superpower who was about to enter the quasi-saint level, even if he didn't resist, the first one who couldn't hold it was still. The girls, and there were three of them, involuntarily Zhou Zhang still had the upper hand.

After some ruthless whipping, Zhou Zhang was still leaning on the head of the bed refreshed. The two girls, Big and Little Yu, were already tired and collapsed by the bed. The happy and fulfilling smile is extraordinarily beautiful, but a little tired.

Xu Qingjing was lying in Zhou Zhang's arms, her fingers gently circled in circles, she still had some energy, but she glanced at Zhou Zhang with some resentment, and sighed: "I really don't know how you are so strong, I'm a little afraid of being alone with you. You are together."

Zhou Zhang smiled slightly, without explaining too much. In fact, he was not too happy. It would be good for men to be strong in this respect. Being strong in perverts is actually not a good thing. However, it is very helpless. Not only the pure blood of Yinglong, but also the bloodline that is infinitely close to the first generation of Yinglong.

Then it was helpless, it was simply too strong and not like a human being, or in other words, it was not human at all. After laughing, Zhou Zhang asked softly, "What happened?"

Xu Qingjing's eyes dimmed slightly, but before she could speak, Zhou Zhang said in a low voice, "Your choice is right. If I lose any of you, I will go crazy, and I will never fail."

Xu Qingjing's eyes trembled slightly, she looked up at Zhou Zhang's face that seemed to be indifferent, the corners of her mouth curled up, her smile was extremely beautiful, she really loved this person.

"This time, it's not really a disaster. Although a lot of people died, we also have a lot of people."

"Yeah!" Zhou Zhang nodded lightly, motioning her to continue speaking, but his divine sense had already spread out. After a period of cultivation in the previous world, he finally released his consciousness into a divine sense, and was able to communicate and comprehend the world. , but, after all, it is his own cultivation, the process is slow, and he will not be able to achieve the power of his own consciousness condensed into a body for a while.

However, it is enough to do some early warning protection. Although the details are not clear, in fact, Zhou Zhang has basically understood what happened through Jingteng, so this prevention is very necessary.

Xu Qingjing didn't understand, there was a flash of fear in her eyes, and she whispered: "After five days of your retreat, the whole world suddenly changed dramatically, countless zombies formed a corpse tide, and began to madly attack the gathering place of human beings. Moreover, it is very organized, so most of the human gathering places collapsed."

"Moreover, there are several incomparably powerful mutant zombies, and even some mutant creatures. However, this also reminds me that this is how I can escape at a critical moment."

"Among the zombies attacking our base, you killed the one, and there are many mutant zombies, but I don't know why they didn't chase after them."

Zhou Zhang patted her shoulder gently, his eyes glowing with cold light, and whispered: "It's not that I didn't chase after her, but I lost my way, so I'm coming now!"

"Ah?" Xu Qingjing raised her head, a little confused, but saw that Zhou Zhang had already taken out a set of pure white clothes from the carry-on space, put them on, and ordered, "You guys sleep peacefully, I'll be back when I go. "

"Be careful"

"Don't worry, little zombie, you can't hurt me in the slightest!" Zhou Zhang flicked his sleeves, his white clothes were better than snow, and his pupils were full of boundless confidence, as if radiating light, he bent down, kissed Xu Qingjing gently, and smiled slightly , the figure instantly disappeared in place.

Xu Qingjing's eyes were slightly demented, and she looked obsessively at the place where Zhou Zhang disappeared. The whole person seemed to be in a certain state, her eyes were curved: "It's so addicting!" There's even a little more love-crazy quality.

Of course, Zhou Zhang himself did not know this. In fact, although he thought that he had not changed, in fact, with the step-by-step improvement of his strength and status, his own xinxing and personality were changing little by little, becoming more perfect and more perfect. .

Especially when he is strong, Zhou Zhang, as a human being, has a little more love for his wife. These two qualities come together to form Zhou Zhang's unique charm.

Chapter three hundred and seventy-three zombies of horror evolution

Two steep mountain peaks, the cliffs seem to be cut off by people, the mountain walls are smooth and straight, a small canyon is surrounded in the middle, and behind is a huge freshwater lake, sparkling, causing the valley to be warm in spring and cool in summer. With a pleasant climate, it has to be said that this is an excellent place to live.

I don't know whether it is Xu Qingjing's luck or Zhou Zhang's better luck. Anyway, this place is really suitable for living and it is very suitable for developing forces.

Zhou Zhang is very satisfied with this place. Of course, most people will be very satisfied, but at this moment, many people who are building houses are looking up and looking out of the valley, their eyes are full of despair. These guys actually caught up here, this is the real apocalypse!It doesn't give anyone any chance of living.

A group of black dots flew densely in the sky. From a distance, it looked like some kind of bird. However, when you got close, you would feel the scalp tingling and the teeth chattering. It was a group of extremely ugly zombies, a kind of Flying mutant zombies.

The whole body was covered in flesh with burst blood vessels, and it was almost impossible to see the appearance of a human being. The tattered clothes were stained with sticky blood and brain pulp, forming a black and stinky color, and his arms had completely changed. Now, Bai Sensen's bones broke through the muscles and skin, forming a pair of bone wings.

Some zombies are obviously new mutations, and the broken muscles and skin are still dripping with blood and debris, looking terrifying and disgusting, but the speed of these things is extremely fast, almost reaching the level of the speed of sound, Like the wind and lightning, it flew to the top of the valley in an instant.

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