Moreover, not only these, there are also some flexible black shadows jumping close to the ground, they are like mutant monkeys, their bodies are covered with dense pale green scales, sharp-mouthed and fangs, and they will stop and roar from time to time. A sound, the sound penetrates the sky, making people tremble.

Countless people were already a little desperate when they saw this scene. If they had changed it, they would have given up their resistance, but now, someone threw away the tools in their hands and roared: "The Lord God is here, Let's run, as long as the Lord God comes out, these disgusting things will be killed in an instant."

Everyone woke up when they heard his voice, and ran to the center of the valley with a roar.

"Yes! Lord God King is here, we just need to survive."

"Run! Wait for the Lord of the Gods to come."

The existence of Zhou Zhang is the only hope left in their hearts, like a prayer to the gods!

Zhou Zhang didn't let them down either. In a few flashes, he had already reached the front of the valley. His consciousness spread, searching for something inch by inch. According to his own understanding, if nothing else happened, there would definitely be zombies that had evolved extraordinary wisdom. , Catch the thief first catch the king, although killing these mutant zombies is very important, but killing the thing behind it is more important.

But, unfortunately, Zhou Zhang's consciousness spread for more than ten miles, and he searched every inch of the land, but he still couldn't find the commander.


With a loud cry, countless flying corpses rushed towards Zhou Zhang frantically, their eyes were red, and at the same time they opened their bloody mouths. Taste the deliciousness of human flesh.

Zhou Zhang swept over it coldly. It was a bit of a pity. These things don't even have will or even soul. Longwei, which is used for group attacks, is useless. However, it doesn't matter. These things are terrible for the body. If so, I am afraid it is not as good as Wu Sheng, and it is not dangerous.

"Da Ri Yan Hua Yin, Bai Lan Ye!"

The little stars cracked and surrounded Zhou Zhang. The rays of light were splendid and beautiful, but they had a cold murderous intent, and then the spots of light all evolved, turning into leaves the size of a slap, the leaves were pale blue, The texture on it is clear like a real leaf, but it has a metallic texture, giving people a very weird feeling.

This is an attack that Zhou Zhang evolved from being one of the few sentient beings, and it can also be regarded as one of the few group attack skills. Although it is not as handsome and sturdy as Longwei, it is very good for killing people.


As the words came out, Zhou Zhang waved his fingers gently, and the spotted leaves danced up and down. Suddenly, the beautiful picture scroll turned into a terrifying killing formation. The leaves were flying and incomparably sharp.


Almost a dozen deformed zombies were cut into pieces in the sound of a sound. It was even finer than the minced meat. However, apart from the disgusting and tingling appearance of zombies, the real The scary thing is that predatory instinct is like a biological instinct, there is no fear of retreating at all.

The leaves are flying, and the zombies are constantly cut into pieces. The whole sky seems to be raining with blood and bones, but it seems that there are more and more things.

Zhou Zhang killed hundreds of them, but when he looked up, not only did the dense black spots in front of him not decrease, but it seemed to be more, like an endless wave, Zhou Zhang was also ruthless, and he couldn't kill them today. This stuff is over.

As soon as consciousness moved, one third of the energy in the body was immediately extracted, and hundreds of blue leaves appeared in the surrounding area, and the shape was much larger than that at the beginning, like a washbasin, and it was clearer. Real, and then dribbled like a spinning top.

A stream of light flashed, and these hundred blue leaves were like broken bamboo. Each piece would dissipate after more than ten zombies were split. Then, a hundred blue leaves would appear next to Zhou Zhang again, and then another round. reunion.

Zhou Zhang stood in the center, and no zombie could approach within ten meters of Zhou Zhang. His figure was like a pine tree standing proudly above the sky, and every time his fingers swayed, there would be light blooming, and it was a powerful mess.

The people below are already dumbfounded, and they look like they are looking at a fairy.

The above zombies just slaughtered their shelter not long ago. They are as powerful as a nightmare. If you want to kill any one, you need to spend more than ten lives, almost killing them. The only thing fortunate is that, This kind of case is not like ordinary zombies all over the street.

Because of this, if someone can kill this kind of flying corpse single-handedly, they are already regarded as heroes that people admire. However, at this moment, looking at the sky, I feel that those powerful flying corpses are like mosquitoes. Putting it into the fire, let alone letting the flame go out, it is a miracle that the flame does not rise even higher.

At this moment, there is only one thought in everyone's mind, this is God!

Chapter [-] Tentacle Corpse King


A sudden scream woke everyone up, a crack suddenly opened in the ground of the valley, and then a pair of sticky tentacle-like claws stretched out, clasping a civilian's chest tightly, and while he screamed, With a puff, it pierced through, and then the man was pulled into the crack.

Then there was a terrifying, gnashing sound of teeth fighting. That person didn't even have to look to know that he must have been eaten by unknown creatures.

Suddenly, a panic spread, and everyone couldn't care less about being shocked, and ran to the depths of the valley, and some people who knew something shouted: "Everyone, get away quickly, that is the tentacles. Corpse King, he is omniscient and elusive, leave a hundred meters away."

However, just when people panicked, Zhou Zhang in the sky didn't even turn his head back. He stretched out his right index finger, and a small ball of light floated on his fingertips. Zhou Zhang whispered softly: "Da Ri Yan Hua Yin, sub-unit bombs." Then his finger pointed to In the next swing, the light group in his hand fell like a meteor.

The crowd below has been completely chaotic. This is the end of the world. Human nature and morality are degraded. Everyone only thinks about their own lives, so they can take care of other things. They crowded each other and rushed to the depths of the valley. At this moment, there was a gap in the front, and then seven or eight sticky tentacles came out, and two more people were pulled down in an instant.

Suddenly, the crowd was completely sluggish, blocking the front and back, could it be that he and others died like this?

However, this is the end of the world after all, and most of the people who can live to this time are considered relatively firm minds, and suddenly someone shouted: "While the tentacle corpse king in front is swallowing, everyone flee, if anyone is unlucky , then it can only be bad luck, everyone should seek more blessings for themselves!"

This sentence seems to be said again, whoever runs slowly, or who is unlucky, don't blame the brothers for pushing you down and delaying time.

However, before the group could react, Zhou Zhang's golden light had already landed on the top of his head. The golden light evolved rapidly and suddenly divided into two large pieces and three small pieces. The big golden light evolved into a fist-sized bead. , with a glazed pattern engraved on it, but it was suspended in the sky and motionless, but the two smaller ones fell into the crack, one after the other.


The earthquake trembled, and then a large piece of golden light sputtered out from the gap between the cracks. Along with the golden light came some sticky minced meat, as well as the blood of the big tent, and then two sticky corpses were shaken out. In the meantime, the two tentacle corpse kings were obliterated.

Moreover, the golden light gathered but did not disperse, forming a huge light curtain with the beads suspended on it as the center, covering everyone in it, and at the same time, Zhou Zhang's voice also passed down: "No need to panic, as long as If you don't leave the range of the light curtain, there won't be too much danger."


Everyone took a deep breath and looked up at the man whose clothes were flying like a drop of immortals. The admiration in his eyes almost formed a substantial light, which was like a patron saint. At the same time, Zhou Zhang flicked his finger , a ray of light swept across and flew to the open space in front of the lake at the end of the valley, and then an explosion also formed a light curtain, shrouding Zhou Zhang's loyal subordinates in it.

It is also considered to be a commoner who is powerless, but Zhou Zhang's subordinates have not made a single scream until now, which is the difference.

Zhou Zhang glanced down at the panicked and admiring crowd, shook his head slightly, a little disappointed, he is not a saint, if these people don't grow up after giving them a chance, they can only be left in the position of cannon fodder to fend for themselves, but, As long as someone wants to grow up, Zhou Zhang doesn't mind giving him a chance.

However, looking at it now, these newly recruited subjects are really not very good. Of course, they are more or less accustomed to the survival of the apocalypse, but because of this, Zhou Zhang will be even more disappointed.

As a leader, there is absolutely no benevolence of women, but as a subordinate, Zhou Zhang wants only those who are kind, loyal, and courageous. For the time being, these people do not meet the standard.

After casually protecting them, Zhou Zhang's eyes fell on the flying corpse that seemed to be endless, and his brows were slightly wrinkled. Although these things couldn't do any damage to him at all, they were very annoying. The number of Wuyangyang simply does not know when it will end.

Under the cover of this tactic of fighting the sea of ​​​​people, even himself has some headaches.

Moreover, at this moment, those steel monkey-like zombies slammed into the golden light shield. After finding that they couldn't break it, they turned their eyes one by one, then climbed to the top of the tree, and rushed towards Zhou Zhangsheng. Their jumping power is extremely terrifying, and they can be dozens of feet high in one jump.

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