He was almost able to touch the soles of Zhou Zhang's feet. Zhou Zhang lowered his head and glanced coldly. These iron monkeys seemed to be a little stronger than the flying corpses, but they didn't have the ability to fly, so ignore them for the time being, but Zhou Zhang But somehow I hate these mutant zombies.

With a cold snort, he simply extracted [-]% of his body's strength, lifted his right foot and stepped down heavily.

"Dari Yanhua Seal, Golden God Battle Armor."

Accompanied by the words and the sound of cracking in the air, a large piece of golden light sputtered out from the sole of Zhou Zhang's feet, like a round of small suns appearing below, forming a dozen or so before stopping. Split, and then golden light surged, evolving into figures with morale like rainbows.

The Dao Ran cultivator with a sluggish look like a soulless walking corpse, broke his arm and politely rejected Jin Liangyu, the city lord of Jincheng, who Zhou Zhang helped him to succeed him, and Qingluan, the hero of Qingcheng women's middle school, and of course, the city lord of Baicheng. , Heicheng City Lord, anyway, some powerful figures Zhou Zhang have evolved.

Since he understood the power of his practice, Zhou Zhang's first goal was to focus on his subordinates, and it was always easier to observe them. warriors, but could not have the power of their own.

However, under the blessing of Zhou Zhang's power, they were more than enough to deal with these iron monkeys.

And this scene shocked everyone below. If you think Zhou Zhang is like a fairy at first, then at this moment, you are already convinced that Zhou Zhang is a fairy. Immortal means, but isn't it happening in front of you now?

"When you step on the air, the golden-armored god of war will come out. The Lord God King will not be the legendary Taishang Laojun down to earth!"

Chapter [-] found you


Zhou Zhang waved his hand lightly, gave an order, and then spread out his consciousness to find the controller behind the scenes. Now he is [-]% sure that some zombies have evolved wisdom to command the back. The attacks of these things are too well-organized, although they are still Not to mention the battle formation, but there is definitely a trace of command.

This made him have to care. Of course, the most important thing is that he can't continue like this. Although his recovery ability is invincible, this is the end of the world after all. The energy that can be absorbed is very small, and the recovery speed is naturally greatly reduced. As soon as several methods are used, even if he has been absorbing and recovering, Zhou Zhang has only fifty percent of the energy left in his body at this time.

To avoid accidents, Zhou Zhang had to keep at least [-]% of his energy to protect his body, so he had to speed up his pace. Zhou Zhang stepped on the void and pushed forward a little bit, while the flying corpse on the opposite side attacked even more frantically.

And following Zhou Zhang's order, the figures that appeared below all responded in unison: "Follow the order."

In fact, they do not have the soul and the ability to think for themselves. After all, Zhou Zhang's Great Sun Evolution Seal is far from reaching this terrifying level. Now they are only in shape, but they also understand some simple things like robots. single command.

The golden-armored warrior who turned into a Dao Ran cultivator was the first to start, turning into a black light and hitting a tin monkey. I saw a hole in the chest and back of the tin monkey in an instant, but, with The normal body is different, it actually made a sound of gold and iron clashing, and then the iron-skinned monkey roared, opened its mouth without fear, and bit the shoulders of the golden armored warrior with a mouth full of fangs.


The mouth full of fangs shattered, but it also tore off a piece of golden light, the fierceness of this iron monkey can be seen.

Fortunately, this is just Zhou Zhang's attacking move. The evolved warrior, the golden light weakened for a moment, then solidified again, and then the golden armored warrior lifted his hand, and the dark weapon in his hand was lifted with his strength, and the iron-skinned monkey was lifted. The upper body was cut into two halves, and immediately, a drop of green blood splattered.

And the iron-skinned monkey was still alive, roaring and grabbing his intestines and wrapped around the neck of the golden armored warrior, pulling it hard, the intestines burst, and the iron-skinned monkey died completely.

However, there seems to be some corrosive liquid in the intestines, and it corrodes a large area of ​​golden light. If this is an ordinary person, I am afraid that the neck will be broken. This is the terrible thing about zombies. The dead warriors should not be afraid of death, or in other words, they have no concept of death at all, only attack and attack.

Even Zhou Zhang had to stop for a while, turned his head and glanced here, fortunately he had cultivated the terrifying and tyrannical cultivation technique of the Great Sun Evolution Seal, otherwise, he would be alone in this world that lacks power to absorb. Fighting with these gangs of zombies is really a little dangerous.

However, they are still too weak.


The void trembled, and the remaining dozen or so golden armored warriors turned into rays of light of different colors and crashed into the group of iron monkeys. The zombies did not know what death was, but the golden armored warriors were more thorough than them, and the golden light was mixed. Splashed with blood, this is simply the most terrifying battle without any screams and no one flinching.

Being brave and not afraid of death is no longer enough to describe this battle, it is simply fighting for life, but one side is energy evolution, and the other side is a flesh and blood body, even if it is very hard, even if they are zombies.

"This is completely the existence of two worlds! Lord God King is definitely a fairy."

"I have also heard that some large-scale resettlement areas have evolved humans. They are unparalleled. I originally thought that the Lord God King was at most similar to them, but now, it seems that it is simply heaven and earth, and I dare to say that they absolutely do not have this. terrifying power."

"That's right, I've seen those strong people who have evolved. We have a team of people like this in our resettlement area, but when the corpse tide hit, they didn't even care about escaping, let alone escape. Speaking of resistance, they are really incomparable with Lord God King."

"I have decided that I want to join the Taiyi Sect, and I want to become the most loyal servant of Lord God King."

To put it in a fashionable way, the Golden Armor is so terrifying.

However, Zhou Zhang just glanced at it and ignored the situation over there. It was just a group of mutant zombies, and it was worth his attention. However, the fierce appearance of the iron monkey, especially the attack with its intestines around its neck at the end, seemed a little bit. Wisdom, I am a little surprised by this.

At this time, more attention should still be placed on the thing behind.

Thinking of this, the Xuanfeng Lei Tianjue in Zhou Zhang's body turned rapidly, and one of the wind power was integrated into his consciousness, converting part of his consciousness into divine consciousness. Incredibly, Zhou Zhang's consciousness expanded for a hundred miles immediately, and then Zhou Zhang's eyes lit up and whispered, "I found you."

The mountains and rivers on both sides of this canyon are not a small mountain, but a continuous mountain range. This is not a suburb close to the city, but a real mountain forest. Almost all the mountains and rivers in the hundred-mile space are connected end to end.

On a small hill about [-] to [-] miles away from the valley, there are craggy rocks and a lot of weeds. It looks like the atmosphere of the end of the world. There are many tatters in the mountain stream. But still wandering zombies, at this time, this style of zombies is already weak to the extent that it can almost be ignored.

The top of the mountain is surrounded by a small circle. Several mutant zombies like tin monkeys protect the middle. There are many flying corpses cruising back and forth, and a young man is sitting cross-legged in the center below. His complexion is pale. He closed his eyes and lowered his hands, as if it were already a corpse.


The air vibrated, Zhou Zhang's wings slowly stopped stirring, but a person had already appeared in front of the young man, looking down at this thing, although it looked like a normal person, but his face was slightly pale, but he could smell a strong smell from him. The rotten smell, even with a lot of perfume, still can't cover up this kind of smell.

"I found you!" Zhou Zhang sneered: "I didn't expect that it has evolved to look like this, almost no different from ordinary people. Could it be that zombies will evolve and come back to life?"

When the young man heard the words, he did not move like a bell. He still hung his head, lowered his hands, and closed his eyes, as if it were a real corpse.

Chapter [-] Zhou Zhang's Worries

Zombies, whether mutated or not, to be precise, they are definitely dead. Even if they have mutated and have powerful powers, they are still human corpses in essence. However, the zombies in this world are obviously unusable. Common sense to infer.

However, no matter how it changes and evolves, it is almost impossible to completely hide from Zhou Zhang's eyes. This young man's body exudes a strong smell of decay.


The surrounding iron monkeys started instantly and stepped on the pits one after another. They rushed up, and the flying corpses hovering in the sky also fell straight down like a crash, and the sound of hunting was heard.

Zhou Zhang didn't even look at it, he just looked down at the young man, and said coldly, "I originally wanted to see if you could talk, but now it seems that there is no need for it. If you don't speak to stop these zombies, I will let you go. The newly evolved wisdom vanishes."

Hearing Zhou Zhang's words, the young man's body trembled obviously, and he couldn't hold it any longer. He raised his head and opened his eyes, his eyes were blood red, but his eyes were not as chaotic and dull as ordinary zombies, and he opened his mouth and spat out a difficult word. :"kill!"


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