In the surrounding sky, the flying corpse and the iron corpse move faster.

Zhou Zhang's expression turned cold: "Looking for death!" Judging from the tough voice of this zombie, even if he has wisdom, he has not reached the level of being able to communicate. Suddenly, it burst like a watermelon, red and white spattered all over the ground, and it was faintly visible that there seemed to be some maggots crawling inside, which was very disgusting.

Zhou Zhang would rather fight an evenly matched enemy than have any physical contact with these zombies, which is really disgusting.

With Zhou Zhang's kick, the effect is very obvious. The flying corpse and iron corpse, which seemed to be very well-organized at first, turned into a mess in an instant, and it became messy. However, their instinct in zombies was still chaotic and moved towards Zhou Zhangyong. When he came over, some of the formations that were neat and tidy couldn't hurt Zhou Zhang, let alone at this moment.

The black and white wings on the back flickered lightly, and invisible ripples spread out, like a steel knife. In an instant, the iron monkey that rushed up shot out a line of sparks, which were knocked out, and then the light wings Instigated again, a huge tornado was set off, and the iron corpses were rolled up into the sky, and in an instant, the sound of dense raindrops hammering iron was heard, and the tinkling was heard.

Then Zhou Zhang stretched out his fingers and raised them slightly.

"Da Ri Yan Hua Yin, Bai Lan Ye!"

It seemed that spring water with light spots had seeped out from the ground, gathered around Zhou Zhang's side, and then formed leaves as large as a human head. The rhizomes on the blue leaves were clearly visible and lifelike.

"whoosh whoosh"

Like countless flying monkeys, it lifted into the sky in an instant, and there were countless sounds of breaking the air. In an instant, those flying corpses that fell were cut into countless fine and dense fragments, no matter whether it was internal organs or bones, nothing could resist, and then Once again, the tornado caused by the light wing was swept up into the sky.

Zhou Zhang flicked the corner of his clothes, his white clothes surpassed the snow, and he walked down the mountain without being stained with dust.

Killing all the way, Zhou Zhang treated zombies with no mercy at all. As long as you can see and obliterate everything, this thing is already completely dead, and there is no mercy.


The violent tornado actually dug up half of the hill, the collapse of the hill caused a huge shock, and the dust was flying, but it was also fanned by the light wings behind Zhou Zhang, and there was not a trace of dust and gravel on the body.

In fact, wearing white clothes is also a powerful performance, because if you are weaker, let alone white clothes in a battle, red clothes can be dyed redder for you, black clothes can be dyed blacker, even in battle In the end, if the clothes are still intact, they can be regarded as strong. To be able to wear white clothes and not be stained with dust is a self-confidence and strong performance.

Of course, it is more likely to like it, although he doesn't care about most of the colors, only the ones he hates and the white he likes the most. Therefore, as long as it is not necessary, Zhou Zhang is always dressed in white.

At this time, the top of the hill was a complete apocalyptic scene. Half of the hill was pulled up by tornadoes, mud and rocks were flying, trees and flesh were torn apart, and the iron corpses inside collided with each other or were smashed by messy things. It was crackling like firecrackers.

However, it was obviously not enough to tear those green scales in case. Zhou Zhang stood in the middle of the mountain with a flick of his hand and killed a few ordinary zombies that were swaying towards this side, and then looked at the zombies in front of him. Several black dots flickered from time to time in the terrifying tornado, looking a little surprised.

"What will this world be like!"

Even Zhou Zhang felt a faint sense of fear at this time. The change in this world is too terrifying. These iron corpses can be so hard. Zhou Zhang even doubts that there are really people in this world other than himself who can kill them. Mutated Iron Corpse?

Although from the results, Zhou Zhang still killed these mutant zombies in a crushing situation, but Zhou Zhang's cultivation has been improved by a whole level!This time, in the world of gods, I have crossed five small realms and one big realm!

It has directly crossed from the Jinxian Elementary to the Daluo Jinxian Great Perfection Realm. It can even be said that Zhou Zhang is completely reborn. Now Zhou Zhang can madly abuse the [-] himself before. This increase in strength, even if it is used to it. Zhou Zhang, who was rapidly improving, had to sigh in horror.

However, when he came back to this world, Zhou Zhang still felt a little bit of trouble. What does this mean?

That is the world of a month. The change of this world is almost similar to the speed of his own improvement. What a terrifying thing!Although it can still be crushed now, but what about a month later?

It is completely conceivable that as long as Zhou Zhang's improvement speed is a little slower, or if the world changes a little more drastically, then it is very likely that there will be mutant zombies or mutant creatures that Zhou Zhang can't beat. Moreover, this is not an alarmist, it is very likely.

Even, with the improvement of strength, Zhou Zhang was more cautious, because he felt that he still could not feel the limit of the energy poured down from that unknown world, that world was still mysterious and vast to him. , as if nothing had changed.

Zhou Zhang still felt that he was facing that world like a boat on the sea.

However, Zhou Zhang has been completely reborn, so it can only be said that the unknown world is extremely terrifying.

Chapter [-] Do you still want to hide?

Zhou Zhang was suspended in front of the small hill, and the tornado caused in front of him had gradually weakened. Zhou Zhang did not stir up the wind again. The rocks, trees, weeds, soil, etc. inside were all torn to powder. The gust of wind that Zhou Zhang's light wings rolled up had terrifying power.

However, those tin monkeys were almost unscathed. As the tornado dissipated, the tin monkeys fell heavily on the unrecognizable hill, and then rushed towards Zhou Zhang again, as long as they could smell the breath of strangers , they will recklessly attack, attack, until the complete death position.

Zhou Zhang finally looked at the sky, the sky and the earth, everything seemed to be unchanged, but he could feel the power of the world contained in the air, which was getting stronger and stronger, but he still couldn't feel this energy. where is the limit.

This is a completely different power system. Zhou Zhang’s practice is still the Taoist prehistoric system, but this world is a kind of genetic evolution, so Zhou Zhang does not know what the final form of this evolution will look like. It's just that the evolution speed of those terrifying zombies in this world is a little worried.

However, for the time being, this worry will not be relieved. However, Zhou Zhang took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and turned this worry into a driving force to improve his strength as soon as possible. As long as he maintains the speed of improving his strength, then Whatever terrifying enemy dangers lie ahead, there is nothing to fear.

"Alas! After all, I still have to touch my hands, these zombies are so disgusting!"

With a sigh, Zhou Zhang landed and smashed a hill, and his whole body turned into a streamer and rushed towards the dozen or so tin monkeys.

"Dari Yanhua Seal, cover the magic gun!"

With Zhou Zhang's loud shout, light flashed in Zhou Zhang's right hand, and a golden long spear appeared in Zhou Zhang's hand. This spear was completely different from the javelin that Zhou Zhang had used before. Unreal, and the gun head can be rotated, which increases the explosive power.

But this one only has the characteristics of being sharp and hard.


The air seemed to be on fire. A tin monkey, which was unscathed in the tornado, was shot through the head by Zhou Zhang. Then Zhou Zhang shouted, picked him up, and plunged into it fiercely. The head of another tin monkey.

In front of this long spear, their hardness seems to no longer exist, and it is not much different from that tofu.

After piercing the four iron monkeys, Zhou Zhang shook the barrel of the gun forcefully, and suddenly a terrifying might erupted, and all the heads burst open at the same time, but Zhou Zhang didn't even look at it, instead he took the spear and rushed towards the next iron. monkey.

"Even though you may evolve to a terrifying level, you are still ants now."

Zhou Zhang shouted loudly, and with a flick of the spear, the shaft shook the air, and smashed a tin monkey into pieces flying in the sky, but the tip of the spear trembled slightly. It was like a living creature revelling, this is a real war gun.

Initially, it is extremely sharp, and it will become more and more sharp with killing. Although Zhou Zhang has never liked the word killing, this gun is undoubtedly the most powerful weapon that Zhou Zhang can see now. , So, Zhou Zhang evolved him without a doubt.


The dozen or so tin monkeys could not pose any danger to Zhou Zhang at all. After smashing the last three tin monkeys, Zhou Zhang threw the spear out of his hand as soon as he raised his hand. It was already sticky and stained with a lot of disgusting liquid. , Zhou Zhang will definitely not withdraw this kind of power back into the body.

Although he killed all the tin monkeys, Zhou Zhang's expression was not too relaxed, and he looked to the side lightly: "Are you still going to hide?" The young zombie who was obviously dressed up was full of flaws. , that thing doesn't look like it has wisdom.

Zhou Zhang's eyes fell on the slope not far away, where there were several ordinary zombies wandering around. It is faintly circled around one of them.

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