"I've said so many things, you're not going to answer me a few words?" Zhou Zhang looked even colder, staring at the zombie he identified: "Don't you know that your zombies don't have consciousness, I made such a big movement here just now, as long as it is an ordinary zombie, it will rush over, how can it be wandering at will!"

Obviously, one of the zombies on the opposite side has wisdom that surpasses his companions, and may even be a spiritual evolution. However, his wisdom is not enough to surpass Zhou Zhang. Hearing Zhou Zhang's words, all the zombies stopped at the same time. Then the middle one shoved the intestines wrapped around his legs back into his stomach at will.

"Trouble, don't call me your zombies, I really don't want to be a zombie, it's so disgusting."

The words are eloquent, and although the voice is a little leaky, it is very smooth. Don't look at the person who is talking, just listen to the voice. It is absolutely no different from a normal person, but the appearance is the same as what he said, which is extremely disgusting.

A huge hole was opened in the stomach, and most of the organs in it had been lost. Of course, it could have been eaten by something when he died, leaving only a part of the intestines hidden in it alone. tattered, his face pale and deathly gray.

Fortunately, it was Zhou Zhang. If this was replaced by a more careless person, he would definitely be deceived by him.

Zhou Zhang turned around and stood still, without the slightest desire to get close, and said coldly: "Give me a reason to attack my base, otherwise, even zombies with intelligence are just zombies."

"I'm not a zombie, I'm a dead person!" The zombie looked up, his eyes flashing with grief and anger: "I just can't resist the attraction of human flesh and blood, I don't even know why I want to eat it, but I just want to Eat, I can even feel the incomparably tempting fragrance of the flesh and blood on your body, and what's more, I can feel that as long as I eat your flesh, I will definitely be able to evolve even more."

"However, I dare not. I can feel the terrifying power in you even more. I know that killing me is like crushing an ant."

"It stands to reason that I should not be afraid, because I am dead, and a corpse should not be afraid, but I am still afraid."

"So, can you kill me?"

Chapter three hundred and seventy-eight of the zombies

A talking zombie, perhaps, his inner struggle and pain are really deep, Zhou Zhang can't understand it, he doesn't have such a profound change, and he's not ready to understand it. After the other party finished speaking, he was cold. He opened his mouth and said, "I can kill you or not, I just want to ask you, can you restrain your desire to eat and eat people?"

From this thing, Zhou Zhang saw a possibility, that is, who stipulated that he must be the enemy of zombies?

"I can, but it's difficult." The zombie seemed to feel something, looked at Zhou Zhang in ecstasy, and whispered: "I didn't know before, but after I became conscious, I've never eaten people. , I always feel that I am still a human being, I can't take it down, I just eat some animals."

"Then why are you attacking my base?"

Zhou Zhang hit the nail on the head, and the zombie's voice stopped abruptly. After a long time, he said, "I don't know, I just vaguely feel as if some power is controlling me."

Zhou Zhang looked up at the sky, could it be that this is another artificial world?However, as soon as this idea appeared in Zhou Zhang's mind, it was absolutely impossible. This feeling was more like evolution than a puppet.

"Your body has been injected with genes that do not belong to human beings, so you feel that some kind of force is controlling you. In fact, you are controlling yourself."

Zhou Zhang guessed about it, it should be about the same, mainly because the current situation and information are too little to deduce the truth of the facts, but this does not prevent Zhou Zhang's decision: "I will probably let you re-own. Life, at least your body will be rejuvenated, the condition is, be my subordinate!"

In fact, from Zhou Zhang's previous words, you can vaguely judge Zhou Zhang's decision. The ecstasy in the zombie's eyes almost overflowed, but he didn't quite believe it. He regained his life?how is this possible!

"I can be your subordinate, just"

Zhou Zhang could see that he didn't quite believe in himself, the mysterious wind and thunder in his body surged, and the blue-colored life energy gathered in the palm of his hand. This power only appeared, and the flowers, plants and trees around Zhou Zhang seemed to have entered the spring in an instant. Vitality is full of vitality, and many flowers even come back to life with beautiful colors.

The eyeball of the zombie on the opposite side had fallen out of its socket, but he didn't notice it, and then he was ecstatic. Through the chest with a big hole, he could see that his heart was beating faster and faster, and the whole person was almost excited. Passed out, as long as there is a chance, who would be willing to be this disgusting zombie.

Zhou Zhang didn't say anything. With a flick of his hand, a cloud of cyan life energy was thrown onto the zombie's body, instantly turning into a vibrant light that enveloped the other party.

The zombie was jumping like crazy with excitement. He could clearly feel that he seemed to have consciousness, he could feel the pain, and then he could feel the sound of his heartbeat. He had completely changed, and he carefully knelt down On the ground, his intestines, which he didn't care about before, were squirming. He looked down at his intestines, as if he was looking at the most precious treasure in the world.

However, at this moment, the cyan life energy was exhausted, and he seemed to have been extracted from the soul, and was instantly stagnant in place, and the whole person fell into despair again.

"I asked myself, Zhou Zhang, that I'm not a good person, but before I let you recover, I still have to tell you something, this power comes from me, so if you choose to accept it, then your life will be under my control, You will no longer be free, as long as I don't want to, even if the barrier of the world is separated, I can easily take your life."

The desperate look of the zombie disappeared in an instant. He didn't hesitate, and almost screamed: "I'm absolutely obedient, help me, I want to live!"

Zhou Zhang heard the words, he no longer hesitated, his power surged, the cyan life energy completely wrapped the zombie, and the zombie was wrapped in it, and he could only hear a sound that was almost a carnival shouting with his soul, Zhou Zhang shook his head slightly, not too much. Can understand this feeling, but he understands the other party's excitement.

It can be described as an irrational carnival, but it is a bit noisy.

Zhou Zhang Ningmei looked at the blue light, and walked a few steps away helplessly, leaning on a green pine, squinting slightly at the sky, thinking about his plan, the changes and rules of his world this time. The seance world is completely different. Humans there are puppets, but here it is different, but evolution. Of course, zombies, such as dead objects, obviously evolve much faster than humans.

However, it still doesn't seem to be controlled by someone, but more like the two worlds were originally non-interacting worlds, but suddenly one day the position changed due to a certain force, and then the two worlds collided.

Then, the more powerful world will naturally begin to devour the weak world. The current earth should be the relatively weak one. This is not man-made but a natural change, which can be regarded as an accident!It's just, what will zombie humans evolve into, and what will that powerful world look like.

Zhou Zhang is not clear about these things for the time being, but this does not prevent him from choosing to do things that are reasonable for him, such as improving his strength more quickly, and finding a safe world for himself to support his family.

Zhou Zhang has always been a prudent person, or cunning is also appropriate to describe him. He just doesn't have the cunning and sophistication of those slick people. However, his brain is absolutely sufficient, he can be the first to detect the crisis, Then prepare in advance, so Zhou Zhang will always be in an invincible state.

This is because he will never be satisfied with the invincibility at this time, he will always stand in the invincibility at this time and see his own helplessness soon, and then progress until he reaches the helplessness in the near future, his The power is still invincible.


As if the water polo was punctured, the cyan life energy burst apart, and a figure fell out. Zhou Zhang also looked down and looked over. The previous two, or even three worlds, had gotten the equivalent.

The figure not far away can no longer see the traces of zombies. There is even a healthy white jade color all over his body. His eyes have become dull, he just fell to the ground and stared blankly at his own body. I didn't dare to move my body, as if my body was a piece of paper and I was cautious.

Then, tears began to flow from his eyes, and then they spewed out.

Chapter [-] Monday Light

Zhou Zhang absolutely dared to swear that he had never seen it in his life, or even thought about it, someone would cry so earth-shattering, it was almost impossible to describe it as crying, the tears were like a fountain, gushing out.

"Woooooo, big brother, do you know?"

"I really, really want to cut my disgusting body into pieces with scissors and knives."

"Even, I have asked God countless times, why I am dead, but also let me have consciousness."

"Boss, I have to tell you that the reason why I attacked your base is, on the one hand, there seems to be some power controlling me, and on the other hand, because I am jealous. I have seen people, living flesh and blood people."

Zhou Zhang had already walked not far away, and watched helplessly as this talkative zombie evolved into a talkative person. He didn't dare to move from beginning to end, but Zhou Zhang could still feel him, zombies and humans. It was different, Zhou Zhang didn't lie, because it was his own life energy that gave his body.

Therefore, Zhou Zhang can really feel the situation in his body, and he is still in a state of death, but his appearance is at least the same as a living person.

"Aren't you going to stand up and see if you can move?"

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