The iron ring was pulled, and the ground with a radius of more than [-] meters trembled. Zhou Zhang was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that there must be a larger item under the iron ring. Zhou Zhang did not hesitate too much. Gathering together, Zhou Zhang was suspended in the air, holding the iron ring with one hand, exhaling strength.

"Crack, boom!"

The hundreds of meters of land was lifted up by something, and Zhou Zhangsheng yanked a big bell out of the ground. The surface of the big bell was rusted, and the vicissitudes of life was almost overflowing, and there was also a faint smell of strangeness. The unpleasant smell, Zhou Zhang is a bit of a clean freak, he immediately raised his hand and threw the big clock aside.

"dong dong dong"

A series of voices sounded, and then a few heads rolled out of the big bell, and then a large pile of bones fell out. Zhou Zhang glanced sideways, and gently placed the head in front of his nose. The wind blew away, no wonder it smelled such a bad smell, it was really bad luck.

In fact, Zhou Zhang had some judgments at the beginning. This is not to say that he calculated that there are such incidents in the clock, but that the smell of the clock should not smell good, because although the immortal gold is already detached, but , after all, it is metal, and it will rust. However, its resistance to rusting is extremely strong. It takes at least [-] or even hundreds of thousands of years to rust. Moreover, as long as there is mana injected, it will to shine again.

After being buried in the ground for such a long time, one can imagine the smell that was lifted. Moreover, the strange and unpleasant smell became stronger and stronger, and even made Zhou Zhang have the urge to flee, his wings fluttered, and Zhou Zhang also let out After all, there was a huge storm, and even the land was pulled up a lot.

Then, Zhou Zhang's eyes froze in an instant. Beneath the ten meters of land, there were many white bones buried. Each of them was holding a sharp blade. Some leg bones were tens of meters long, and some heads were like hills. It seems to be buried here, but it seems to be in a state of battle, and then it is buried under it.

Many of those bones even kept their postures before they were alive, attacking forward with sharp blades, as if time had been frozen, and then covered with mud, burying these people underneath.

In other words, they are not human either. Some of the skeletons are grotesque and huge, more like creatures like monsters.

Zhou Zhang frowned slightly, and at the same time that he fanned his wings to roll up a larger tornado, the whole person was already flying high into the sky.


In the cave, the wind was howling, countless negatives were pulled up, dwarf trees were flying, white bones were flying, and countless weapons and magic weapons collided. However, in a short time, the whole cave completely changed its appearance. , the green grass, the flowers blooming, and the green of the dwarf trees were all torn apart by Zhou Zhangsheng.

It revealed the disgusting scene below, with countless piles of white bones, maintaining the state of fighting before his death, surrounded by stone statues no less than ten feet high, clinging to the stone wall, and then countless magic weapons. Accumulated on the ground, there are already some rust spots, and more than [-] years are enough for any magic weapon to lose its mana blessing and become rotten.

This is an ancient battlefield, and, in a state of battle, all people lost their lives and were buried.

Zhou Zhang glanced around with solemn eyes, a rotten and ancient smell permeated, giving people a particularly shocking feeling, Zhou Zhang's wings fanned, dispelling those smells, and then blocked his nose with strength, and then flew high in the sky. Get up and take a look at the entire battlefield.

The bones who can still stand and maintain an offensive posture were definitely super strong during his lifetime. After more than [-] years, and in such a dark and humid environment, they can still maintain the bones that do not match. It is terrifying. The many bones had already turned into a thick layer of sand, and when the breeze blew, it fluttered like a layer of mist.

Zhou Zhang's body was covered with a layer of light energy blocking these apparently not so clean things, and the whole person moved faster, but in a moment, the entire battlefield had been scanned by him at first glance.

The space in this hole should not be the whole of the battlefield, it may even be only a small part of the battlefield, but the larger battlefield does not know where it disappeared, but, even so, the space here is nearly a hundred miles in radius , about a thousand feet high up and down, like a valley.

However, Zhou Zhang was currently suspended in front of a stone statue. After a brief observation of the battlefield just now, he found nothing too strange. The most different thing was the stone statue. The stone statue was about ten feet high and had been buried in the soil before. Below, only a head is exposed, and Zhou Zhang didn't see it at first.

There are sixteen stone statues standing on the four walls of the cave. Each stone statue is similar in height, but the clothes and appearance are completely different, and they are lifelike. Skin giant.

The one in front of Zhou Zhang is the most gorgeous and majestic among these stone statues, and there is only one stone statue of him on the east side, but there are more than one on the other three walls. No matter how you look at it, as long as there is something special, he is sure was the first to react.

Therefore, Zhou Zhang turned upside down and looked at the stone statue carefully. There was nothing special about the whole body of the stone statue, except that it was extraordinarily delicate and lifelike, and the system did not make any sound, Zhou Zhang frowned slightly. , standing on the shoulders of the stone statue, looking far away in several other directions.

This battlefield is so mighty, and he has tossed for a long time, but he has not even gotten the benefits of a feather. For Zhou Zhang, he always feels that it is not good enough.

However, after Zhou Zhang looked at it, apart from finding the gap where he continued to move forward, he didn't see anything, nor did he see any secrets or formations.

However, all of a sudden, a gust of wind swept past, the wind was not strong, and the stone statue was not moved. However, Zhou Zhang's eyes suddenly lit up, the corner of the stone statue seemed to shake slightly, and then Zhou Zhang looked at the corner of his clothes again , is blowing in the wind at this time.

In an instant, an electric light pierced through his mind, and Zhou Zhang thought of a very possible fact.

That is, these stone statues may not really be stone statues, but people. Since they are people, there will always be something on them!

Zhou Zhang's figure flashed and disappeared in place, and then turned into a streamer and drilled down the collar of the stone statue. Although it was a little uncomfortable, Zhou Zhang couldn't care about it for the sake of the baby.

Chapter [-] Don't stare at me

Since coming to this world, Zhou Zhang has been able to feel a strong sense of crisis. Although his own strength is strong enough, this world is stronger than himself, and there are many strong people who can even crush him. For a person, it was enough to make him feel anxious.

Therefore, Zhou Zhang doesn't want to miss a chance now, he must improve his strength as soon as possible. Zhou Zhang is not the type who is bullied and then tries his best to get revenge. There is always a sense of crisis in the heart, which is the fastest way to progress.

Flying down the collar, this time Zhou Zhang didn't care too much. When he encountered a place in the way, he spewed out a path of energy. However, perhaps out of a kinder idea, Zhou Zhang just banged. The clothes were smashed, but the body of the statue was not damaged.

However, the ten-foot-tall stone statue, Zhou Zhang attacked three times, and fell into the arms of the stone statue. With a move of consciousness, Zhou Zhang gathered the energy into a light group, which illuminated the surroundings as something like an electric light, and the gap was not large. After a dozen steps forward, he walked to the waist and abdomen on the left side, and then Zhou Zhang saw a lot of things piled up here.

Zhou Zhang's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward to search.

"Baiyanjin, Fengluoyu, Xianjin is quite rich!"

It's just, unfortunately, these things are not of great use to Zhou Zhang, but Zhou Zhang still threw them all into his personal space, no matter how good or bad, and then picked up the last tattered cloth bag and looked at it. It seems to be very ordinary and even tattered as if it will fall apart at any time.

However, it made Zhou Zhang even more puzzled. For such a long time, some tyrannical existences have disappeared, and the immortal gold has been rusted. Although this rag bag looks tattered, it is a little rotten and weathered. feel nothing.

This is a bit peculiar, but the system in his mind did not issue any hints, which made him a little uncertain, and asked aloud: "System, what is this? Why don't you remind me anymore?"

"Please judge by yourself, the system is currently in a state of repair and cannot provide testing services for the time being!"

"Repair?" Zhou Zhang was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "Is there any damage there?"

"After entering here, there is an invisible force that binds and even destroys the system itself, so it needs to be repaired. However, the host does not need to worry, this is just the first time, once again, even if it is a hundred times stronger than this binding force, as long as Identify it, and the system can defend.”

Zhou Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, but, faintly, there was a question in his heart, the question he had never thought about before, where did the system come from?What is the reason for this invisible binding force?

Zhou Zhang rubbed his eyebrows with some headache, and gradually realized that he thought he had solved a doubt, but he didn't expect that the doubts would become one after another. , Zhou Zhang has a tenacious temper and understands a truth. Some problems can't be figured out for a while, so let's put them aside for a while, and if they are not sure, they will be solved.

The system couldn't help, so Zhou Zhang could only put his consciousness out, covered it on the rag bag, and probed it little by little.

At first, Zhou Zhang thought that the rag bag should be a kind of space magic weapon like mustard bag, but after investigation, he found that although there is indeed a lot of space in the bag, it is not used for storing items, and it is full of hostility. And murder, but it seems to be a thing that detains people.

All in all, Zhou Zhang's knowledge reserve in this area is simply pitiful, and he can't observe anything after tossing and turning.

Then Zhou Zhang kept another one, walking past the greedy mind that he would never miss, and roaming the entire battlefield. First, he cleaned all the remaining fifteen stone statues, although none of them glowed at first glance. The magic weapon of extraordinary light, but there are no less than a hundred kinds of bits and pieces.

Then, with a grit of teeth and a cruel heart, Zhou Zhang wandered on the battlefield again, taking some of the fallen things and the weapons held by Bai Gu all back into his personal space, fully implementing the rules Lightism.

Then, since that was the case, Zhou Zhang simply gritted his teeth again and snatched all the various weapons in the stone statue's hand. Although this thing looked like a stone sculpture, he felt that these people were not sculptures. It may have been turned into a stone statue by some terrifying attack. If so, these weapons must be unusual.

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