No matter what he is, there is a lot of space for him anyway, and he doesn't care about putting more messy things. Anyway, after abandoning his sense of shame, Zhou Zhang's movements are extraordinarily fast and the scraping is extremely clean. If it weren't for the ashes below The mixed soil forms a gravel-like ground.

Zhou Zhang would definitely have to dig three feet into the ground, but he was a clean freak after all. After thinking about it, Zhou Zhang gave up. Then, he finally returned to the big bell he pulled out at the beginning, where a pile of falling White bones, and five lifelike human heads, not to mention rotten, and even the skin is very ruddy, just looking at these heads, it seems that they are not dead, but asleep.

Anyway, Zhou Zhang tried to avoid it as much as possible. He didn't look at these people's heads. He always felt that his scalp was numb and his back was cold.

However, when Zhou Zhang was busy, Zhou Zhang always felt that there was something strange there. When he turned his head subconsciously, even with Zhou Zhang's heart, he shivered a little, and a head was staring at him with wide eyes. follow him.


Zhou Zhang blurted out an angry curse, for the first time in his life!All the hairs stood up, and the back of the neck was cold sweat for a while.

Fortunately, Zhou Zhang has always been courageous and tenacious. After being taken aback, he said viciously: "If you can talk, talk, if you can't talk, then obediently die for me, otherwise, I will grind you to ashes." It can be seen from these harsh words that Zhou Zhang is indeed a little bit afraid.

On a battlefield, a lifelike human head stared at you with wide eyes, and there was no half-person figure around, not to mention Zhou Zhang, when the saint came and did this suddenly, he had to shiver.

This is not cowardice at all, it is an instinctive, subconscious reaction.

Chapter three hundred and ninety-nine secretly help the great sage

However, Zhou Zhang is Zhou Zhang after all, and besides staring at the head with wide eyes, there is no more miraculous reaction. Zhou Zhang gradually stabilized his mind. In fact, even if this head is alive, In terms of Zhou Zhang's strength, he is also fearless.

It was really too sudden just now, and I was really taken aback.

Zhou Zhang gathered his energy to form a long spear, separated by more than ten meters, and ripped off all five of his heads. He found that there was no magical reaction, and suddenly a bit of an angry stick flew away, but, thinking about it. After thinking about it, still feeling uneasy, Zhou Zhang found a few heads again.

Holding a few heads in an incarnation outside his body, he dug a few pits and buried them in it. It was considered safe for them to be buried in the ground. Zhou Zhang stood in front of the small mound and bowed his hands in salute. The deceased was the greatest.

However, at this moment, the light suddenly began to flicker, and the small sun the size of a fingernail fell in the sky. Zhou Zhang looked up a little strangely, but the small sun fell in front of him purposefully. .

Zhou Zhang's avatar stretched out his hand to catch it, but the terrifying heat completely subsided. Then, it shattered with a bang, and a transparent bead the size of a soybean spun around, and there seemed to be a drop of blood inside. Save.

Zhou Zhang faintly felt the bloodline vibrate, and Yinglong's bloodline seemed to be completely suppressed. Zhou Zhang's eyes lit up, it's really a good person who has a good reward!

He put the transparent bead in front of him and observed it carefully. Although Zhou Zhang couldn't see the origin of the drop of blood inside, it must be a drop of blood essence, and it was an existence with a bloodline much stronger than his own, but, Zhou Zhang didn't dare to absorb it hastily. After taking it carefully, he turned around and bowed to the small mound.

This time, it was not a waste of toss. Zhou Zhang walked towards the gap he saw before. Although there seemed to be many unsolved mysteries on the battlefield, Zhou Zhang was not going to study it any more. He's here for a limited time, and besides, his goal isn't to turn over corpses, just bones.

However, when he walked to the gap, Zhou Zhang still glanced back, because the battlefield was dark because of the loss of the little sun, Yingyingzhuzhuo was like a ghostly space, he bent down and bowed before turning around and drilling into the gap. in.

The gap has returned to the narrow, but it is much stronger than the beginning, and most of all, it is impossible to jump, but it is possible to go straight forward by bending over a little.

All the way forward, Zhou Zhang most of the time, the things of the ancient battlefield were still echoing in his mind, and he always felt a little unusual, but at this moment, suddenly, a voice came to Zhou Zhang's ears, and, close at hand.

"My old grandson is very comfortable. This knife and axe chop, thunder and fire are really good ways to keep fit, come again."

Zhou Zhang's body shrank. Even if a ghost appeared in front of him at this moment, he would not be too shocked. However, he suddenly heard the voice of Sun Wukong. , and then entered a stone room.

The stone room is not big, only about forty or fifty square meters in radius, but it is extremely high, like a chimney, straight up and down, thousands of feet, and a hazy light scatters, shining on a stone room, surrounded by walls. Small concave squares, each with an oil lamp in it.

Some wicks are as bright as incandescent lamps, others are wobbly and almost extinguished at any time, and the whole space is filled with the breath of life and luxuriance.

The moment Zhou Zhang stepped into this room, he felt a great power, full of the awe of life and the approach of death. The light wings behind him flickered little by little, and they emerged naturally, forming a faint connection with the power of this room. Confrontation, but at the same time there is a faint trend of fusion.

Zhou Zhang was stunned for a moment, and then he heard another voice wafting out.

"Haha, it's really comfortable, don't you have any means? My old grandson is still alive! Your Demon Slayer Platform is just like that!"

Zhou Zhang raised his head, this time he accurately captured the location of the sound, three meters above his head, Zhou Zhang jumped up, suspended in the air, his eyes fixed on the past, it was also a concave square. In the center of the frame, there is a simple oil lamp, the wick is shaking wildly, the light is on and off, and it is in a state of ups and downs.

Zhou Zhang's mood was tumultuous, he thought about a lot, but he rejected all of them. Then, at this moment, his eyes narrowed, and he gathered his pupils with strength.

Above the sky tower, clouds and mists are shrouded in mist, and there is a dark cloud cover on the higher place, and there are golden helmets and armors in front. Yan, the magnificent palace tower was not far behind him, and beside him stood a lot of beautiful and fluttering fairies.

Two dry gold banners are intertwined with each other, standing behind them, and the banners squeak in the wind, like clouds hanging from the sky.

Zhou Zhang was concentrating, as if he could vaguely hear the roar of thunder and the sound of breathing, almost everyone was staring at the long platform.

The platform is only [-] meters tall, not too high or not, and there are no complicated patterns. The only thing that is special is that there are six beads that go straight into the sky. The colors of each column are different, with golden light. There is silver light and greedy, red as fire, pure white as snow, blue as the sea as the sky, and black as ink as the dark clouds cover the top.

Each pillar is only more than three meters thick, but it rises straight into the higher clouds, like a few slender bamboo poles.

Then, at the very center of the platform stood a beheading platform, with a wall-like large knife suspended above it. The whole body was as black as ink and glowed with faint light. However, the blade had already appeared countless gaps, and it was obviously used.

Eighteen dark iron chains stretched out from the two frames, as thick as ordinary human arms, and they were all tied to the monkey in the center. He was not very stalwart in height, and his whole body trembled with golden hairs. The armor has long been worn in pieces, but there is no scar on the body.

At this time, I was grinning and looking at the overwhelming crowd on the opposite side. There was a trace of fear on my face. I couldn't find it. It was like having ADHD. Explosion: "What else is there, let's use it together! My old grandson also tastes the taste of this broken body."

"Where are the twenty-eight constellations?"

Chapter [-]: The Lamp of Life

Zhou Zhang touched his chin, but he wasn't too eager. He had deep doubts in his mind, and thought about the reason carefully. What is the room here, and what is this lamp?Could it be that this represents the fate of Sun Wukong?The swaying ups and downs indicate that he is being tortured, and life and death are only on the line?

Although Sun Wukong is indeed regarded as an idol in his heart, he will never act rashly until he understands it. If he has spare time, it is understandable to save him. , then you should think more about it.

"Found a bunch of life lamps."

Zhou Zhang was stunned for a moment, and then asked with some surprise in his mind: "System, has your repair been completed?"

"Well, the host has left the bound space, and the repair has been completed. Next time, even if it is a hundred times stronger, it will not be able to damage the essence."

Zhou Zhang smiled slightly, but the system was a little angry, and asked aloud: "What is this life lamp?"

"Fixed the number of fate, if the lights go out, people die, and if the lights are on, it will be brilliant. It is a rare treasure of destiny!"

Zhou Zhang's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood the meaning of the system's words. This life-and-death lamp should be similar to the life and death book, but it seems to be a little stronger than the life and death book. The life and death book just records the birth date. There is also the day of the end of life. At most, some important life events are recorded, but absolutely no one dares to change the life and death book rashly.

Of course, except for the one who is being tortured at this time, he is a fierce man who ticked off the life and death book of monkeys in a fit of rage. Moreover, this tick off the life and death book, and it seems that there is no punishment. The things in it, Zhou Zhang was a little unclear. Of course, it was also possible that he had been infected with the great cause and effect, and Sun Wukong would eventually become a convert under the carriage of the Buddha.

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