
The sound was crisp and clear, and the dragon king's crown flew off, half of his cheeks were swollen, and blood was overflowing from the corners of his mouth, but he didn't dare to move even half a step. It's really scary. As a dragon family, they are also considered to be divine beasts. Their sense of bloodline is more sensitive, and the suppression of bloodline is even more terrifying.

Therefore, he did not dare to resist.

Then, Zhou Zhang slapped the backhand again, his voice was cold: "For the sake of you are also a dragon, I will spare your life, get out!"

Everyone was shocked, and the Buddha's eyes were about to pop out. It was unbelievable. Chen Guangrui and his wife were already at a loss.

Chapter [-] Subduing the Dragon and Subduing the Tiger

A very swollen head slowly lowered, and the dragon king was in a state of fear. Hearing Zhou Zhang say get out, a trace of joy and gratitude rose, and he hurriedly said: "The Lingshan is huge, This junior was also fascinated by his eyes for a while!" Seeing his white beard fluttering in the wind, this junior said it very smoothly.

Zhou Zhang glanced at him lightly, waved his hand and said, "Get out!" Since the early days of the prehistoric era, the dragon clan has been completely in a state of decline. Looking at the world, there are no dozens of them at all. Moreover, some people are already in a state of decline. Dragons are used as mounts, and some even feed on dragons.

Although Zhou Zhang is not a dragon, after all, he has pure blood, and he is too lazy to kill another dragon. Of course, if the other party doesn't know the current affairs, it will be another matter.

Zhou Zhang's kindness will always be exuded on the premise of not harming himself. If there is a slight possibility of harming himself, Zhou Zhang will be ruthless. This is a prehistoric society, and this is not a peaceful society.

Fortunately, the Dragon King was quite acquainted, and he didn't obsessively let Zhou Zhang prove himself, so he obediently pushed it back, as if Zhou Zhang was a senior of the Dragon Clan.

Zhou Zhang waved his hand, turned to look at the Buddha, and said coldly: "Cultivation is not easy, if you tell me everything you know, I can consider letting you go."

That Buddha only felt cold in his hands and feet. Although he is now in an illusory state of incarnation outside his body, he is only in this state. He died, but he suddenly remembered what Buddha said in his mind, his confidence skyrocketed, and he said coldly: "You should know who I am?"

"I am the second disciple of the Tathagata Buddha, Jin Chanzi, I am an indestructible body of golden body, the third-rank quasi-sage, you are only the first-rank quasi-sage, even if you are a dragon?"

"I want to kill you without any effort. Although Longwei is strong, he can't hurt me in the slightest!"

Say it!The Buddha stepped on the void, the Buddha's light enveloped the river, and the dark clouds above his head flew towards Zhou Zhang, and, as he moved, the heaven and the earth seemed to cooperate faintly. To Zhou Zhang.

Zhou Zhang could clearly feel that the thunder was not the means of Jin Chanzi, but a real natural phenomenon, but it was obviously biased. The same three lightning bolts fell, but all of them hit him, and not a single star was touched. The edge of the golden cicada.

"Is this the treatment of the protagonist of heaven and earth?" Zhou Zhang raised his head and smashed a few lightning bolts with his hands. He had a faint epiphany, and then suddenly broke out and kicked out fiercely.


The void trembled, and Jin Chanzi was kicked fiercely on the front door by her big feet. She was vigorous and resolute, and her strength was extremely terrifying, like a human-shaped beast.


Without any accident, the quasi-sage third-order Jin Chanzi turned into a golden streamer, and flew out a hundred miles away with the Buddha's energy in the sky, and then slammed heavily on a mountain, with a bang, the mountain cracked. , the gravel turned into the sky, and it was extremely terrifying.


Chen Guangrui's chin was dislocated, because the opening was too big, and it took too long. For him as a mortal, the scene in front of him was too unreal, what Lingshan, what Dragon King, what Tathagata Buddha, this All are legendary names!

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that the brothers who still want to swoop in, but they don't even have any scars, and they dealt with these people easily. At this moment, how lucky he is, fortunately, he has long seen that they are immortals, I just want to worship as an ancestor to show respect. If I say the words of worship, will I be pinched to death by a finger.


The Dragon King who avoided him swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Although Chen Guangrui seemed to be terrifying and powerful, he still couldn't see anything more powerful. That Jin Chanzi was a third-order quasi-sage!This is the direct disciple of Tathagata Buddha, and it is said to be his favorite disciple.

Quasi-Saint Tier [-]!This life is unattainable, even if it is Daluo Jinxian Great Perfection, it is still [-] miles away from this realm!The third-order quasi-sage can easily kill Daluo Jinxian, but at this moment, the third-order quasi-sage was kicked away, although he would definitely not be kicked to death.

However, Zhou Zhang's actions were equally understated, without any effort, and judged against each other!How lucky the Dragon King is at this moment!At the same time, he secretly guessed to what extent Zhou Zhang's realm had reached?


Dashan was severely smashed with a magic pestle, and it shattered into slag. Then a golden light sputtered up and flew back in an instant, shouting at the same time: "This is impossible... Five hundred days ago, you were still accurate. How can it be the fourth-order quasi-sage now?" Although five hundred years have passed in the human world, the heaven is only five hundred days.

Of course, [-] years in the human world can be counted. In [-] years, the cultivator of the Golden Immortal realm may not necessarily be able to improve a small realm, and the powerhouse of the Daluo Golden Immortal level is even more than [-] years of retreating casually. Not to mention the quasi-sage level, the promotion of the quasi-sage level powerhouse, almost every realm is separated by thousands of years or even [-] years.

Five hundred years to improve a realm?I have never heard of it, and besides, this is more than one realm.

Zhou Zhang raised his eyebrows lightly, and didn't explain anything. Instead, he pointed his finger up and said, "Don't you know how to listen to the bell ringing and sign up for the Immortal Monument? It seems that you don't pay too much attention to me!"

Jin Chan shivered with anger. He had been struggling for more than a thousand years to find a suitable body. He could listen to the bell to sign up. The reason why he knew about Zhou Zhang was because Tathagata Buddha thought that a Variables are very likely to bring about changes, so he specially sent someone down to talk about it, otherwise, he really doesn't know Zhou Zhang's name.

However, while waiting for him to speak, the sound of thunderstorms suddenly sounded in the sky, and then there was a sound like thunder, resounding through the world.

"Donor, why are you bullying my bitter brother?"

"It's not that Lingshan doesn't pay attention to the benefactor, but that he pays too much attention to the benefactor. He was afraid of abruptly making the benefactor, so he didn't dare to come to the door to invite him. Otherwise, the top and bottom of Lingshan would definitely greet the benefactor... I'm here!"

Immediately, the sound of dragons and tigers roared incessantly, and then two monks walked from far to near. They were different from ordinary monks. They were tall and bearish. Some people believe that although the expression on his face is indifferent, his face is somewhat hideous.

Zhou Zhang has traveled for five hundred years. Although he didn't dare to say everything he knew, he also learned a lot. He frowned slightly, and murmured in disbelief, "Subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger?"

Chapter four hundred and twenty eight save your life

Although Zhou Zhang was a little unbelievable, he didn't panic too much. Jin Chanzi had changed his appearance. It's not a strange thing that the Arhat who subdued the dragon and the tiger left Daling Mountain. There are sixteen Arhats in Buddhism plus two Venerables. , formed the basic reception team.

Basically every hundred years, eight Arhats will stay in the human world, preach the Dharma, and benefit all beings. The remaining eight will stay in Lingshan and guard the mountain gate. Only when they change every hundred years will they stay away from the mountain gate. He left, and if I remember correctly, this Arhat Subduing the Dragon and Fusing the Tiger should have just changed shifts and was in charge of the mountain gate at this time.

Therefore, Zhou Zhangcai is a little unbelievable, but he is also fearless, his own strength is strong, it doesn't matter who he comes.

Jin Chanzi's expression was even more unbelievable than Zhou Zhang, and then he looked at the two people below with disgust. He was not so affectionate, but relaxed a lot. With these two living Arhats appearing, he should not be in any danger. .

The two also didn't have much communication with Jin Chanzi. They walked side by side, walked to the shore, and with a little fingertip, a layer of Buddha light shrouded the entire general, and all of a sudden the sea was tumbling down and all the shortages disappeared, and the lake surface recovered. Quiet, like a mirror, then the two stepped on it and walked over leisurely.

As if walking on the ground, there was not even a trace of waves on the lake. When they came closer, the two of them saluted together, and their attitude and tone were very calm.

"I have seen the donor."

Although Zhou Zhang was curious, he did not lose his advantage. He waved his hand slightly, and also bowed, and asked aloud: "I don't know why the two came here, why?"

The Fuhu Arhat was shorter than the Dragon Subduing Arhat, but his body was stronger. He looked at Zhou Zhang aggressively, bowed slightly, saluted, and resolutely spit out two words: "Save people!"

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