"Ha!" Zhou Zhang sneered, but he didn't expect it, but before he could speak, Jin Chanzi couldn't hold it anymore, Cun Xu Gao's body was tense and straight, and he shouted: "Who will use you to rescue, where will it come from? Go back to where." Don't talk about love, this is obviously hatred.

However, Fu Hu Luohan glanced at him lightly, and his expression also showed a trace of disdain, and said coldly: "Who said that I saved you?" Say it!He looked at Zhou Zhang with bright eyes and said sincerely, "The poor monk came here to rescue the benefactor."

An Arhat, using the word "poor monk" to call himself, this is already considered a very courtesy, but Zhou Zhang's expression changed ruthlessly, and he became a little colder.

Before he could speak, the Dragon Subduing Arhat also bowed respectfully and asked, "Don't be in a hurry, the benefactor, the poor monk wants to ask you a question." That's it!One finger pointed to the sky, and then to the ground, with a calm tone: "Donor, do you think heaven and earth have thoughts? Is there a distinction between good and evil?"

Zhou Zhang has come to understand, save the fart, this is clearly to make himself a monk, and he does not need the other party to say more clearly, with Zhou Zhang's wisdom, he has already thought about what they are going to say next, and said coldly: "The two Arhats , I am a person who respects and worships Buddha, but does not believe in Buddha!”

"Believe it or not, what does it matter? When it comes to faith, there is no reason to force people to believe. The two of us came here just to save the life of the benefactor."

"Donor, although there are no thoughts in this world, and although there is no distinction between good and evil, it has its own rules." Dragon Subduing Arhat took a step forward, his face was sacred, the Buddha's light was blooming, and his voice was like a bell. "Donor, don't go against it. Go to heaven!"

"Haha!" Zhou Zhang sneered. From the first few words, he knew that these two people would definitely say these words. It was true, but it was also true. The changes in the world were obviously caused by Buddhism, and they were indeed standing. On the side of heaven and earth.

Fuhu Arhat even looked at Zhou Zhang with a bit of hatred for not turning iron into steel, and his voice was extraordinarily sympathetic: "Donor, don't mistake others for yourself! If you don't understand, the poor monk will give you an example, such as this one. The wind is blowing well, south or north, east or west, it all depends on the rules of heaven and earth, and naturally, it will go in whatever direction it wants to blow."

"When we cultivators are in this wind, we naturally have to understand the rules of this wind, and act in accordance with it, and even take advantage of the wind. How can we not act against the wind?"

"Donor, someone knows that winter is coming and the snow is covering the earth, but he wants to stubbornly wear summer clothes and go against the world. Do you think he is obsessed, or is he seeking death?"

"Doing the opposite of heaven and earth, but heaven and earth does not have any ideology, isn't that what is right with yourself? Don't be obsessed with it!"

Zhou Zhang's expression was indifferent, but he had to admit that they were right. If it weren't for this, the Jade Emperor, Taishang Laojun, and the Queen Mother of the West would not be so distressed. They used a concise sentence to describe the current situation. , that is, Taoism is spring and summer, Buddhism is autumn and winter, heaven and earth naturally change, and spring and summer enter autumn and winter.

And Daomen is based on spring and summer. As long as they are changed, they will inevitably plummet or even collapse. They naturally want to keep this spring and summer, but how can they keep it?

This is the current situation, and Zhou Zhang is one of the variables. Moreover, with the possibility of being sanctified and turning this world around with great supernatural powers, naturally, whether you like it or not, Zhou Zhang will be the most important in this world. that point.

Acting against the sky, to put it simply, is the person who insisted on wearing short sleeves to go out in winter. Almost everyone said that he was stupid. This is acting against the sky.

Of course Zhou Zhang understood this, and he was not going to refute anything with these two Arhats. He was never good at this kind of verbal confrontation, but looked at the two of them with a quiet expression, and said softly: "Nature does not distinguish between good and evil, and people But we have to divide!" Say it!Step out, the waves are surging.


Dajiang suddenly rolled up several feet of waves, and Zhou Zhang pointed his finger at Jin Chanzi opposite, and his voice was like thunder: "Though the heaven and the earth are heavy, you have to follow your heart, if you live a life of aggrieved, obey what heaven, if you live an uncomfortable life, this day Reverse is also reverse, what are you afraid of? The big deal is to be crushed to fly ash."

Whether stubborn or obsessive!Zhou Zhang has always been a person who does whatever he wants, or what he asks is always his own heart, not this world, let alone this way. Besides, he can't integrate into that side of the world at all, and he wants to be strong. , only detachment, conquering the sky and conquering the earth.

The only way for him to be strong is to submit to the rules, not to integrate into them, not to have an epiphany, nor to borrow the power of heaven and earth.

This is the reason for the system, and it is also his own pursuit, seeking the body, the heart, and the self, rather than seeking the existence of all things, the eternality of the heaven, the heaven, the earth, and the eternal prosperity of the avenue.

Chapter four hundred and twentieth nine against the sky

I have to say that Zhou Zhang's pattern is very small, or in the eyes of others, the pattern is very small, and Che is a little stubborn, but so what?Isn't it enough to be worthy of your conscience, not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, and to keep your good thoughts forever?Whatever follows the way of heaven, whatever the laws of heaven and earth.

When Zhou Zhang said this, he only felt that his mind was clear, and every pore on his body seemed to be active. The pale golden fairy energy in his body was even more surging, the speed was increased by more than ten times, his strength was accessible, and his mood was smooth.Why do I take care of so much all day long?

However, on the other hand, the face of Arhat, who was facing the dragon and subdued the tiger, suddenly sank. Looking at Zhou Zhang, his eyes were filled with a lingering feeling, and there was still a little bit of hatred for iron.

"Donor, don't be obsessed!"

"Donor, don't do this, be careful to fall into the boundless magic way!"

With the words of the two, the heaven and earth seemed to feel something, the wind was fierce, the waves rolled up, the water rose and fell again, like pouring rain. Lightning and thunder, electric snakes shuttle among the clouds, terrifying and unusual.

Heaven and Earth have no thoughts, no good and evil, and no discrimination between things.

Daling Mountain, above the Dharma throne, the Tathagata Buddha who was lecturing suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at a blue brick on the ground, and inexplicably abruptly appeared a trace of cracks, his mind trembled slightly, and he hurriedly pinched his fingers. Calculate.

Gradually, the Buddhas, Arhats, Bodhisattvas, King Kong, New Buddhas, and Ancient Buddhas who were listening to the sermons all around, slowly stopped practicing and thinking, and all subconsciously looked up at the Dharma Throne, the Tathagata Buddha. , I saw his brows gradually wrinkle.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief. As the number one person in this world, how could Buddha frown?And, getting tighter?

Moreover, at this moment, the fingers that Buddha was holding suddenly froze, and then there seemed to be an invisible force shot out, his fingers were gently bounced, and suddenly, everyone was stunned at the same time, Tathagata Buddha is also difficult He looked at his fingers with confidence, as if he was hallucinating.

"Buddha, is there a big change in this world?" Guanyin Bodhisattva's face is beautiful and holy, but there is a hint of determination in the corner of his mouth. He holds a clean bottle and sees that the Buddha did not answer his own words, but he stepped forward and his voice increased. A little bit older: "Buddha? But is there any change?"

The Tathagata Buddha suddenly woke up, and even when he folded his hands and lowered his head to recite the scriptures silently, he was actually aroused, which is really not right. After a long time, his demeanor returned to peace, his eyes dimly looked into the distance, and he said in a low voice: "I can't say it, I can't say it, I shouldn't say it, I can't say it."

At this point, everyone was shocked. Guanyin Bodhisattva was a stubborn person. He took a step forward and continued to ask: "Buddha, what's the explanation?"

After a long silence, Tathagata's face became more majestic: "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot!"

In this world, it is not only the Tathagata Buddha who has made a rough calculation and evolved into a heavenly secret. On the Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, the grass and trees are in Changchun, the Bodhi Patriarch has not preached for hundreds of years, and today he suddenly walked out of his own house. Some hurriedly ran to the house where Zhou Zhang had only lived for a few days.

Standing outside the door, he stopped again, just looking at the room from a distance, but he didn't take a step forward. The fairy boy next to him was suddenly puzzled and stood for a long time. The ancestor waved his hand to interrupt, and then said something inexplicable.

"Those who are sanctified and enlightened, even if it is Hongjun Dao Zun, follow the heaven and the earth, and finally establish the Dao, but only one person is the one who makes a big move and follows his own body."

The fairy boy was puzzled, but he felt that Patriarch Bodhi didn't finish his sentence, so he stepped forward and asked, "Who is it?"

"The first person in the prehistoric... Pangu!"

"Pangu... Great God!"

Fairy boy stood still. Except for the quasi-sage, almost no one dared to blaspheme. Even the quasi-sage only dared to call his name directly.

In the palace where Zhou Zhang lived, the Queen Mother of the West, who was drinking tea, froze suddenly, her eyes looked at the window edge in disbelief, and the crack appeared for no reason, and in an instant it was like a cobweb that spread out. It reached the edge of the bed, then spread to the wall, and was finally controlled by an invisible force to stop the shattering.

The three people sitting across from her were even more unbearable than her expressions. The Jade Emperor experienced thousands of years of calamity, but at this moment, his face was stiff, and then he suddenly showed a hint of ecstasy: "Heaven and earth, heaven and earth seem to have changed a little."

Taishang Laojun stood up suddenly and ran over in a hurry. His fingers trembled and stroked the cracks. The cracks appeared abruptly. Damaged, but it is really damaged, this is not according to common sense, but, breaking the rules.

In this world, for thousands of years, except for the moment when the world opened up, no one dared to break the rules, but now there is one person...


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