Even if someone said such a thing, they would make countless people look at him with a foolish expression and pull back the air?Silly!

This is against the sky. Although it is a simple word, but if it is really implemented, it is simply wishful thinking. Only Zhou Zhang is a small exception, because he is a variable, but even so, even if Sun Wukong He has always been fearless of the gods of heaven, earth, devils, and rebelliousness, but he couldn't help being a little absent-minded, staring at Zhou Zhang blankly.

After a full while, he stuffed a fruit into his mouth and bit it with a humming sound. Suddenly, the juice splashed all over, and his eyes were unprecedentedly serious: "Is there any hope?"

Zhou Zhang smiled, stretched out his hand and pulled down a roasted chicken thigh. He didn't even look at the group of completely frightened earth mountain gods not far away, his eyes lit up and said: "If there is no hope, then give it a hope. come out."

Sun Wukong also laughed, hehe said: "My old grandson is quite moved after hearing what you said, this is a safe and secure journey to become a Buddha, not only is there no danger, but there are even a lot of benefits, but, no I know why, my grandson is just uncomfortable, it's like being held on the head to drink water, even if I'm really thirsty, it's still uncomfortable."

"What does my grandson do to save the suffering? My grandson just wants to be free. If he wants to drink water, he can drink it by himself. If he doesn't want to drink, I won't drink it. Even if it is broken, it is still comfortable."

Zhou Zhang was a little excited when he heard these words, but in Zhou Zhang's heart, there were three Monkey Kings, the Monkey King who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace, the Monkey King on Xitian Road, and the Monkey King who became a Buddha. Maybe this is right, but, Zhou Zhang, however, undoubtedly preferred the first one.

Chapter Four hundred and forty-ninth Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva

The unscrupulous Sun Wukong, who represents the spirit of resistance, he has a peach meeting and devours golden pills. When he is unhappy, he dares to set up a table to make a riot in the heavenly palace. All kinds of rules are pressed, carrying a stick, and dare to break the demon king of Lingxiao.

"Senior brother, have you decided?"


"It's useless to regret!" Zhou Zhang handed a chicken leg to Sun Wukong. Although his face was indifferent, he was still a cold fan, but there was a sly smile hidden in the depths of his eyes. Trembling, suddenly there is such a trace of regret, I will not be on the pirate ship!

However, although Sun Wukong has been imprisoned for five hundred years, his mind has stabilized a lot, but his unyielding spirit is still high, hehe smiled, took the chicken leg and nibbled at it, and asked at the same time: "Then what should we do next? What shall we do?"

"It's not easy to turn around in one fell swoop!" Although Zhou Zhang was confident, he still had a bit of a headache and said, "My tentative plan is, let's walk along this westward road and see if we can find anything. It’s a good opportunity, even if I can’t find it, I can turn it around a little bit until the heaven and the earth change, until there is a change in the Buddha’s Great Spirit Mountain, at that time…”


Sun Wukong spit out a word, golden light blooming in his eyes, and the whole person is monstrous, this is the great sage Equalling the sky.

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled. They touched each other's chicken legs. When they bowed their heads, they ate a mouthful of oil. The white horse eating grass not far away was drooling. The land and mountain gods on the other side also recovered a little from the shock caused by the few words they accidentally heard just now. They also licked their lips and looked ahead greedily.

At this moment, the sky suddenly appeared across the sky, and a large piece of auspicious cloud swept over very quickly, then stopped on the other side, turned the direction and fell down towards Wuzhi Mountain, a woman sitting in the auspicious cloud, with a beautiful appearance , both heroic and charming, holding a jade bottle, standing in front of two boys.

One of them shouted from a distance: "The monkey who made a big havoc in the Tiangong is escorted here? Why is the Buddha's golden post on Wuzhi Mountain missing?"

He spoke very fast, and he didn't notice that Mu Zha, who was beside him, was stiff, and his eyes almost popped out, but he was not looking at the almost naked monkey, but the young man opposite him, and , not only him, but even the woman who was sitting above the auspicious clouds changed her expression rapidly.

Zhou Zhang raised his eyebrows and recognized at a glance that this was definitely the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Although he had never met, his temperament was too outstanding. This kind of handsomeness of men and charm of women, there is no second person in the world.

Zhou Zhang knew that Sun Wukong was even more familiar with him, and he said a bit affectionately: "Oh, isn't this the boy Putuo Luojia Mountain who rescues the suffering, the great compassion, the great compassion, the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva?"

Zhou Zhang couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Sun Wukong. He admired it from the bottom of his heart. It was a genius to read such a long name in one breath without even pausing to read it!This is also something that Zhou Zhang hates. Every Bodhisattva on Daling Mountain has an outrageous name. If you add the place name and the honorable title, you can write a book.

Of course, the full names of the Jade Emperor, Taishang Laojun and others in Heavenly Court are also very long. This is not a special case of Daling Mountain. However, those in Heavenly Court are local people after all. More than a mouthful, Zhou Zhang has always been a collective name.

He cupped his hands and asked, "I don't know why the Bodhisattva passed by here? Where do you want to go?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva treated Sun Wukong with contempt, but when he looked at Zhou Zhang, he bowed slightly and saluted. His voice was very pleasant, with peace in his crispness, and dignity hidden in his softness: "Respect the Buddha's order, look for the person who takes the scriptures, and the Hinayana saves oneself. The Mahayana has saved the world, and the Tang Dynasty swordsmen have been fighting for many years in the East, and the people are not living well, so I especially seek a person who can learn from the scriptures and go to the Daling Mountain in the Western Heaven to seek the Mahayana Buddhism."

"It's easy to talk, easy to talk!" Zhou Zhang didn't talk much, he waved his hand and said: "Then I wish the Bodhisattva a smooth journey." There are many monks, and there is no Tang Seng and Li Seng, anyway, it is indispensable!Zhou Zhang didn't even think about blocking the Bodhisattva's search, and he couldn't stop it.

However, Zhou Zhang was about to send people away, but Guanyin Bodhisattva pressed down on the auspicious cloud, and Yulian stepped on the soil, and she walked over, looking at Zhou Zhang carefully, Zhou Zhang's name was like thunder, completely Arguably the hottest name right now.

She is naturally a little curious, although the purpose of this trip is not him, it is always right to know more. The face of Guanyin Bodhisattva is obviously much thicker than that of Sun Wukong, but Zhou Zhang did not look at it much, but he knew this. The guy was a pure man in his previous life, otherwise, he would not have such a strong heroic attitude.

However, the land and mountain gods hurriedly knelt down and bowed. As an immortal belonging to the heavenly court, it was simply too unpromising.

Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded with a smile, and then held up a few earth immortals. Shi Shiran walked to the two and sat down. Before he could speak, he saw a shiny rabbit leg handed to him, and then he saw Zhou Zhang's eyes were quite aggressive: "Bodhisattva, why don't you try it?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes widened a little, is this guy a head start?

"I don't eat it. I chew a few bamboo leaves every day and drink a few mouthfuls of the mountain spring. I can't eat this fatty object!"

"Oh, no wonder your skin is so good!" Zhou Zhang casually retracted the rabbit's leg and took a bite, the meat juice splashed all over, the corners of Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes trembled, and he couldn't help but say: "Why does the benefactor treat me like a bit unkind. Woolen cloth?"

"It's nothing!" Zhou Zhang pouted and said frankly: "I just met another Bodhisattva not long ago, and he really wanted to argue with me. I thought you all like this tone."

For ordinary people, even if Guanyin Bodhisattva does not show his aura, the name alone is enough to shock him. That one is not respectful, at least polite. Came across such a thing today.

Zhou Zhang's strength is not weak, they are at the same level, their aura is stronger, naturally they will not be influenced by Guanyin Bodhisattva, and their name can't scare Zhou Zhang, naturally Zhou Zhang's attitude is much more casual.

Guanyin Bodhisattva felt that he was being targeted, but, in fact, this is a very normal emotion. When guests come, please ask and ask, isn't it normal?

However, it is not a normal attitude towards Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Chapter [-] Want to make a bet?

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's name is extremely loud, and it can be said that the heavens and the world are like thunder. Anyone who knows the Buddha must know the Buddha, but those who know the Buddha may not know the Buddha. Most people notice that it is her compassionate heart, that If you do not save all the sufferings of the world, you will not achieve the great vow of a Buddha.

Few people pay attention to her appearance. Only people like Zhou Zhang who don't believe in Buddhism very much will focus on looking at her appearance through these layered influences, but she is beautiful, her temperament is ever-changing, and she is simply perfect, but , and thinking that she used to be a man, the beauty of all this makes people feel a little awkward.

Zhou Zhang's words naturally brought out this kind of awkwardness, and even this kind of awkwardness lasted for several years, and then Zhou Zhang slowly got used to what is called a past life.

Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't look at Zhou Zhang, but looked at Sun Wukong and said, "I would like to show you a clear path and give you a great fortune. Would you like to hear it?" Although in today's Daling Mountain, Zhou Zhang is better than Sun Wukong It is much more important, but Guanyin Bodhisattva really can't stand Zhou Zhang's eyes, so he can only turn to look at Sun Wukong, and turn Zhou Zhang from the corner of his eyes.

Sun Wukong didn't observe such small details, he laughed and said: "My old grandson has always been used to freedom and can't be restrained."

"Alas! You are..."

"Bodhisattva!" Zhou Zhang called out, interrupting Guanyin Bodhisattva's words, biting the rabbit's leg, and asked vaguely, "Did you bring three golden hoops on this trip? How about giving me one?"

I don't know why, every word of Zhou Zhang can make Guanyin Bodhisattva feel restless. He looks at Zhou Zhang, but his heart is already overturned. It was handed to him by the Buddha himself, and he has not yet found the opportunity to use it. How would he know?Moreover, where is the cheeky, open mouth, do you really think you will give it to him?

However, Zhou Zhang's eyes gave people a feeling of confidence, making Guanyin Bodhisattva a little suspicious, would he really give it to him?

The three of them swallowed the rabbit meat all at once, Zhou Zhang wiped the oil on his mouth, the rabbit meat was so tender and tender, which was really satisfying, and then he stretched out his hand and pointed to avoid the far away Mu Zha: "That old man with a thorn over there Fairy boy, come here..." This way of acting is like a living landlord.

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