Mu Zha shuddered, lowered his head and wanted to hide for a while, but was pushed out by another fairy boy next to him. He vaguely seemed to hear him muttering: "I'm not... an old fairy boy!"

In desperation, Mu Zha could only lowered his eyes timidly and walked towards Zhou Zhang, but he did not notice the warning eyes of his own Bodhisattva. Guanyin Bodhisattva was really a little angry this time. People, however, it has been some years since he was brought under his sect, let alone Zhou Zhang, the Jade Emperor has to ask his opinion before giving orders!

Fear is at the head, and Mu Zha can take care of these things. If it is said that Monkey King is the demon king of the world, this Zhou Zhang is a peerless emperor who is justifiable, shocking the world with his terrifying talent, and making his name famous in the world. This is destined to be holy, plus The secret message that was vaguely conveyed among all Taoist cultivators.

"Kill you, it's bad luck for you, destroy you, it's bad luck for you, seeing him is like your Majesty's presence, seeing him like the Queen Mother of the West in person, like a Taishang Laojun in person, those who make him unhappy, deprive the immortal, break the bones of the immortal, break the immortal body, fall into the realm of beasts!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Zhang's status was dashing upwards!Not to mention Mu Zha, now that his father Tota Heavenly King has seen him, he has to be obedient, not to mention, Zhou Zhang's own strength has been raised to a terrifying situation.

"Open your baggage and let me see it!" Under the murderous gaze of Guanyin Bodhisattva, Zhou Zhang seemed to be ordering his father to work as casually as he could, and even handed over the bone that he had gnawed in his hand, expressing his expression. Kindly.

"I won't eat it!" Mu Zha hurriedly refused. Under his nervousness, he didn't notice the Guanyin Bodhisattva next to him. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly. :"me!"

"It's okay!" The corner of Guanyin Bodhisattva's mouth twitched, and he smiled peacefully: "Since fellow Taoist wants to see it, let him see it!"

Zhou Zhang looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva with great interest, he still prefers this kind of popular appearance, that high and holy breath, looking too tired.

On the other side, Sun Wukong was suddenly stunned, and then he looked at Zhou Zhang and Guanyin Bodhisattva. He always felt that it was very strange, but he couldn't talk about it. He didn't have any bad feelings towards Guanyin Bodhisattva. It feels easy to get along with before, but now I feel in a trance that it doesn't seem to be difficult to get along with.

Mu Zha took a deep breath and sighed that his luck was not good. After the bad luck, he obediently opened the package. The contents inside were very simple, a golden cassock, a dark golden bowl, and a The ring collided with the rattling stick, and then the three golden hoops under the cassock.

Zhou Zhang's eyes lit up. Although these items can be considered treasures, they are nothing. Zhou Zhang is concerned about the luck involved in the above. If he can use all these items for his own use, this can be regarded as a reluctance to steal some. Good luck!Zhou Zhang's plan now is to try to snatch some luck.

"Brush!" The burden in Mu Zha's hand was snatched away by Guanyin Bodhisattva. She looked at Zhou Zhang vigilantly. At that moment, she felt a bit of danger to the bones. Then, she saw Zhou Zhang raised his head, slightly There was a smile on your cold face: "Bodhisattva, how about we make a bet?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva felt even more in danger in his heart, and hurriedly shook his head, but, waiting for him to speak, he heard Zhou Zhang say word by word: "You win, both of our brothers and sisters will follow you back to Daling Mountain and recite the sutras for ten thousand years!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was stunned, temptation!Godly temptation!Sun Wukong is one of the important figures in this westward travel plan. It is the key point of Daoist turning to Buddha. Zhou Zhang is a huge variable. Heaven's work.

Even if you don't feel moved by this credit, just think that if it can be solved smoothly, there will be fewer accidents and fewer lives!

Thinking of this, Guanyin Bodhisattva relaxed a little while holding the package, and asked aloud, "What are you betting on?"

Sun Wukong's mouth has grown, but Guanyin Bodhisattva agreed to come down?

Zhou Zhang raised his brows slightly, then returned to calm, and said with a smile, "I heard that Zhenyuanzi of Wuzhuangguan has a ginseng fruit tree, how about we go and see?"

Chapter four hundred and fifty first deceiving too much


Guanyin Bodhisattva's small head shook like a rattle, and the breath of transcendence and holiness disappeared without knowing it. No matter whether she was gambling or not, at least Zhou Zhang had pulled her down, like a normal person.

"Oh, I haven't said how to compare, so you said no?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Zhou Zhang with contempt, you really think I'm a fool, Zhen Yuanzi is the real Lord of the Earth Immortals, although he is arrogant, he should not use inferior tricks to help Zhou Zhang win, but, However, this matter is uneven, because now is a sensitive period, and every little bit of trouble is enough to attract attention.

Zhou Zhang ignored her expression and said, "Let's go and steal the tree, divide it into half for each person, and plant each one. Whoever has the most fruits that survive will win."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's eyes widened, we heard that this person seemed to have a grudge against Zhen Yuanzi, that was the lifeblood of others!As long as the ginseng fruit tree is there, his luck will be there, even if it is the great prosperity of Buddhism, it will not damage him too much, and he is still the master of the earth immortal.

This time, Guanyin Bodhisattva hesitated a little, her own jade bottle is a treasure, not to mention half a plant, even a branch can grow a towering tree for him, she even had some impulse to accept it, but , at this moment, she saw Zhou Zhang's eyes.

"Do not……"

"Then there is no way!" Before Guanyin Bodhisattva could finish speaking, Zhou Zhang suddenly stretched out his hand and snatched the package from her arms, his black and white wings spread out instantly, and shouted: "Senior brother, don't be stunned, take the meat quickly. Run!" Say it!The whole person turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky.

"Take your ass!" Sun Wukong was completely stunned, and then hurriedly chased Zhou Zhang with a somersault. The whole person was a little dreamy, what's going on, what's the situation?

Sun Wukong was blinded, not to mention Guanyin Bodhisattva, his pretty face froze in place, and he was robbed?

The rest of the idle people felt that even their heartbeat seemed to have disappeared. They opened their mouths and looked at the shadow that turned into a streamer and disappeared in the sky. It was really hard to react. Who would have thought, who would have dared to think?Zhou Zhang robbed?And it was Guanyin Bodhisattva who was robbed?How can this be?

"Little Guanyin Bodhisattva, I'm sorry for what happened." Zhou Zhang's voice sounded from a distance: "It can be considered that we have formed a relationship, and I will keep you safe from now on!" After that, Zhou Zhang felt that his thoughts were clearer than ever before, and he was less old-fashioned!

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva seemed to have froze in her head. These words turned around in her mind three times before she realized it. With a pretty face, she instantly became angry. Although that thing was considered a treasure, it was not too precious. Otherwise, I wouldn't show it to Zhou Zhang, but, what a shame!

"Zhou Zhang thief..."

Before the roar stopped, Guanyin Bodhisattva had already disappeared in place, chasing towards Zhou Zhang in a surging wind and thunder, rumbling, clattering and moving.

At this moment, Tianting, Clairvoyant and Shunfenger finally regained their minds, and stood up curiously again, using their supernatural powers to look at Zhou Zhang, and then looking at it, Clairvoyant rolled his eyes, Shunfenger unbelievably plucked out his ears, Then he fell to the ground, his legs shaking.

He kept mumbling a sentence: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was robbed, by... Zhou Zhang... robbed!"

In terms of speed, Sun Wukong is still a little faster than Zhou Zhang. Zhou Zhang has not yet learned the ability to fly through the clouds, relying on the propulsion of the wings behind his back. Although the speed is fast, and the explosive speed is extremely terrifying, it is still not as good as the long distance. Sun Wukong was a little bit, but after a while, Sun Wukong caught up.

Riding the cloud and mist around Zhou Zhang for three full circles, he silently raised his thumb and his eyes gleamed with admiration: "Junior Brother! You are so unexpected! Guanyin Bodhisattva has been robbed! This sentence says: It feels unreal to come out!"

Zhou Zhang smiled lightly and his thinking was active, which made him act a little more cunning and smart, but his temperament did not change much. already."

"Then where do we flee? You've stabbed a hornet's nest. The name of Guanyin Bodhisattva is very useful."

"Let's go to Wuzhuang Temple!" Zhou Zhang's eyes lit up: "I heard that the ginseng fruit tree is known as a treasure, I am going to dig the tree and give it to the person behind to make amends!"

Sun Wukong nodded slightly, although it was still a bit unexpected, but compared to the behavior of robbing Guanyin Bodhisattva not long ago, it didn't seem to be so unexpected, but, in a trance, Sun Wukong looked at the back with a pretty face chasing after him. Guanyin Bodhisattva, faintly felt that she seemed more like a person.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong suddenly turned his head, looked at Zhou Zhang, and then saw the faintly tilted corner of his mouth, and then an electric light flashed through his mind, even Sun Wukong, who was not afraid of the sky, couldn't help but hit Ji Ling, my junior brother wouldn't be so daring!

This is to let the many Buddhas, Arhats and Bodhisattvas in Daling Mountain come out in full force!

However, Zhou Zhang didn't say, Sun Wukong didn't even dare to ask any more questions. The two of them hurried on the road with their heads covered, and the speed reached the peak for a while, but in a quarter of an hour, they traversed more than three million miles, and straddled two continents. After turning around again, he turned his head and came to Hezhou, Xiniu. He had already faintly seen a high mountain, covered by emerald green, towering into the clouds, surrounded by immortal energy, majestic and noble.

"Longevity Mountain is in front, and the Wuzhuang Temple is on the mountain!"

After all, Sun Wukong is also a well-educated person who has traveled to four continents. He pointed to the mountain from a distance and sighed: "Junior Brother, I didn't expect that my old grandson finally decided to change his mind and stop fooling around, but unexpectedly, he set foot on the road again. This is a road of no return.”

"Senior brother, you are being old-fashioned!" Zhou Zhang's eyes lit up and his thoughts were clear: "We want to do that, it is extremely difficult, we can't just think about fighting, and occasionally we have to use our brains, some things should be done. Just do it, how can there be so many should not be!"

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