"Gudong, Gudong!"

It rolled down the steps like a ball, and even jumped up a few times as if it was somewhat elastic. The blood also spilled all the way. The blue-gray steps clearly left a blood-red mark, and the scene was strange and revealing. Kind of spooky.

Zhou Zhang was not afraid, he raised his foot indifferently and stepped on the falling head, his eyes suddenly sank, and the Monkey King next to him was even more stunned, and then he was furious, and suddenly pulled out his ears. The golden hoop stick, the fur-faced Lei Gong mouth showed a ferocious expression: "That bastard, so daring, dare to slaughter my teacher?"

Zhou Zhangyi stretched out his hand and grabbed Sun Wukong, shook his head lightly and said, "No hurry, let's figure out the situation, be careful of the trap!" Say it!He bowed his head and glanced over his head with his call, and frowned slightly. Although he couldn't remember clearly, this was definitely one of his senior brothers, and he seemed to have seen him in front of the mountain gate.

Although Sun Wukong was stopped by Zhou Zhang, his anger rested for a while, but he jumped up and down in a hurry, very unsteady, and then lowered his head to pick up the head from Zhou Zhang's feet, tilted his head to look at it, and asked with a look of doubt: "Little Junior Brother, do you know this person?"

Zhou Zhang nodded slightly and said, "It should be the disciple who was recruited after you, and one of my senior brothers."

"Sure enough, my old grandson is so pissed off." Sun Wukong roared when he heard the words, but he couldn't control his anger any longer. He picked up the stick, stepped on the auspicious cloud under his feet, and rushed in across the cave door.

Zhou Zhang shook his head slightly, still feeling a little weird, but he didn't hesitate any longer. He connected his feet and laid a lot of light blue other side flowers around, and then his figure flashed along the hole. The mountain gate, rushed into the yard.

Peaceful, peaceful, after entering the door, there is no imaginary blood flowing into rivers, and no imaginary traps ambushing, but it is like an empty city. The river was still flowing and crystal clear, but there was not even a single fish in it.

Immortal energy was still lingering, but the crane that was digging and flying in it disappeared. From a distance, the door of the house was closed, and there was no trace of popularity. It was like a village that had been abandoned for a long time.

Sun Wukong's speed was extremely fast, he circled the entire cave a few times in an instant, and then returned to Zhou Zhang, even though he felt the strangeness at the same time as he was surging with anger, he looked at Zhou Zhang with solemn eyes. Said: "Little Junior Brother, I basically saw the house, and there is no half figure."

Zhou Zhang frowned slightly: "What about that thing? Are there any traces?"

Sun Wukong instantly understood what Zhou Zhang meant, frowned and thought for a while: "I remember that no one moved, and everything was intact."

Zhou Zhang shook his head slightly, his senior brother was fine, but sometimes he was so anxious that he didn't say much. He took a few steps forward, pushed open a room and walked in.

The furnishings in the room are extremely simple. In the middle of the door, there is an offering table with a small sculpture on it. It looks like it is Zhou Zhang's master, Patriarch Bodhi. The ashes fell on the table, and in front of the table were two futons, neatly arranged without too much dust on them.

Zhou Zhang turned his eyes again, and at the same time his nose twitched slightly, and he could smell the faint scent of sandalwood in the air.

There are two ear rooms on both sides of the house. The shape is basically the same as that of Zhou Zhang's house, but the layout is much smaller. At first glance, the houses on both sides are only more than ten square meters. There is a bed, and the pillows and bedding on the bed are all It was neatly folded, and it was obvious that no one had moved it.

Zhou Zhang turned his head and looked outside the house lightly, the sunlight was clear, it was about noon, and he frowned slightly: "I am afraid that something has really changed, and it is definitely not a battle, but a more strange way, the people here He left by himself, and he walked very steadily, absolutely not in a hurry and without any trace of battle."

"Is it possible that they were controlled by something and left on their own?"

Zhou Zhang was concentrating. He couldn't think of anything in detail for a while. He could only make a rough judgment. He must have never experienced a battle, and the time to leave should not be long. Zhou Zhang turned back and looked at the thoroughness. Sunshine, then turned and went out without entering the house next to it.

Instead, walk three to five hundred meters, choose a random room, go in and take a look, then walk another three or five hundred meters, and then choose a random room, so you have entered about a dozen rooms, and you are already there. At the end, there is the bridge in front of you, and after crossing the bridge gate is your own house.

Zhou Zhang glanced back, stepped on the bridge without any hesitation, and walked towards his house, but the Monkey King behind him was already scratching his head and scratching his cheeks anxiously, especially as he walked this way, his doubts became heavier and heavier. Qian asked: "Little Junior Brother! What did you find?"

"No big discovery!" Zhou Zhang responded casually. It was because he had some vague guesses, but he didn't come up with a proper way of thinking.


Zhou Zhang entered his yard and rushed towards his immortal grass garden, and he turned out a seemingly ordinary immortal stone. Sun Wukong next to him saw this scene, tilted his head in disappointment, and said more eagerly. : "Little Junior Brother! Don't mess around, this is the situation here, let's go to the master to see the situation!"

However, before he finished speaking, he saw Zhou Zhang grabbing the immortal stone with both hands, and the immortal energy from his body spit out, and then a dying house spirit fell out, and Sun Wukong's eyes suddenly straightened, exclaimed: "Little Junior Brother , you really are someone who has no last resort, and you even put a surveillance spirit in your room?"

Zhou Zhang also smiled in surprise, and said with emotion: "I don't have that kind of scheming, so it's a good intention to be rewarded!" But, unfortunately, this house spirit was beaten by Zhou Zhang, and now his breath is still a little weak, paralyzed on the ground, Just looked up at Zhou Zhang, but couldn't make a sound to communicate.

Zhou Zhang's mind moved, and a breath of immortal energy passed over. With his current quasi-sage eighth-order cultivation base, coupled with the pure blood Yinglong bloodline, this immortal breath is of extraordinary significance!

In an instant, the figure of the house spirit solidified a lot, and then he blurted out with a little panic: "Be careful behind you."

Zhou Zhang's eyes narrowed, and he looked back, but there was no half-person figure. Then, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, he said coldly, "Do you think this little trick can deceive me?"

"If you dare to take another half step forward, I will make you go away."

The four hundred and sixtieth chapters are lost

While speaking harshly, Zhou Zhang pointed a finger, and light blue other shore flowers appeared around the yard, faint blue light enveloped the entire space, and even Sun Wukong calmed down for a moment, subconsciously asked: "Little Junior Brother! My old grandson has always wanted to ask you, what kind of trick you are, the other side of the flower!"

Zhou Zhang heard the words, looked back at him, smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't say it, don't say it!"

The other side flower itself is not strong, the strength lies in being able to lay out, as long as the layout is laid, the other side flower is the strongest means of Zhou Zhang now.

Sun Wukong's mind was still tense, but he could imagine what would happen to the house spirit, he instantly collapsed, looked at Zhou Zhang in horror, and roared almost like a scream: "This is impossible! How long does it take? My injury has only healed for a half, so how could you have reached the eighth rank of quasi-sage."

Anyone who knew about Zhou Zhang's cultivation progress would not be shocked. Every meeting was an earth-shaking change, which was beyond people's imagination.

Zhou Zhang did not answer, turned his head lightly, and sneered: "This has nothing to do with you, but it is also related. When I was a Golden Immortal, I could make you have no power to fight back. Killing you now is like killing a chicken, so"

"I must know everything!" This house spirit was somewhat wise, and immediately lowered his head and knelt down in front of Zhou Zhang.

Zhou Zhang didn't seem to be in a hurry on the surface, but in fact he was more or less worried. Although he didn't get along for a long time, Patriarch Bodhi treated his apprentice very well, and Zhou Zhang naturally had a bit of a deep master-apprentice relationship, but he But it is a deep understanding of a truth, anxious to solve any problems.

With a little finger, he pressed the house spirit hard, making him sweaty. After being terrified, he asked aloud: "You should know what happened here!"

Zhailing kowtowed like pounding garlic, and as expected he knew everything and said: "Da Xian, I actually don't know what happened, but I know that around eight o'clock in the morning, several light spots of different sizes and colors came in. He flew around the house unscrupulously, cursed a few times, and then left."

"So, I estimate that no matter what happens, it must have something to do with them."

"Spot of light?" Zhou Zhang lowered his head and rubbed his temples, feeling a bit of a headache. If he remembered correctly, he did encounter a spot of light, and he caught a lot, but he seemed to have lost those things. Now, he was thrown into the half-hundred-thousand-year-old battlefield of Buzhou Mountain.

Moreover, after that, it happened that he helped Sun Wukong. At that time, cause and effect were intertwined and the situation was critical. Zhou Zhang didn't think about it, and then he went to heaven without coming out. I reacted quickly, but after all, I forgot something.

Now it seems that this is very possible, because I brought them into the half of the Buzhou Mountain, and then they got some benefits, and the current situation should be caused by them.

Zhou Zhang faintly had a headache. Those things, physical magic, can't hurt the slightest. Only the power of merit and faith can deal with it. It's really troublesome. If you think about it, maybe not.

Zhou Zhang got up and looked at Sun Wukong and said, "Let's go to that half of Buzhou Mountain now!"

"Half of Zhoushan?"

Sun Wukong's head was full of questions, but Zhou Zhang obviously didn't have the desire to elaborate, he reached out his hand to pick up the house spirit, and said lightly: "Originally, if you didn't run away from hating me, I was going to set you free, but , It's a pity, you haven't repented at all, so let's suppress it for thousands of years!"

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