"Daxian, Daxian, I was wrong!" Zhai Ling's voice was as fast as a firecracker, loud and fast: "You get around me! Forgive me!"

Zhou Zhang looked calm, not at all moved by the other party's words. He stretched out his hand and picked up a stone, refining it in an instant, and then stuffed the screaming house spirit inside. Although he was cured by himself this time, but, His own strength has also increased countless times, and he is no longer the Zhouzhang of the Great Luo Jinxian.

Therefore, the suppression this time is more stable and reliable. There will be no gaps for four or five thousand years. Zhou Zhangyi raised his hand and threw the stone in the flowerbed again. Fate, please wait for the Fate to arrive!"

Sun Wukong didn't pay much attention either. A small house spirit, replaced by him, was beaten to death earlier, and even a little disliked Zhou Zhang's dawdling. He pulled it to his back and said, "Little Junior Brother, where is the half of Buzhoushan you said?"

"You haven't been there?" Zhou Zhang was also a little puzzled. Sun Wukong had never been there, so how did he learn the eighty-nine profound arts?

"How could I have been there!"

"Okay! Go from this direction, about." After Zhou Zhang explained the route in detail, he reminded again: "Let's stop and walk when we are far away, and approach slowly, don't startle the snake."

"Understood!" Sun Wukong nodded, bowed his head and bent over, he flipped out with a somersault, and the scenery on both sides jumped one after another.

Zhou Zhang jumped off Sun Wukong's shoulder, put his hand on his eyebrows, and looked from a distance. Fortunately, the half of Buzhoushan looked normal. Now the memories came flooding in. He clearly remembered the reason why he suddenly crossed from this half of Buzhoushan to heaven. , because when the master picked him up, something changed.

At that time, the master seemed to say that Zhoushan had changed halfway, so Zhou Zhang was also a little worried. At this time, he looked at it and found that there was no terrifying change, but he was relieved a lot.

"Little Junior Brother, look over there!"

Zhou Zhang turned his head and looked at it, and he was relieved immediately. His brothers were all gathered on the side of Buzhou Mountain. They were standing with each other very regularly. They vaguely formed some kind of formation, as if they were resisting something. However, it can be clearly seen that the expressions of each of them are extremely heavy, and they are obviously unable to resist.

What's even more unfortunate is that after Zhou Zhang looked carefully, he didn't see any trace of his master. Not only was he no longer in the crowd, but as long as he could see clearly, there was no shadow of him. Slowly backing away, at the same time, he pulled Sun Wukong and said, "Senior brother, you are wrong, let's go first."

"Well, what happened?"

Chapter [-] is a very simple question

Zhou Zhang didn't answer Sun Wukong's question, he pulled him out of the ground more than ten miles away, and then patted Sun Wukong on the shoulder and said, "Senior brother, you are waiting here." Then he turned around and wanted to leave.

Sun Wukong, now feeling that his brain seems to be getting less and less useful, it's just a mess, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold Zhou Zhang, he didn't let go, and roared with a bit of rogue interest: "No, little junior brother, You have to make things clear to me."

"I can't tell for a while, and I don't know much about some details."

"That won't work, at least you have to tell me why I'm waiting here!" Sun Wukong's monkey face wrinkled: "Our brothers and sisters are obviously in a hard fight, why don't you let me go up and help them. !"

Zhou Zhang was helpless, he could only slowly shake his head and said: "Because they are not our senior brothers now, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are enemies!"

"how is this possible?"

Zhou Zhang rubbed his eyebrows and explained quickly, "Because they are definitely being controlled by something!"

"how do you know?"

"It's very simple! Those houses are clean and tidy, and it turns out that there was no fighting. They left very lightly, but there were a lot of sandalwood ashes scattered on the table. If they went out normally, why didn't they change to a bigger incense burner? Instead, the ashes are still sprinkled on the table!"

"Yes! If you are determined to leave by yourself, you will definitely have to change to a larger incense burner, which usually takes up space, but if you really leave, you will naturally have to change to a bigger one."

"Right! It's very easy to think of!" Zhou Zhangyi waved his hand away from Sun Wukong's grasp, and ordered: "Senior brother, please remember, don't leave casually, you must have noticed that the sunshine is clear!" !He disappeared in a hurry and flew towards the house of Patriarch Bodhi.

There is a faint worry in my heart, it seems that this time the situation is beyond the master's control, and it is not so easy to solve.

"Sunshine and sunshine?" Sun Wukong's face was full of confusion, and he looked up at the sky subconsciously. Sure enough, the sun was shining directly down, which was a bit more thorough than usual, just like the glass that was placed between the sun and the earth in the past. Take it off, and it feels clear all of a sudden.

"Just, what does this sunshine mean?"

Sun Wukong scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, full of doubts. When he wanted to ask again, Zhou Zhang had already disappeared without a trace. In terms of the instantaneous explosive speed, Zhou Zhang was three points faster than Sun Wukong.

The black and white wings vibrated behind him, and Zhou Zhang crossed the room in an instant and rushed into the master's room. This time, he did not act cautiously, but instead released Longwei, and his consciousness expanded.

Although in this three-star slanting moon cave, due to the existence of Bodhi Patriarch, the spiritual consciousness is somewhat limited, but with Zhou Zhang's eighth-order cultivation base, once the spiritual consciousness is expanded, it is enough to cover the space of nearly a thousand miles. , Even if it is suppressed a little now, it is still visible within a hundred miles.

Not at all afraid to scare the snake, and certainly not to scare the snake, Zhou Zhang flew forward unscrupulously, but for a moment, when his consciousness moved, Zhou Zhang sensed something, and with a flash, he appeared in an exquisite wooden house.

The wooden house is extraordinarily exquisite. Even from the eyes of the Xianjia, it is also a carved beam and painted building. It is extremely beautiful. Even some small lines are carefully crafted. Although the space is not large, it is overall good. People have a wonderful feeling, and, vaguely, this room seems to occupy the most middle position of the fairy veins here.

Step into the house, you can feel the immortal aura blowing towards your face, the strong wind almost forms a gust of wind, which can blow people out. Suffocation, even if it can be resisted, but once absorbed, it will definitely be held to death by the spirit of the fairy.

It is so dense that it has never been seen before, and this is because there is a table in the middle of the room that is madly absorbing the spirit of the fairy, and it has become invisible into a small tornado. Otherwise, the fairy in this room will Qi will definitely be more abundant, beyond imagination.

Zhou Zhang's expression was indifferent, his eyes sputtered with fine light, and his spiritual consciousness was restrained and spread within a radius of one mile. The distance was tightened, but it was more detailed. There was almost no movement that could escape his control. After confirming that nothing was wrong, Zhou Zhang only took a step. Walking towards the center step by step, I stepped on a large piece of other side flowers covertly under my feet, and at each step, a flower bloomed, quietly blending into the space.

Although he is confident, he must be vigilant. Zhou Zhang walked to the table and stood still, his hands were stained with a layer of golden fairy energy. to both sides.

With a "呲la" sound, the fairy tornado was torn apart, revealing the table below. Obviously, the table could not absorb the aura of the fairy. What really absorbed the aura of the fairy was a pale white unknown material. The ring, like jade but not jade, is better than jade, and the surface is mixed with shimmering brilliance.

On the whole, it is just the size of a palm, and in the middle is a hole the size of the palm of your hand, surrounded by light, with various colors of light woven inside, all as thin as cow hair, but densely intertwined, forming a kind of mysterious symbol, Zhou Zhang. Looking at his eyes, the system sound in his mind resounded: "Found Chaos Jade!"

"Chaos Jade?" Zhou Zhang was stunned and glanced at the things on the table in surprise, but he clearly remembered that at the beginning, his strength was mottled, and the master Bodhi gave him a piece the size of the palm of his hand, that is Chaos Jade , It is said that it is the shell of the jade plate.

However, why did another piece of Chaos Jade appear now?

However, Zhou Zhang is Zhou Zhang after all. Although he is shocked, he is not confused. Pressing the surprise in his heart, he did not even remember to take the piece of Chaos Jade, but gently moved his fingers on the table, although his consciousness had already detected that this room was a bit unusual. , The purpose of coming to this house is not to find some Chaos Jade, but for another reason.

Sure enough, with Zhou Zhang's tap, the table trembled slightly, then the table lit up, a ray of light sputtered out, and then a figure was formed in front of Zhou Zhang, the figure sat cross-legged in the void, eyes distant, immortal Feng Daogu is the ancestor of Zhou Zhang's master, Bodhi.

His expression was serene, his eyes were calm and calm, he looked into the distance leisurely, then took it back, looked at Zhou Zhang and said, "You're back! You already know what you've done as a teacher, and as a teacher, you don't judge whether you are doing well or not. Well, I just want to say that everything is up to your heart, and you can do what you feel comfortable with, then do what you want."

Chapter Four hundred and sixty-seven The brain moves fast, it is good!

Obviously, this is just a preserved image created by magic, not the type that can talk in real time. Therefore, Zhou Zhang also stopped talking, and while looking at the Chaos Jade, he listened to the words of Patriarch Bodhi.

At the beginning, he explained some words, from which we can judge that this image will not be kept for too long, because he already knew that he had saved Sun Wukong, and even knew that he had robbed Guanyin Bodhisattva, but he did not know that he even had five villages. I have already visited the view, so it should be the information left before that.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Patriarch Bodhi is the message left recently, but I don't know the news that Zhou Zhang broke into the Wuzhuang Temple. After all, although the battle was brilliant, there was not much movement, and the two of my brothers and sisters did not have a chance to follow him. People say this, Guanyin Bodhisattva should not say it, and as for Zhenyuanzi, it is even more impossible.

He would definitely try his best to suppress this matter. After all, it was so embarrassing that he let a junior punch him and robbed the ginseng fruit tree, but he didn't have any way yet.

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