Zhou Zhang’s thoughts flew through his mind, and he inferred the detailed situation through some phenomena and words, and then he heard Patriarch Bodhi say: “Recently, there has been a lot of movement in the half-buried Zhoushan Mountain, and I have seen many rules leaked out for the teacher. , I'm afraid of changing, so, leaving these words, no one except you can trigger the magic here!"

"However, Wei Shi will come here to update his words every three days, so if you come here, no matter what accident happens, the information is definitely the latest news of Wei Shi, which can minimize your misjudgment."

Zhou Zhang pouted his lips. He doesn't agree with this method very much. It's kind of futile, because if you want to update the information, at least you have to be safe!As long as there is an accident, it will be impossible to update it. Zhou Zhang naturally still doesn't know the situation.

However, after all, this is a piece of love from Patriarch Bodhi. Zhou Zhang still corrected his attitude and listened carefully.

Then there are some less important news. The half-buried mountain will shake every day, and the power of cause and effect is wrapped around it, and then some light spots appear around the half-buzhou mountain. Patriarch Bodhi speculates that this should be some rules. Power, but the details are unknown.

It was at this time that the images left by Patriarch Bodhi could no longer be described. As expected by Zhou Zhang, he really understood the truth. After an accident occurred, Patriarch Bodhi could not leave any information, and Zhou Zhang still did not know the specific situation. , However, some things can probably be judged from these words.

First of all, those light spots did play a certain role, but they were definitely not the main enemy. The trembling of the half mountain and the terrifying power of cause and effect were the crisis.

Also, Patriarch Bodhi didn't know what happened to the chaotic jade on the table. Otherwise, such an important thing could not be thrown on the table at will. Moreover, he didn't even explain a word, and even Zhou Zhang speculated that, When this Chaos Jade appeared, Patriarch Bodhi was probably already in crisis.

Then Zhou Zhang also put down a little bit of heart, at least before the crisis appeared, his master had expected it, which means that the hope of surviving with his strength is great, and the greatest possibility is that he is trapped .

Then there is the third, I must have a way to solve the problem here, otherwise, with the master's love for him, it is absolutely impossible to say to avoid your misjudgment, but to say to leave as soon as possible, so Zhou Zhang made up his mind.

Of course, there are many other guesses that still need to be confirmed, and Zhou Zhang doesn't dare to be too sure, so he can only take a step by step.

Then, Zhou Zhang stretched out his hand and picked up the piece of Chaos Jade without hesitation. He took care of him. When he arrived at the treasure in front of him, he hid it in his arms and then threw the Chaos Jade into his personal space with a flick of his hand. Then, With a condensed gaze, he saw the drop of blood essence that he once obtained on the ancient battlefield [-] years ago.

After thinking about it, Zhou Zhang still took it out. He could still vaguely feel the feeling that his blood was being suppressed, and there was no sound of announcing good news from the system in his mind. Zhou Zhang frowned slightly. Use it as a trump card when you have to!

If you really encounter a crisis, just absorb this drop of blood essence, although I don't know how effective it will be, at least it should be able to increase the power of some bloodlines!

After collecting the things, Zhou Zhang stood on the spot and absorbed some surging fairy energy, returning his strength to a state of perfection, and even after a slight increase in his body, his figure flashed and flew towards Sun Wukong. , and in the room behind Zhou Zhang, a flower on the other side bloomed slowly, and then disappeared into the void.

This other side flower is more real and majestic than the other side flower used by the ordinary Zhouzhang. It occupies half of the room, especially the table is wrapped in it. Since I speculate that this chaotic jade is likely to be Bodhi How could I have not taken precautions when my ancestor appeared here after an accident?

So, flying all the way, Zhou Zhang secretly clicked out all the way, moving back and forth along the way, from the moment he went up the mountain to the present, a small part of Longevity Mountain, especially nearly half of the space of Xieyue Sanxingdong, was occupied by the other side flower. , and also faintly reached the limit of Zhou Zhang.

There seems to be no limit to his methods, but in fact, the requirements for consciousness are extremely high. Although the immortal energy in the body is being consumed and absorbed quickly, it is basically in a state of [-] to [-]% full, but the spiritual power is I can't bear it anymore, and I vaguely feel that I have reached the limit.

Zhou Zhang looked around with a pity. Although he walked all the way, he left a mark with vigilance, but, in a word, compared with the deliberately arranged formation, the current distribution is too messy and irregular, and the combat effectiveness It's really limited, if there is a chance to let yourself arrange the game and wait for the enemy to sneak in.

With a sigh of pity, Zhou Zhang flew back to Sun Wukong's side, only to see that he didn't move up and down, but sat cross-legged on the ground abnormally motionless, his eyes fixed on the ground, he heard footsteps and raised his head. Looking at Zhou Zhang, then the depths of his eyes gradually lit up, and his fiery eyes shone brightly: "Little Junior Brother, I finally understand, and I also know what happened to your other trick!"

Zhou Zhang fell down lightly, looked up at the surroundings, didn't notice anything unusual, and said with great interest, "Oh, let's hear it."

Chapter four hundred and sixty-eight is worthy of being Monkey King

When Sun Wukong and Zhou Zhang are together, there is a faint feeling of being suppressed by Zhou Zhang, which makes people feel like he is nothing more than that. However, as long as he leaves Zhou Zhang, he is definitely the top group of existences in this world, and, in terms of talent alone, he is definitely one of the best. Therefore, if he can really see something, Zhou Zhang has no doubts.

Even, from the perspective he can see, it can be judged how long it will take others to see through his own means, how much can be seen, those should not be seen, and so on.

So, Zhou Zhang sat down with great interest, posing as if he was listening.

Sun Wukong nodded with satisfaction, it seemed that his senior brother's majesty was recovered, he jumped on a rock proudly, squatted down, and nodded Zhou Zhang: "Your other side flower should be a means of confinement, there is room to pull the power. !"

Zhou Zhang nodded slightly. It is not difficult to see that the other side flower has not burst out with any terrifying attack power, but more of a strange feeling.

Seeing Zhou Zhang's normal expression, Sun Wukong was also a little discouraged. In order to shock Zhou Zhang, he racked his brains, gritted his teeth hard, and didn't give a shit, and said in one breath: "As far as my old grandson knows, the other shore flower is Jiuyou The underworld, the special flowers on the banks of the Sanshengshi River, have the power to isolate life and death to a certain extent."

"However, water is the one with the most distortion and change ability among the five elements. Of course, water is also yin, so it has the highest degree of fit with the other side of the flower, and that strange sense of space pulling is born. In fact, it is not that the space has changed, but Yes, you replaced air with invisible water, imprisoning everyone in your own water."

"It seems invisible, but in fact, when the other side of the flower blooms, it connects the entire space, and then there will be invisible water flooding, pulling, dragging, imprisoning, and controlling, it is up to you."

Zhou Zhang's eyes lit up, and he gave a slight thumbs up: "Senior brother, amazing!"

As soon as these four words came out, Sun Wukong's face was full of joy, and finally, he finally regained his senior brother's dignity, and Zhou Zhang also sincerely praised that he and Sun Wukong did not directly do it, and although he did not hide anything in front of him, he did not hide anything. There is nothing to show, that's all, he has already seen so much, and he is worthy of the name of the Monkey King.

Moreover, it also gave Zhou Zhang a wake-up call. Since he got the evolution of this other shore flower, Zhou Zhang can be considered invincible and invincible. He is somewhat arrogant and complacent in his bones. It must not be like this in the future. Sun Wukong can see it, and others can naturally see it.

Of course, Sun Wukong also has limited conditions. He only saw the role of water, but he did not fully understand it. He could barely see a third of it!He still didn't see the role of the other side of the flower. It was not only the power to isolate life and death, or there was another way to isolate the power of life and death. Zhou Zhang shook the black and white wings behind him.

More importantly, the other side of the flower is to directly attack the power of the soul. Therefore, Zhou Zhang used it for the first time, but it was used to detain Jin Chanzi from the fetus in Yin Wenjiao's womb. Therefore, the role of the other side of the flower is here. Soul, if necessary, Zhou Zhang can even absorb the soul of one person directly with the other side flower.

This is the true role of the other side of the flower. This move is one of the few moves that Zhou Zhang can combine himself with the Great Sun Evolution Seal, and it is also the strongest move for the time being.

However, Sun Wukong can see so much, and he is already strong enough. Zhou Zhang is not stingy in praise. After a few praises, he asks: "Then senior brother, do you know the mystery of the sunshine?"

"Naturally!" Sun Wukong smiled proudly, and he was the first to struggle with this question, and he looked around with vigilance and said: "This mountain is not completely real at all, some places are illusory, and some places even Yu probed into an unknown space, and of course some places are real."

"This question is actually not a difficult thing to understand!" Zhou Zhang's eyes were also solemn: "Actually, after I went up the mountain for the first time, I understood a little bit. At first I thought it was created by the master with his own magic power. Small space, and then I felt something was wrong."

"And then, someone told me that this Longevity Mountain is a combination of reality and reality, so it's not a problem, but the sunshine is a bit excessive, even unreal, and more importantly, the space where it appears is The original real disciple's house, and this place, you must know, this place used to be a real reality."

"So" Sun Wukong's fiery eyes gleamed: "The space here is messed up?"

"That's right!" Zhou Zhang slowly got up, stared at Sun Wukong and said: "That's why I told you not to move around, and I don't know the excess, but I do know that there is a half of Zhoushan, this thing is not Ordinary existence, naturally we have to deal with it carefully.”

"Understood!" Sun Wukong's expression was heavy: "But it should be like this! The Tathagata Buddha has this method. If I could see through one leaf and one world earlier, I wouldn't be pressed by him under the Five Fingers Mountain."

"Yeah!" Zhou Zhang nodded with satisfaction. It felt good to be partnering with his senior brother. He was completely capable of acting on his own, strong and wise, although he was a little worse than himself.

Sun Wukong's face was heavy, but he was also surging with joy. Finally, he was able to keep up with the thinking of his little junior brother. It was really not easy. So, I just didn't think about it in this regard, but I ignored the wisdom of seeing the big from the small, which not everyone has.

It's like, inferring other things from one case, ordinary people really don't have this kind of thinking.

The former Zhou Zhang can only be regarded as ordinary, but since the evolution of the Great Sun Evolution Seal, some of his thoughts were inexplicably opened up, making his thinking run faster, and some things, he just glanced at, and his mind would naturally extend out. , I feel a little tired and tired at the same time as my thinking is smooth.

But all in all, it's comfortable.

After discussing head-to-head for a while, the two brothers and sisters approached the half of Buzhou Mountain with a seemingly casual but cautious pace. Zhou Zhang also took the time to explain: "If my expectations are correct, This is a kind of exchange of virtual and real, that is, what was originally real has escaped into illusion, and what was originally illusory has emerged in reality.”

"It's like a reflection in the water, the shadow and reality are exchanged, so the way to save trouble is, if you don't know the place, you must avoid it, and if you look at the familiar things, don't go in, just take the avenue!"

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