"So young?"

"There is a peaceful atmosphere in the eyes, this is an excellent seedling for cultivating Buddha!"

"Indeed, his eyes contain the spirit of a person. His eyes are sharp but not aggressive, majestic but not murderous, peaceful and wise, indeed."

However, before the two of them could finish their words, they felt a sharp gaze swept over. They were shocked and turned their heads to look. They saw that the eyes of the Buddha were blood red, and the eyes turned out to be murderous, and they were dying. Staring at the two of them, suddenly, they subconsciously closed their mouths.

Although they are both Buddhas, there is not much fear, but, after all, the Buddha is the boss, and when there are outsiders present, the two of them bow their heads in unison, but they can't help but look at each other, as if to say it again. , The Tathagata this time is really too lacking in the bearing of the Buddha. The Tathagata Buddha who purifies all living beings will show murderous aura, which is simply too inappropriate.

Then, at this moment, the light continued to dissipate, and Zhou Zhang's entire face was exposed, his expression was indifferent, and there was even a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. binocular.

Then, Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha's already thin face was even colder, like a cold blade, his thin lips were just pursed, revealing a fierce aura, his eyes were blood red, and his murderous aura was high.

Maitreya Buddha's smile disappeared, a fat face sinking like the bottom of a pot, and his eyebrows raised like two great swords. The murderous intention was complete. Who said that the Buddha was not angry, and how could he save the people if he was not angry?

On the contrary, the Tathagata Buddha has relieved some of his mood. It was shock and disbelief just now, which made him lose his mind. The appearance of the simple person who can fiddle with the lamp of life will not make him suddenly change color. It was impossible for him to lose his expression, but when these two got together, he couldn't control it any longer and showed an unbearable expression.

However, after all, it was the Tathagata Buddha, and the peace was restored in a moment, and even faintly cast a glance at the ancient Buddha and the Maitreya Buddha, as if to say: "Can you two be able to make a difference, how can the Buddha show murderous aura? "

Compared with the shock and disbelief of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, the Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun were more ecstatic and unbelievable. The havoc in the Heavenly Palace had some acting elements, so naturally they would not be too hostile to the one who helped Sun Wukong. The shadows looked at each other, and the joy almost overflowed from their eyes.

"It turned out to be Zhou Zhang!"

"We are pig brains, Sun Wukong was rescued by Zhou Zhang, and he has been following him all this time. He is here, and Zhou Zhang is naturally here."

"Haha, it's true, pig brain! The eyes are still a little hard to use."

Even if they are self-deprecating, these two are full of joy, and they are even ready to go down and have a good chat with Zhou Zhang, and take precautions against the Buddha. .

But at this moment, Zhou Zhang said: "Everyone, why did you come to my teacher's school?"

Whether it is friendly or unfriendly now, Zhou Zhang must take precautions. The things in his hands are too precious, and as long as the slightest leak is enough, it is enough to make people lose their minds.

Hearing Zhou Zhang's words, everyone on the scene reacted, yes!This is Lingtai Fangcun Mountain!His position was above the Xieyue Sanxing Cave. Taishang Laojun and the Jade Emperor also stopped, looked around in confusion and said, "What happened? Where did your master Bodhi go?"

Zhou Zhang heard the words, his face was a little gloomy, this was the limit of his acting skills, and he said: "I also just came back, I don't know what kind of disaster happened in Lingtai Mountain, my master doesn't know what accident happened, as soon as I entered the mountain, It was because of an unknown attack, trapped here, unable to move an inch."

Sun Wukong's eyes widened when he heard the words. Could it be that something happened just now, so he didn't care about hiding his figure, so he hurried over and said, "Little Junior Brother, what's going on? What's trapping you? My old grandson. Break him up for you."

The corners of Zhou Zhang's eyes twitched, and he really wished he could kick the monkey head flying, but he said with a calm expression: "Actually, it's not a big deal. I'm lucky because of misfortune, but I can't move for the time being." Then he saw the Queen Mother of the West hurried After falling down, he asked eagerly: "It's not a big deal to be trapped here? Since we're here, it's natural to help you get out of trouble!"

The corners of Zhou Zhang's mouth twitched. If it wasn't for this beautiful face, he would definitely have kicked him. However, right now, it's useless to look good. If there is a chance in the future, he must tease you hard and let you do bad things to me.

Moreover, during the delay, the two pieces of Chaos Jade in his hand were already [-]% fused, and the shrouded light had already retreated to the position of Zhou Zhang's chest. Others said with certainty that the gang of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas must go crazy.

Zhou Zhang's heartbeat gradually accelerated, but his face became more and more calm. Zhou Zhang's qi-raising skills became increasingly sophisticated, to the extent that Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face. His voice was calm: "Excuse me, help me find a master. He lowered his head and whispered in the ears of Sun Wukong and the Queen Mother of the West: "I also got a blessing in disguise and got a treasure!"

Then, looking up at the Bodhisattva and Buddha in the sky, his voice was even more hearty and sincere: "Since you are here, may you help me go to the Buzhou Mountain to find a master, and I will be grateful after the event."

According to the different attitudes, Zhou Zhang sent them off with three sentences. The most concerned Sun Wukong and the Queen Mother of the West can only say this. The two of them really changed their faces slightly, and they blocked Zhou Zhang intentionally or unintentionally. As long as they don’t know about Zhou Zhang’s treasure It is a jade plate of good fortune, and it is absolutely impossible for these two to turn their faces.

Of course, even if he knows, he is unlikely to turn his face. However, Zhou Zhang has always been cautious, and there is no such thing as a fool to test human nature. Moreover, Zhou Zhang has always understood one truth, that is, believing in the beauty of human nature. But never think of testing the darkness of the heart.

Chapter [-] Basic Hypocrisy

Under most normal circumstances, human nature is good, but don't test human nature, it will only make you feel unbearable!

Zhou Zhang's thinking was active, and he saw through the three types of people in an instant. Three words with almost no gaps came out. Sun Wukong and the Queen Mother of the West naturally wanted to block him. The Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun were both asking for it. Yu Zhouzhang treats him very well, but not because of deep affection, but because of the same interests.

Therefore, Zhou Zhang was just a simple request, and the two of them could not refuse, and nodded slightly: "That's natural."

"We are also a little worried about the safety of Daoist Bodhisattva." At the same time as they spoke, the two turned their heads to look at the Bodhisattva and Buddha in the sky. If there were only a few people, they would have already helped to find them. However, there is also the top battle of Daling Mountain. Force, out of worry, naturally won't leave easily.

Zhou Zhang's eyes were like electricity, and he took everyone's expressions into his own heart. He looked at the Bodhisattva and Buddha above the sky with a faint gaze. Zhou Zhang's last sentence was the most scheming. It was polite, but it was a hidden threat. However, those who listened to this sentence would not understand that Zhou Zhang was threatening them.

"Can you enter Zhoushan?"

Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha's thin cheeks sank. He turned his head and glanced at the half of Buzhou Mountain, which was straight like a blade into the sky. His face was ugly. Since this half of Buzhou Mountain is still alive, as a top-level existence, it is natural to know it. After so many years , There is naturally a reason for entering the half Buzhou Mountain, not to mention, at this moment, the half Buzhou Mountain is surrounded by the power of cause and effect that is as black as ink.

Maitreya Buddha's face was not very good-looking, and he approached the Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha and whispered: "This can't be dealt with, the power of cause and effect has overflowed, and it must be filled with all around, and if a trace of it is contaminated, there will be a danger of falling. not to mention"

Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha nodded for the indelible.

Even after eliminating and fighting, Zhou Zhang's current thinking speed has reached the limit. It seems to be an ordinary three sentences, but it is aimed at different goals. At such a critical moment, his thinking is still fresh, which makes Zhou Zhang have a particularly comfortable feeling. Feel.

Buddhist Daling Mountain, all Bodhisattvas and Buddhas are famous all over the world for their compassion and compassion. Since someone asks, it is not so easy to refuse.

Tathagata Buddha's face is also not so good-looking, half of Zhoushan. He once practiced on the top of the mountain, but he was almost invaded by inner demons, and the Buddha's heart fell. Naturally, he knew the crisis, not to mention, at this moment, this half is not Zhoushan. It doesn't look so normal. It seems that the change now comes from this Buzhou Mountain.

Tathagata Buddha's thoughts turned, his hands clasped together and said: "That is Daoist friend, due to fate, it is natural to need to help." There was only sorrow on his face, Tathagata Buddha lowered his head and said: "It's just that there is a Buddha on Daling Mountain now, and his corpse is relic. It hasn't been placed yet, so I really don't have time to take care of him!"

This reason is simply naked, and to put it bluntly, I don't care.

It's not that the Tathagata Buddha can't find a good excuse. It's just that he doesn't think it's necessary. Although he still maintains a trace of peace on the surface, he has already tried to see it.

As soon as these words came out, the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas understood the decision of the Tathagata Buddha, and looked at the people in the heaven below coldly. Some people even turned and left. Although they did not sneer and curse, this attitude made people feel even more distressed.

Taishang Laojun's face was gloomy, his fists were clenched, and his whole person was like a bunch of wheat in the wind, shaking to and fro. As the Lord of the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor exuded an aggressive aura, his eyes were already cold. Being able to freeze, he raised his head and said, "Since that's the case, don't bother the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas there."

After all, they are all people with heads and faces. Naturally, it is impossible to swear and swear. This level of dialogue is almost torn. The Buddha did not even bother to show basic hypocrisy. Hearing the words, he smiled lightly, turned around and prepared to leave. The vague gaze still fell on Zhou Zhang, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Then, I saw Zhou Zhang's whole body tremble suddenly, glanced at himself with some annoyance and hatred, and then fell forward to the ground, as if he had received some injuries.

To be honest, Tathagata Buddha really wanted to go down and have a look. It is definitely a great thing for this bastard to get hurt. However, after all, he just tore his face, and he didn't bother to pretend, confirming that Zhou Zhang was a little angry and hated just now. His eyes, a satisfied smile, flicked his robe sleeves, and returned to Daling Mountain with the golden light from the sky.

As soon as the Buddha left, those Bodhisattvas and Buddhas naturally did not stop. In an instant, the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas all over the sky retreated, and the sky became a little clearer. , as long as you are not nervous, it is not difficult to hide the jade plate of good fortune.

The key is that there are very few people. Under such circumstances, they can still be as calm and calm as Zhou Zhang. This is like riding a train with drugs in their arms. In fact, to put it bluntly, most people do not expect you to be carrying drugs. , and there is no mood to investigate, it seems that there is nothing difficult, but very few people can avoid the inspection along the way, because of their psychological quality, and even some do not need inspection at all, and they are full of panic at first glance. .

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