However, the Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun snorted coldly, looking at the departing Bodhisattva and Buddha, they were even more attracted to Zhou Zhang, they turned around and wanted to check, Zhou Zhang hurriedly said: "Two rest assured, I'm fine, now It is already able to move, but it needs to be recuperated for a while."

Although Zhou Zhang's movements are not so elegant, lying on the ground as straight as a coffin board, but his voice is relaxed and his voice is natural, it is true that he does not look like he is seriously injured. He took a step and blocked Zhou Zhang, all of whom had a slightly sad expression on their faces, and said, "Now, the life and death of Fellow Bodhi Daoist is uncertain, so the four of us might as well take a walk around first."

Next to him, Sun Wukong also put aside some messy emotions, pretending to be eager to say: "It's troublesome, my old grandson must be grateful in the future." From this, it can be seen that Sun Wukong's acting skills are really not very good, but, It's still much better than Zhou Zhang, at least the radian of his expression is more obvious.

Without too much doubt, the Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun looked at each other and said, "It should be like this."

"The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals have been idle lately, so let them come and help you find them."

"That's right, it's not good to fight, but it's better to find more people!" Sun Wukong also said a few words, and found that the two of them didn't seem to be so hostile to their former murderer.

Four hundred and seventieth eight chapters Daoyu

Under the disguise of Sun Wukong and the Queen Mother of the West, and driven by Zhou Zhang's increasingly energetic voice, Taishang Laojun and the Jade Emperor were also diverted from their targets, and their hearts became a little impatient. It is indeed too terrifying, Patriarch Bodhi will not have any accident!

Although the normal relationship is normal, but recently, he has been a stable comrade-in-arms. Now the Daling Mountain is powerful, if one loses another person, the Taoist Sect will really be inferior to the other party.

After the two negotiated, they followed the two sides to search for the past, Sun Wukong and the Queen Mother of the West breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at their maids, waved their hands and said, "There is no need for people here, there is one more person. Give yourself a little more strength, and you also go to look around, remember, this world is a bit unusual, if you encounter places you don't know, don't touch or go in."

When the fairies heard the words, they nodded one after another, and then followed the direction with their backs facing away from the Buzhou Mountain, and searched for the depths of the former Xieyue Samsung Cave. Now it is no different from a wasteland, let alone clues. Speaking of which, the entire Lingtai Mountain was almost flattened by one third by Zhou Zhang just now.

After everyone had left, the Queen Mother of the West glanced at Zhou Zhang with curiosity in her eyes, but she didn't ask any more questions, instead she said, "I'll go to the foot of Mount Buzhou!" After finding a reason, she was ready to leave Go, Zhou Zhang can tell her that she has got the baby, it is already a kind of trust, and if you ask more deeply, it will be a little out of proportion.

However, Sun Wukong obviously did not have this concern. A few leaps jumped to Zhou Zhang's side, turned Zhou Zhang over and said, "Show senior brother, what kind of treasure is it that made you so careful."

Zhou Zhang laughed and sat up with his strength. He handed a round, crystal clear gem that was as round as a teardrop to Sun Wukong. It was before the fusion of Chaos Jade that the human-shaped light spot appeared so-called " "Essence", it's not that he doesn't trust Sun Wukong, it's really that the four characters of the jade plate are too easy to destroy the body and mind.

The Queen Mother of the West, who walked away, saw that Zhou Zhang did not take her into consideration, and her mood became a little more active. Unconsciously, she also came over and asked in a low voice, "What is this?" She is proud of herself, but, the fact is, something she doesn't know, may indeed be a treasure.

Sun Wukong took it in his hand and threw it around. He really couldn't see why. However, he could also clearly feel that this drop seemed a little unusual, especially the material, which seemed crystal clear like fairy crystals, but it was It seems that something that cannot be seen or touched is condensed. In reality, there is no fairy crystal with this texture at all.

Since it was thrown out as a reason, it would not be too weak. Zhou Zhang followed the words prompted by the system in his mind just now and said, "This is the Tao"

"Dao? What Tao, why Tao, what Tao?"

Zhou Zhang smiled softly. Although he was vigilant, he was also sincerely grateful to these two. When he whispered, they stood by his side without hesitation. This is a love that is worth remembering. Zhou Zhang Although he is cold, it is not indifference to unreasonableness, and although vigilant, it is not autistic and unbelieving.

Hearing this, he didn't hide anything, and said in detail: "In summary, there are three thousand avenues in the world, but, in general, there are innumerable ways, reading and writing is the way, watching flowers and raising fish is also the way, and riding horses is the way. Killing enemies is the way, sensuality is the way, but some ways are easy to walk, and some roads have a bumpy future, and it is difficult to become an immortal."


Sun Wukong nodded lightly, indicating that he understood that this is the common sense of almost all practitioners, and there are even a few who have become immortals through calligraphy and painting. However, most people still choose the easiest way to go.

This is not a high level of knowledge, the Queen Mother of the West supported her chin with a tender white finger, and even said a few words for Zhou Zhang: "The Tao is thought, it is the law of heaven and earth, the Tao is all-encompassing, it can be as small as sand, and It can be as vast as the universe, and it is not easy to explain it clearly in a few words.”

Zhou Zhang laughed and said following her words: "So, this piece of jade in your hands is Daoyu, and it is one of the three thousand avenues of good fortune jade plate."

Hearing the words "Good Fortune Jade Plate", the expressions of the two of them changed slightly. Looking at the piece of jade, their eyes were a bit hot, and they said in shock: "Is the origin so big? It really is a treasure worthy of careful protection."

The Queen Mother of the West also sighed: "No wonder you are like this. The Jade Emperor and Laojun may not be able to take it by force, but those Bodhisattvas and Buddhas are not necessarily, especially the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp, who is simply shameless."

Zhou Zhang had also heard the name of the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, and he smiled and said: "So, you have to be careful, this jade is a great road, and it falls into the hands of ordinary people, you only need to follow the path of the jade. , in less than a hundred years, you can become an immortal and fall into the hands of immortals who are attached to the Daoyu Dao, and it is possible to become a saint!"

Hearing Zhou Zhang's words, Sun Wukong raised his hand and threw the jade to Zhou Zhang, frowning: "My old grandson thought it was some kind of treasure! If this thing doesn't fall into the hands of immortals who are on the same path, what is it with the sundries? The difference!" I have to say that Sun Wukong's attitude towards treasures has never been very enthusiastic.

Throughout his life, there was only one golden hoop stick that followed him for the rest of his life. However, in fact, the level of the golden hoop rod was not high, even inferior to the nine-toothed nail rake in Zhu Bajie's hand. The top weapon created, the predecessor of the golden hoop rod is just the stator used to determine the depth of the sea when Dayu was controlling the flood. Although it is a divine iron, it is just a little harder.

Even the [-] jin weight can be lifted by no less than a hundred people in this heaven, but it has a good master, and Sun Wukong is famous and prosperous. Naturally, the golden hoop has also been warmed. Raising, somewhat like a fox and a tiger.

However, Sun Wukong got a lot of treasures, and many of them even reached the level of innate treasures. He didn't take too many memories, and he didn't have any greed. From beginning to end, there was only a golden hoop stick around.

Zhou Zhang reached out and took Daoyu, hehe smiled, and did not explain too much, Daoyu, just one word of Dao is enough to make people crazy, but compared with the jade plate of good fortune, this thing is really not enough to watch, but , it should be no problem to deal with others.

Zhou Zhang looked around without a trace, and found that a lot of the Buddha's breath had not yet dissipated.

Chapter four hundred and seventy nine

Thousands of miles away from Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, most of the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas have returned to Daling Mountain, but the three Buddhas, such as the Buddha, the ancient Buddha, and the Maitreya Buddha are sitting cross-legged in the void, their eyes fixed on it. Facing the Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, all of a sudden, the three of them trembled slightly at the same time.

They took back the consciousness and looked at each other, the doubts in their eyes dissipated as quickly as possible.

Maitreya Buddha's smiling face is not there, and a face is full of anger: "Tricky and slippery like a ghost, this kid should be more careful."

Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha's thin cheeks twitched slightly, and his eyes were as sharp as knives. He was not a regular good deed and accumulated virtue. A Buddha who has come up from practice, he is usually too lazy to do that kind of compassion, and sneered: "What is the variable, This is a variable, under the watchful eyes of so many of us, that kid did not panic at all, his eyes were as usual, his face was calm, such courage is really not to be underestimated."

"That's right!" Maitreya Buddha also thought of something. He switched himself and Zhou Zhang to a different position in his heart, and then he was a little disheartened to find that if this was the case, he would definitely not be able to keep his indifference. However, he immediately said with contempt: "Fortunately, this bastard is still too tender. The only troublesome thing is his variable identity."

"Good, good!" Buddha Tathagata folded his hands together and recited the Buddha's name. His eyes did not see sorrow or joy, but he just said lightly: "The wind doesn't move, the clouds don't move, but the heart moves, and the Daling Mountain should be clean and pure." After all!The Buddha's body turned into a golden light and disappeared in place.

Some of these words have no antecedents and no consequences, which makes people incomprehensible. Even the ancient Buddha and Maitreya did not figure it out for a while. The Buddha sneered: "The Buddha is also angry!"

Maitreya Buddha laughed out loud and put his hands together: "Good, good! May there be no more suffering in the world!"

Say it!The two also returned to Daling Mountain one after the other. They were unable to take action, and they were unwilling to take action. Not to mention losing face, it was extremely easy to provoke resistance from Daomen who were unwilling to be suppressed. In this case, why not?

The departure of the three did not cause any turbulence. Within a thousand miles, perhaps only Zhou Zhang was slightly moved, his eyes were low and cold, and he slowly retracted the consciousness of his investigation. Even the strong can't escape Zhou Zhang's terrifying spiritual detection.

However, Zhou Zhang didn't show it too clearly. He raised his head and said with a smile: "Senior brother, go up and take a look at the top of that half of Buzhou Mountain. I need to rest."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong nodded hurriedly, his face a little anxious. He was really worried about the comfort of Patriarch Bodhi, so he hurriedly turned his head up and headed towards the top of the half-buried mountain. The Queen Mother of the West saw this scene and said with a smile: "Then I'll go down and take a look."

"Yeah! Be careful!" Zhou Zhang hesitated slightly, but said sincerely, "Thank you!" Zhou Zhang has always been aloof. Although it's not that he is indifferent to everything, he can't be said to be cheerful. Such kind words are extremely Less to say.

However, the Queen Mother of the West obviously prefers this kind of words that are not spoken too often, her eyes are turbulent, her smile is beautiful, she nodded lightly, turned and flew towards the half-buried mountain.


Concealed, Zhou Zhang exhaled slowly. The crisis handling this time was almost perfect, giving him a joy of victory. At the same time, it was indeed full of crises. Although there was no battle, the degree of crisis definitely exceeded the bloody battle. This is a cliff where one wrong step could shatter one's bones, but fortunately he won.

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