"This may be a misunderstanding! We are competing with the demon clan for an altar miracle, so we are a little nervous."

The corners of Zhou Zhang's mouth twitched coldly. As soon as he came up, he didn't even have a word to talk, and he wanted to kill people. However, it is possible that the low status of human beings at this time made them have no fear at all. The more reason is that these people have no Compassionate heart.

Of course, Zhou Zhang himself is not a good person with compassion. He has always done things with a purpose. With a cold smile, he threw the two people in his hands aside, turned around and looked at the paint film and said, "Are you procrastinating?"

"You can't escape!" The paint film looked a little scared, but more confident: "You can't cover up the movement here at all, within three minutes, there will definitely be more witches looking for it, we are indeed not Your opponent, but it doesn't make sense for you to kill us, why don't you let us go, and I'll give you a chance to live."

Zhou Zhang's eyes turned cold, his heart tightened, and fear spread, but he was also full of confidence: "You may not know, at this moment, there are three thousand witches in this cave. , there are eight thousand witches outside the cave, I don't know how you got in, but you have actually fallen into our siege."

"If you don't do it, you might be able to avoid it and escape quietly, but if you do it, we will die, and you will die too."

"If that's the case, why do you want to die just because of your anger! You let us go, and we'll give you a chance to prove your worth."

This paint film is a talent. Although he is afraid of life and fears death, he also accurately grasps some characteristics. Although he listens to his words, he will immediately switch from attack to defense. When more people come, it must be the fate of being a prisoner. However, If what he said was true, and if he were an ordinary person, he would have agreed. Even if the paint film helped him to say a few words, it would indeed give people a chance to live. He was right, but The person he was trying to persuade was wrong.

Zhou Zhang, who has always been arrogant and domineering, has never been threatened.

With his sleeves fluttering, Zhou Zhang ignored everyone present, and sat cross-legged slowly on the spot, his eyes indifferent: "In that case, I'll go out."

Zhou Zhang does have a cautious side, but he always has two things to do, or not to do it, as long as he decides to do it, no matter what the reason is, he must go all the way, and put his life and death aside, anyway, he can't weaken his heart.

Everyone's eyes have changed, and some people may think that Zhou Zhang is acting on his will, but, I have to admit, this person is extremely daring and courageous.

In addition to the emotion, the three downed witches lay on the ground and pretended to be dead, and the two who were still standing also took two steps back, without speaking, the paint film secretly breathed a sigh of relief, although he was not convinced by himself. , However, it seems that this person has an arrogance in his bones, at least his life should be temporarily saved.

Although looking at his imposing manner, he should kill himself in the end, but as long as the army comes, I don't believe that he can really kill us in front of us.

Zhou Zhang sat firmly in the center, his expression as usual, without fear, the scene suddenly quieted down, and then, Zhou Zhang slowly closed his eyes, there were too many situations rashly, even with his wisdom, I couldn't figure out a clue for a while, so I just took this time to go through it thoroughly.

Thoughts were flying, although Zhou Zhang seemed to be asleep, but both the paint film and the Wu clan who escaped from the tiger's mouth did not dare to breathe. Before this, life was still in the hands of others.

Even if someone refused to accept it and wanted to take advantage of Zhou Zhang's closed eyes, he was forced back by the cold eyes of the paint film. This person was not unusual.

Time passed slowly, and then, in less than three minutes, footsteps came hurriedly, very messy, and it was estimated that there should be more than ten people.

"The paint film strategist hasn't returned for a long time, and the road forks ahead, let's spread out to look for it."


Accompanied by the chatter, a strong man in black robe came in, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the crowd of people who were upside down, and then his eyes were naturally attracted by the figure in white in the center, frowning slightly, but he was more than before. A little more cautious, not rashly speaking.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were cold and cold, staring at the paint film, murderous: "This is the army you said?"

The paint film body trembled subconsciously, this person's aura is really terrifying, he is strong, knows how to be flexible, and has a good brain, but there is still a bit of arrogance hidden inside, and his soul is unyielding. Of course, he is very at this moment. Thanks for the arrogance in the other's bones, hearing this, he slowly shook his head and said, "No"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw that the man in white closed his eyes again, and his expression did not change at all.

"If not, then wait a little longer"

Zhou Zhang's voice was clear, arrogant and aggressive.

Chapter [-] Don't move

Zhou Zhang is indeed a cautious person at ordinary times. Although he is arrogant in his bones, he would never act impulsive if no one wanted to take his face off. However, this time, his heart was full of anger. Dissipated, inexplicably passed through, and inexplicably fell into the encirclement of others.

Inexplicably, a group of people came out to kill. He hated this uncontrollable feeling the most in his life. It was uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and the arrogance in his bones could no longer be suppressed. Today, he had to make himself comfortable.

After the strong man, twelve subordinates ran in after him. The strong man said nothing, but his subordinates exclaimed.

"Master! Why are you hiding here, hurry up and go back with us! Lord Dawu is already waiting."

"Hey, what's going on? Sergeant, why are you injured?"

"Why is there a human being here? It can't be his hands!"

The crowd was flowing like a weave, and the twelve subordinates were shocked when they saw this situation. The family pays more attention to the combat effectiveness of the individual and lacks the containment of the team.

"There are humans here, but we haven't tasted human flesh for a long time. Could it be that the military advisor wants to reward everyone?"

"It shouldn't be the hand of this human! Could it be that a demon clan sneaked in? The warrior who killed our witch clan ran away?"

"Most likely, you didn't see it"

At this moment, the group of people didn't notice the paint film that shook their heads fiercely, and couldn't bear it any longer, and scolded angrily: "Shut up!" He had already calculated in his mind just now, that strong The Chinese name is Feng Mian, and he is Xiao Wu who has been in the limelight recently.

As for those subordinates, their combat effectiveness is even more negligible. This human does not know, but how could he not know that he just wanted to go out to the toilet during the negotiation, so the quilt next to him This strong man who was trampled to death by human beings was a little witch. Although he was not as good as Feng Qiang, he had been in the advanced stage for a long time.

However, this person was even killed by this human being, and then, the five leaders who came to discuss things together, because they have never dealt with themselves very well, so even if it is convenient to be together, it is one after the other. Afterwards, so, don't look at the large number of people who came later, but, in terms of combat effectiveness, at most it is equivalent to the three people at the beginning.

However, this human has never used any spells from beginning to end, no matter whether he has dragon blood or no dragon blood!He really used the physical strength to suppress these little leaders, which means that at least he still has trump cards in hand, and he is on guard.

After such a calculation, these witch clans are not enough to watch, and they managed to use the arrogance of the other party to stabilize him, seeking a chance of life, how can they be destroyed by these little followers.

The paint film's eyes were piercing, although he didn't look very good, but when he opened his mouth, he shook all the voices on the opposite side. Then, he carefully glanced at Zhou Zhang who was in front of him, and saw that his expression was still the same. Indifferently, he breathed a sigh of relief, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes.

Aogu Lingyun is indeed a man, but in the end, it was me who survived.

"It's none of your business here, get out of here."

At this moment, even a fool understands that it is a little unusual. Xiao Wu Feng was always vigilant, but his expression changed when he heard the words. He was shocked when he glanced at Zhou Zhang in the center, the human who was sitting firmly on the ground. , suppressing these leaders and military divisions?

At this moment, he felt that the space here was extremely strange. Everyone seemed to be strangled by an invisible momentum and carefully spread on the ground. Except for the military adviser who risked a word, the leaders spread out. On the ground, he was clearly breathing normally, but he didn't even dare to move.

Even, he saw the most arrogant person in the past, with a footprint clearly printed on his face, spread on the ground, if it were normal, he would definitely kill [-] people to vent his hatred, but at this time At this moment, he was as well-behaved as a cat, the corner of his mouth twitched as if he was about to scream, but he swallowed it.

Why are these people so frightened?

Finally, he took a deep look at the human in the center, and resisted the trembling voice line: "As ordered, the commander, the leader is waiting for you to go back to discuss, please hurry up." Say it!Without waiting for the paint film to respond, he turned around and wanted to leave, but at this very moment

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