"do not move!"

The voice was indifferent like a gust of wind passing by, but in an instant, the entire space seemed to freeze, the extremely terrifying aura slowly opened, Zhou Zhang's eyes slightly opened a line, and his eyeballs rolled to the corner of his eyes. The whole movement was very slow, but , but the momentum suddenly climbed to the top.

Like a dark cloud covering the top, in an instant, Feng Fian felt that the whole person seemed to be locked by the god of death, and the cold sweat seeped out in an instant, what a terrifying aura!As a little witch who has recently gained fame, he didn't even dare to move. Instead, the servants who were blocked by him were less affected.


The sound of footsteps sounded, the face of the cover changed drastically, and he turned around and wanted to say something, but at this moment, his pupils were occupied by a blue, and the words were pressed in the throat and could not spit out half a syllable.

"The Great Sun Yat-sen Flowers in the Watermark!"

At this moment, the icy voice as if a sentence was pronounced spread, but


The azure blue other side flower is beautiful and beautiful, but it has turned into a living giant mouth. The soft petals have turned into sharp teeth, and they bite together fiercely. In an instant, there is no screaming. The Wu clan, who had just taken a step, was swallowed by that beautiful plant that was not like a mortal flower.


Everyone subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, terror, boundless terror.


Feng Mian's face twitched, his eyes were sluggish, he fell to the ground, and then watched the other side of the flower gradually dissolve into the void, and at the same time, which living life was taken away.

At the very center, Zhou Zhang's lowered eyes slowly closed. As a smart person, he didn't realize that he needed to act low-key in an unfamiliar environment. On the contrary, he didn't mind using thunder crit to knock everyone out. All overwhelmed, restrained.

When a stranger enters an unfamiliar environment, they either act in a low-key manner, observe carefully, or shock the audience.

Chapter four hundred and ninetieth Pangu blood essence

The air in the entire space seemed to be frozen, and everyone's mind seemed to be pinched, as if there were a pair of invisible hands, one mercilessly pinched everyone's throat, the other grabbed At this moment, it was as quiet as a chill, and there was no sound of breathing in the entire space.

As a military division, Paint Film is not a top-notch existence of the Witch Race, but he is definitely not a scum who has never seen the world. It is precisely because of this that he feels the shock that is indescribable.


The back of the paint film slammed heavily on the stone wall, and then slipped along the stone wall little by little. Just because he had seen the world, his mood at this moment was plummeting, and he fell into the abyss, and his eyes didn't even dare to go. Looking at the man with his eyes closed, if he was a big mountain not long ago, now he is like the sky, and the people under pressure are a little breathless.


As soon as the paint film spit out a word, he felt the boundless coercion rushing towards his face, and he actually suppressed all his words back, and then, subconsciously looking up, he saw a pair of pairs that seemed to hang high above the clouds. The eyes of the gods are like gods, ignoring everything.

"continue to wait"

Hearing these three words, everyone present felt a terrifying pressure swept through the whole body, and the bones seemed to be rattling faintly, as if they were about to break. Feeling, many people's mouth has revealed a sad and bitter smile.

So arrogant, so terrifying existence!However, at the same time, a deeper hatred spread from the depths of the bones, but no one dared to show it. Then, there was a faint joy spread, and everyone was a little fortunate. Fortunately, this is an arrogance. The man is indeed terrifying for himself.

However, is the Wu clan easy to bully?Even if the Great Witch is not your opponent, can the Ancestral Witch not be able to fight you?

With this vague expectation, everyone subconsciously held their breath and waited quietly, but at this moment


A beating sound that sounded like a heartbeat spread out, and the strong beating sound caused the air to tremble slightly. Everyone was subconsciously stunned and looked at each other. Whose heartbeat was so powerful and full of vitality.


Then, another sound resounded, and everyone turned their heads instantly and looked towards the center. There were cobweb-like cracks on the head of the man in the indifferent white clothes that beat the snow, and there were traces of blood. It spreads out, and the terrifying and strong breath spreads out wave after wave.

"what is this?"

Although no one dared to speak, they were all curious in their hearts, and their eyes converged.

Zhou Zhang slowly opened his eyes. There was some helplessness in his eyes, but some joy spread. With a move of consciousness, a drop of blood sloshing around appeared on Zhou Zhang's side, and the void above his head instantly recovered. It was normal, but the terrifying aura spread.

This is a feeling like a giant's resuscitation, the feeling of surging blood and energy, which makes everyone feel a sense of fear that the towering mountains are overwhelmed, making people suffocated.

However, the lacquer film's eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets. As a member of the Wu clan, he was able to capture the familiar aura in an instant, and he couldn't control it any longer. He cried out, "Pangu blood essence?" Eyeballs were instantly congested, and a greedy look filled his cheeks.

However, as soon as he got up, he came into contact with that cold and biting gaze, and the fire of greed surging in his heart was instantly quenched by a basin of water. In fact, the Wu clan was more or less a descendant of the blood of the great god Pangu. So a little bit related.

"If you can get this"

The paint film clasped the stone wall with his five fingers, even if death was approaching, the greed in his heart was hard to put out after all, and the whole person trembled as if hit by a motor. With this strategist, he will definitely pounce on him desperately.


Then, everyone around was panting heavily, as if a group of hungry wolves saw fresh flesh, their eyes were bloodshot, and some had faintly seeped green light. Under the pressure of boundless greed, everyone moved forward little by little.

Zhou Zhang's expression was indifferent, his eyes swept over naturally, and he saw everyone's expressions in his eyes. He had a basic judgment on this drop of blood essence. Although he was still a little puzzled, why did it suddenly become active when he came here. , However, since someone is greedy, at least it should not be a bad thing.

He felt a little at ease. Of course, even if he was uneasy, he was now pushed into the sky, and he could only walk forward. As long as he relaxed a little, he would definitely fall to pieces. He didn't think about killing people and running away, but, By coincidence, the more he gathers, the more he will be surrounded even if he kills someone.

In this case, Zhou Zhang simply did not run away, and faced it with a more arrogant attitude, but it was not easy.

Originally, this drop of blood essence did not respond, and Zhou Zhang was ready to absorb it. This is the fastest way for him to improve his strength now, not to mention, it seems to have undergone a good change, Zhou Zhang, asked in his consciousness: "Can absorb This drop of blood?"



Now that it was decided, Zhou Zhang didn't hesitate at all. Before the word was absorbed in his consciousness, the drop of blood essence hanging on Zhou Zhang's side was smashed by Zhou Zhang, and then turned into a thin layer of mist to cover Zhou Zhang.


Unconsciously, the paint film shattered a stone, and he looked forward in horror, exclaiming: "No, he is absorbing the blood of Pangu!" At the same time as he spoke, his brain seemed to become a mess , I just feel that everything is unreal and powerful, the Wu clan dare not, how could there be a creature that dares to directly absorb the blood of Pangu, not afraid of death?

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