Although the demon clan was not as strong as the witch clan, after all, it could be regarded as a race with physique that dominates the roost. The speed was extremely fast. Between the electric light and flint, Bai Qing rushed to the side of Zhou Zhang and the two of them. A pair of eyes were completely shrouded in red light, with a tyrannical aura. Swept across the four directions, the tiger's might erupted, the giant claws raised, the cold light bloomed, and it grabbed it fiercely.

However, from the beginning to the end, neither of them reacted at all. Until this moment, Zhou Zhang's eyes turned cold, he slowly turned his head, and stretched out a hand, but before he could speak, he saw his arm almost at the same time. There was a slender arm stretched out next to them, and the two did not communicate, but made the same movement naturally.

A look flashed in Zhou Zhang's eyes, he turned his head to look subconsciously, and then, it happened that she also turned to look over, this is a very wonderful feeling, in an instant, as if the minds were meeting, Zhou Zhang couldn't help showing a smile, and she even showed A smile as bright as the summer sun.

"The little ants dare to rule the roost? Not too fast?" Zhou Zhang raised his eyebrows slightly. At this moment, he had a very comfortable feeling.

Sure enough, the crisp voice naturally followed, her delicate eyes glowed, and her red lips lightly parted.

"Go away!"

A thick man's arm, a slender girl's arm, no communication, no plan, but a neat thumb clasped the middle finger.

Chapter [-] I'll talk about it next time

Bounce brain run, this very distinctive posture, it is said that it is also a skill that human beings are born with. As long as they want to play, they will subconsciously assume this posture. Ninety-nine people out of one hundred are exactly the same.

"Bang, bang!"

The two voices sounded crisply, almost without arguing, before and after, the two voices merged together, and they spread out on the giant claws that Bai Qing had only grabbed.


The ground was turbulent, Bai Qing screamed in agony, and his claws shattered into minced meat in an instant. His blood-red eyes became clear for a moment. At this moment, he remembered: Emperor Hengjing, the first person in the Wu clan with nearly a hundred little witches. , at the age of eighteen, when he first entered the position of Xiaowu, he challenged the number one Xiaowu at that time. With three moves, the number one Xiaowu at that time would be slaughtered to the point of scum.

Fear occupied his mind in an instant, but it was already too late, the severe pain spread all over his body, and his soul seemed to tremble.


The gust of wind blew up, and the earth seemed to be dug up by life. The soil and gravel rolled up into the ravines. Like a wave, it instantly rolled Bai Qing's majestic body into it, and rushed to the side.


The three leaders of the demon clan rushed to Bai Qing who were about to stop them. They swallowed their saliva and looked at Zhou Zhang as if they were looking at a monster. The emperor was famous, and the real little princess in the name of the witch clan. The talent is unbelievable, and it is expected to have such strength, but, is your Zhou Zhang really a human race?

"You're not lying to me, are you!" Even Di Hengjing looked at Zhou Zhang with doubts in his eyes, with his chin in his head, "You wouldn't be that witch wearing human skin!"

Hearing this sentence, the three demon clan leaders are like elementary school students with their heads twitching. Bar?

Zhou Zhang withdrew the fingers that had popped out, and gently placed it on the slender and thrilling waist. He only felt the elasticity, which made people have the urge to squeeze hard. The face close at hand: "I, Zhou Zhang, never lie."

For some reason, Di Hengjing's eyes were filled with a soft light, and he looked at him steadily, and then suddenly showed a big smile: "You are really serious and cute, are you really cold or just pretending? "

This woman, Zhou Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly, she was like poison, or highly poisonous, seeing blood seal her throat.

Then, she saw that her eyes seemed to be radiating divine light. She held Zhou Zhang's head with both hands, and then slowly lowered her head to approach the past, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her long eyelashes were trembling. This movement

Zhou Zhang's eyes trembled slightly, but his face was calm. No wonder he would think too much. Before he didn't know the reason, he judged according to common sense, and in a hurry, she definitely didn't like it so much. Did she want to kiss?In the face of such an affair, Zhou Zhang naturally would not have doubts in his heart, but he would not dodge either.

On the other hand, because the two Wu clan who were standing still in the previous scene suddenly reacted, Di Qing slapped his hand behind him fiercely, took a few steps forward and grabbed his sister, who was about to put it behind him. The long hair mopped the floor, and roared angrily: "Be merciful! Sister! Don't be impulsive!"

Di Hengjing seemed to have never heard of it, his small face continued to go down, the distance between the two was only a dozen centimeters, the breath sprayed on the other's face, and bounced back, forming a kind of entanglement between the two. Ripple, her eyelashes trembled more and more violently, Zhou Zhang's expression did not change much, just like a stone sculpture, his head did not move forward or backward.

When it was only a finger's width away, Di Hengjing stopped moving, eyes to eyes, Zhou Zhang could even feel that her eyelashes seemed to be able to scrape his own skin, and after all, a few strands appeared on the bronze skin. Blushing, Di Hengjing gritted his teeth and said, "Are you really not heartbroken?"

Why has he already achieved this level, and he has not even moved forward at all?Is he not attractive enough or really scares him?Di Hengjing's inner turbulence was far less than the calm on the surface.

"Move!" Zhou Zhang didn't lie. He quietly looked at every part of her skin. She was the artwork without any flaws. Even if the distance was so close, she couldn't find even the slightest flaw in addition to being more beautiful.

"But what I want is not just a beautiful appearance, but also something." Said here, Zhou Zhang let go of one hand, pushed her away a little, and said, "Your soul!" The eyebrows are soft and natural.


But Di Hengjing heard his heartbeat like a wild horse running away, getting faster and faster until it surpassed the limit. Suddenly, he showed a big smile: "I understand!" He put his arms on Zhou Zhang's shoulders lightly. Press, the whole person broke away from Zhou Zhang's embrace, fell to the ground, and said with a smile: "I am more interested in you, my name is Di Hengjing, and I will be your favorite wife!"

A suffocating beauty swept over, Zhou Zhang felt that his breathing was a little disordered, and a word came up again in his heart: This woman is highly poisonous, the kind that seals her throat with blood.

When he heard this sentence, Di Qing, who was a bit sad and angry, changed his expression in an instant, slowly let go of his long hair, and looked at Zhou Zhang with a constipated expression. This person seems to be a brother-in-law. That's right, but you have to really love your sister. It seems that he has observed a lot more, and he has left behind all the scrambles for the altar and all the tasks.

However, just at this moment, the Buzhou Mountain not far away suddenly trembled. Although it was only a slight tremor, it formed a gust of wind that swept the world, shook the world, and shattered everything. With a trace of ripples, the shock of the three monster clan leaders was all thrown away in an instant.

Everyone's minds were instantly mobilized, and Qi Qi looked towards Buzhou Mountain, like a standing continent, soaring into the clouds with almost no end in sight, as if it had penetrated the entire sky. A little light grew brighter and brighter, and for a moment it shone on the earth like the sun.

Then a suffocating powerful pressure spread. Within ten thousand miles, all beasts surrendered, and the sky seemed to collapse. Even Zhou Zhang felt an invisible force pressing on his shoulders, and he wanted to let him He lowered his head, but it didn't work, Zhou Zhang looked up.

His expression was indifferent, his eyes were like electricity, and next to Zhou Zhang, even Di Hengjing, who had just made a domineering declaration, lowered his head slightly.

Chapter [-]: The Altar Opens

A ray of light fell on the earth, and then it became a large area, and then the earth was illuminated. At first, it was pure light, and then pale pink appeared, and then it was white, gold, and colorful. When he got up, it was as if he had entered a bizarre space.

The terrifying pressure was diluted a lot. The three demon leaders Xiaoxiao let out a sigh of relief and raised their heads to look at the place where the light was radiating. The corners of their eyes were involuntarily looking at Zhou Zhang, who had never bowed his head. This person was actually able to resist Living with that kind of pressure, and the kind of behavior I had before, I had to be a little more careful.

Di Hengjing's eyes seemed to stick to Zhou Zhang's side. He tilted his head and smiled stupidly. He had a bit of a nympho demeanor, but his appearance was so delicate that it was hard to get bored. Besides, it wasn't worth it. Disgusted, but Di Qing suddenly jumped up and pulled her sister aside, she vaguely seemed to be able to hear a hard-hearted persuasion: "You are a girl, you have to be more reserved, you"

This is a girl who is ever-changing. Sometimes she is crazy, sometimes she blooms like sunshine, she is beautiful like a fairy, but she is charming like a demon. That is a domineering declaration for a girl, and it finally lingers in her mind and cannot be dissipated. Said, this is a very rare feeling, Zhou Zhang subconsciously glanced at Di Hengjing who was pulled away, and saw that she seemed to be staring at him, and when he saw him look over, he showed a bright smile like a summer flower. .

Zhou Zhang looked indifferent, nodded slightly, he is not that tangled temper, since there are entanglements and go down, thinking about it, he temporarily put her affairs aside, and turned his eyes to the center of those rays of light, The ray of light is not infinite, it has gradually faded a lot, and I can vaguely see the shape of a disc of more than ten feet, as if a huge stone mill was smashed into the wall.

"Brother Zhou Zhang, do you want to cooperate!"

Hearing the voice, Zhou Zhang turned his head to look at the most mysterious black-clothed man among the four leaders of the demon clan, and said lightly, "Oh, how to cooperate?"

The red maple with a height of more than three meters like a bamboo pole naturally stood between Zhou Zhang and the Di Qing brothers and sisters. Zhou Zhang glanced at it lightly and didn't care. It was just a normal behavior, and it was not surprising. Then Ji Huang came naturally. Behind Zhou Zhang, a three-sided encirclement was faintly formed.

Zhou Zhang stood with his hands behind his back, and his expression did not change at all. This is normal, but his eyes swept over lightly: "It's fine if you don't sign up. Are you acting like a sincere cooperation?"

The black-clothed demon clan's eyes were sharp and unusual, but they were slightly dodged under Zhou Zhang's gaze, and their voice was relatively gentle: "No way, Brother Zhou, you are an accident, not in our plan, but you have the ability to completely destroy us. The strength of the plan, we have to be careful to deal with it, Wan Wang Haihan."

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