"What if I don't have Haihan?" Zhou Zhang has never been threatened by others. He has big sleeves and strides toward the man in black with a mocking smile. It seems that this demon clan is no different now.

"Brother Zhou, why is this?" The black-clothed demon clan took a step back subconsciously, avoiding some of Zhou Zhang's aggressiveness, but his voice was quite sincere: "We haven't seen what it looks like to snatch, now kill one. You're dead and alive, it's not necessarily worth it! What if that thing isn't worth the few lives?"

"Even if you have to fight, grab, and kill blood, at least you need to know that doing so is worth it!"

These two sentences changed Zhou Zhang's view of this monster leader. Although he is a mercenary, at least he is a kind of brain, not a pure idiot. Just take a look at it and you can judge The tall and thin bamboo pole and the Bai Qing buried under the soil should be considered to have come here to mix up their qualifications, there is really nothing worthy of attention.

However, this black-clothed demon clan and that Ji Huang have some ways, which are worth paying attention to. However, the corner of Zhou Zhang's mouth slightly raised, revealing traces of coldness: "Yes!" After all!Stepping past the black-clothed demon clan, the cold aura swept around like a wind and a cloud. The black-clothed demon clan stretched out their hands and opened their mouths to say something or do something, but they were agitated by the chill and stood still. in place.

In an instant, the whole situation was completely reversed. Just these few steps, Zhou Zhang walked out of the three people and even had to mix with the encirclement of a cold Wuzu Xingfeng next to him, but he didn't stand casually, faintly agreeing with each other. The Di Qing brothers and sisters on the opposite side formed a straight line watching each other. If the Di Qing brothers and sisters and Zhou Zhang were really a group, it would be three people surrounded by four people.

Of course, fortunately, Di Qing is still one of the leaders of the Wu clan, and it is impossible to stand with Zhou Zhang here anyway, but Di Hengjing is not necessarily so, and the corners of everyone's mouth are a little bitter.

Then, at this moment, the light disappeared in an instant, and everyone's eyes converged on the past again. Whether it is one way or another, the most important goal is still there. Even if there are ordinary IQs here, it is absolutely There is no fool, no matter whether it is a contradiction or a deadly hatred, he will never forget his most important goal.

The excessively blazing light dissipated, and there was only a faint soft light left, just like fireflies in the dark night, just embellishment, without much effect, the authentic appearance was clearly revealed.

A circular platform, inlaid on a cliff wall four to five thousand feet high, with a diameter of about thirty or forty feet, the whole body is full of brilliance, with mist and auspicious clouds covering it, and red patterns on the edges are clearly visible. Interlacing each other gives people an obscure and mysterious feeling, and there is a vague aura of tyranny surrounding it.

"Go away!"

With a coquettish shout, Di Hengjing raised his foot and kicked the red maple that was blocking him, with sharp eyes like a female leopard, arrogant in a mess, and then without looking at Hongfeng's shy and angry eyes, he walked towards Zhou Zhang came over, his eyebrows and eyes gradually came alive, and he fell into the water.

The black-clothed monsters suddenly turned their heads and said, "Brother Zhou is polite, little monster thousand pictures."

Zhou Zhang tilted his head and glanced at him, smiled disdainfully, and said lightly: "Next week, you will be polite." What is the use of the common name?

While the two of them were talking, Di Hengjing had already walked over, and with a flick of his hand, the earth-shattering, boundless gust of wind blew up and sent Qiantu flying a hundred meters, although there were also Qiantu who wanted to avoid some distance. The reason, however, her strength is a bit terrifying after all.

Chapter Five Hundred and Sixth Brothers and Sisters

The slender body contains boundless mighty power. Di Hengjing has picturesque brows and smiles like a blooming flower. Standing in front of Zhou Zhang, he raised his small hand: "Hey, give me your hand!"

I don't hate it, I don't hate it at all. If it were a man who dared to talk to Zhou Zhang like this, Zhou Zhang would definitely beat him up, but at this moment, there was only a trace in his heart that was getting deeper and deeper. , there is a feeling of enjoying it, of course, Zhou Zhang will not admit it.

Gao Leng's face didn't melt in the slightest, but he raised his hand naturally, and then felt a surprisingly elastic little hand tucked into his palm, and then turned smoothly, interlocking his fingers.

There is still a strange feeling. The girl's affection is inexplicable, and her movements are a little abrupt. It's just like this when they meet each other. However, Zhou Zhang can feel that this feeling is fading a little bit, and he can feel her bones. The joy exuded, and the ripples in those eyes.

Although it was abrupt and inexplicable, she seemed to be coming for real.

On the contrary, Di Qing, who came over immediately, gradually chose to accept it. He knew his sister better than Zhou Zhang. She was not an ordinary person, and naturally she was not an ordinary person. Besides, he felt that his sister was not reserved enough. I want this sister to have such a favorite person, after all, she must have a vigorous love in her life!

As he approached, Di Qing stared at Zhou Zhang for a moment, then his expression returned to normal, and said in a low voice, "Although the people who came here this time, except for my little sister who came out to play with me, the two lich clans , there is no one that is too important to lead the team, but in fact, the things here are not optional, and there are many big people's eyes focused on here."

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Zhang became a little interested, turned his head to look, and asked frankly: "You also belong to the category that is not valued?"

"That's right!" Although there were a few bleak and painful flashes on his face, Di Qing said truthfully: "I belong to this category, this altar is not optional, but I am optional in the demon clan. ."

"Of course, there's no need to explain things to you in detail here, and you won't be interested. I just want to say that if you go to the altar and you find that this thing is useless to you, you should give up! There's no need to mess with it. big trouble."

"What if it works for me?"

"Then grab it!"


"I said, then grab it!" Di Qing exuded an aggressive aura, looking at Zhou Zhang with a smile: "No one dares to say anything, who made you the husband of Di Hengjing!"

"Uh!" The corners of Zhou Zhang's mouth twitched coldly, and he looked down at Di Hengjing, who was a little shorter than himself, and saw her nodding with a smile like a flower. The pleasure of being nurtured, and, are these brothers and sisters relying on themselves?

However, I don't hate it. It's just that Di Qing made a mistake. Zhou Zhang was still very interested in what he said. It was not unusual from his demeanor, but why was he not taken seriously. Moreover, Di Heng Jing There must be a story about her, and Zhou Zhang is very interested.

It's just that things are prioritized, and Zhou Zhang is not that person who doesn't distinguish between the front and the back. The other party didn't want to say it, and he didn't ask in detail. He looked up at the altar. Everyone here thinks that the reason why he appeared here must be something What he holds must be someone who knows something. Only ghosts know that Zhou Zhang is alone here, and it is inexplicable.

It's just that Zhou Zhang was still a little brooding about the three words Buzhoushan. Throughout the endless years of the prehistoric times, although there seem to be many famous mountains and rivers that can leave their names, it must be these three words that cannot be ignored, Buzhoushan, Known as the pillar that supports the sky, the erected continent, even if it is broken into two pieces, seems to be much taller than the highest mountain.

During the contemplation, the altar changed to a certain extent again. The scarlet-red pattern was dyed with a dull layer, and the bright red-red gradually turned into a dark red, getting closer and closer to the color of blood, and the auspicious clouds gradually dispersed. , the mist is thicker, but there is gradually a dark color inside, from white to gray.

Such a change naturally gives people a completely different feeling, as if from a sacred object, it turned into an evil object in an instant, shrouded in gray fog, and the dark red lines seem to come alive, as if it was poured out of blood. , flowing slowly, faintly seeming to be able to smell blood, and then


It seemed that the door of the room that had been in disrepair had been bumped, and a gap had been cracked. Everyone was stunned when they heard the sound. Then, they stared at the center of the gray fog, and it was obvious that the altar was cracked from the middle. A gap, and suddenly, the platform turned into a circular door.

A vast, ancient breath swept out, and there seemed to be some ghosts in the gray fog, showing their teeth and dancing claws, ghosts and shadows, extremely scary.

However, at this moment, Di Qing stood sideways beside Zhou Zhang and said in a low voice: "Okay, let's go over and take a look!" After all!Looking at the palms that the two of them were holding tightly, their eyes changed slightly, and then said in a low voice: "Remember, life-saving is the top priority, the situation here is a bit special, but I guess there shouldn't be anything too worthy of contention, so, If the situation is not right, withdraw first.”

The previous sentence was only spoken as a good friend, but the latter sentence is a kind of family-like care. Although Zhou Zhang still said that he finally felt that the development speed was a bit too fast, he did not refuse this. Concerned, he nodded slightly, and led Di Hengjing towards the foot of the Buzhou Mountain first.

As soon as Zhou Zhang and the two moved, the three of the demon clan paused for a moment, followed by, and the demonic aura swept the sky, and they rushed over here. Di Qing stood there, looked up at the sky, and followed again. Looking at the figure of his younger sister "brother-in-law", he had no choice but to turn around and walk to Xing Feng's side, and he didn't show a very special expression to him, as if the pull just now did not exist.

"Let's go! Go in and see!"

Xing Feng's eyes were icy and piercing, and he looked back at his younger brother who was seriously injured and in a coma. His knife-thin lips added a bit of sternness, and whispered: "You rest well, my brother will melt this shame for you. Drop." Say it!He looked at Di Qing and said coldly: "I'm the eighth little witch. Unlike you, I'm not a dispensable person, and I'm not a waste."

Di Qing had no intention of leaving him. Hearing this, he glanced lightly and said lightly: "Compared to my sister, you are indeed a waste, and you are also a dispensable person."

Xing Feng gritted his teeth, but was speechless.

Chapter five hundred and seven is not as good as love

Di Hengjing, the most dazzling light of the Wu clan, the most honorable little princess, is loved and cherished in all kinds of ways. She has a very unique temperament, but she lacks the most pampering spirit that she should have. Although she is domineering, she does not Unreasonable trouble, which made her even more attention and admiration.

Zhou Zhang had no idea what kind of existence he was holding now. Both the Lich clans had the Emperor as their surname. .

Of course, even if Zhou Zhang knew, he wouldn't have any emotional spread. He even dared to provoke Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Queen Mother of the West. What else could he not be tempted by?

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