The two stood at the foot of Buzhou Mountain and looked up. The altar was four or five thousand feet away. For the two of them, this height was not a problem, but Di Hengjing's eyes were flooded with autumn water as he watched Zhou Zhang whisper. Said: "Let's step on your flower again?"

There was a faint expectation in her eyes, and Zhou Zhang asked naturally, "You won't be attracted to me because of my methods!"

Di Hengjing was not shy about this, but stared at Zhou Zhang, as if afraid that he would not be able to see it, and said word by word, "Your flower, your appearance, your temperament, everything about you. I like them all, in my eyes, you are the most perfect, and only I can be worthy."

This girl!Zhou Zhang sighed a little in his heart, but still, he didn't hate it, he immediately stretched out his hand, bent his legs, and hugged Emperor Hengjing in his arms, his eyes shone brightly, she said something right, that is , I am perfect.

"This time, let's fly up."

Say it!Zhou Zhang's back is full of brilliance, black and white wings are transformed into illusion, and a little bit of life is gathered. The black and white wings contain the power of the rule of life and death. Although it is not yet available, it has already outlined mysterious lines. It feels beautiful, but when you get closer, you can clearly see the intoxicating lines.

Di Hengjing naturally would not have any shyness, her eyes bent at the black and white wings that were close at hand, the wings were so beautiful that she was fascinated, and she wanted to touch them carefully, but she saw that the wings were shaking slightly, there was a kind of A suppressing terrifying aura circulated on it, she shrank her hands, and whispered, "That's great!" Say it!He felt the urge to touch again when he got bigger, and put his small head on Zhou Zhang's heart, listening to the strong heartbeat.

Really, every part of this person exudes a fatal attraction to herself. She is just happy now, but she also knows that as time goes by, she will eventually sink in and give everything away completely. , but, she didn't mean to resist at all, and even felt that the time couldn't be faster!

Zhou Zhang glanced down, this girl is simply too beautiful, soft is the softest part of the heart, when she is strong, she is the queen who dominates the world, moving like thunder, quiet like a lotus flower in a clear pool, ever-changing His temperament, every change is like a needle, pierced into the deepest part of his heart.

With a faint smile, Zhou Zhang's back wings fluttered gently. He didn't use the speed as fast as a ray of light, he just soared upwards gently. At this moment, all the enemies seemed to have disappeared, and the altar didn't seem to be important anymore. Zhou Zhang just wanted to To talk about a love.

It's just that Zhou Zhang is not the kind of ordinary man who is addicted to beauty. Even if he has uncontrollable likes, he can remain calm. At a height of four or five thousand feet, even if Zhou Zhang flies at an ordinary speed, it is just over a point. Bell, the altar has appeared in front of him.

It’s better to be farther away. When you get close, a stream of blood rushes towards your face, but it doesn’t bring corruption and unpleasant smell, but there is a surging war of madness in the world. Blood represents death, represents cruelty, But it also represented the unyielding fighting intent. At this moment, Zhou Zhang felt this fighting intent.

"Boom boom"

Suddenly, there was a dense sound of firecrackers bursting from under Zhou Zhang's feet. Looking down, he saw the tide-like black-robed witches smashed into the rock wall like a cannonball, or inserted their hands into the rock wall to climb up. Or step on the rock wall with both feet and climb up like walking on the ground. Although the method is different, the speed will definitely not be much slower than Zhou Zhang.

Di Hengjing also felt Zhou Zhang's gaze, and there was a rare trace of shyness in the depths of her eyes: "Our Wu clan is indeed too rude."

"No, very powerful!"

Zhou Zhang gently refuted Di Hengjing, he is not an orphan with low emotional intelligence, he naturally knows that she is a little inferior, just like the princess of the wild land fell in love with the prince in exquisite and gorgeous clothes, and will always be for herself. Her rude behavior and dress are prudent, but, in fact, that's one of her charms.

Di Hengjing and Zhou Zhang are still different, Zhou Zhang still understands what she should do now, but she looks like she is addicted to it, just staring at Zhou Zhang's chin so obsessively, I have to say that very few people can see this angle. Control it, the people who can still look good from this angle, one is her and the other is him!

Holding the Emperor Hengjing, Zhou Zhang could also feel that she might not be able to care about anything right now. While she was a little happy, she felt a little awkward. Of course, this feeling will naturally disappear with the passage of time. Zhou Zhang is a confident person. People, although I don't really think that someone will love themselves to the extreme the first time they meet.

However, the appearance alone is enough to make many girls fall in love at the first meeting, and this number will never be small, so Zhou Zhang has always been very confident, not because of anything else, just because I am Zhou Zhang.

Behind Zhou Zhang, the three demon clans in the sky stepped on a much smaller bird-shaped monster. Looking at the backs of Zhou Zhang and the two, it seemed that they could see more and more pink bubbles, as if no one else was there. It's no different from the usual couple who fall in love.

Hongfeng rubbed her waist that was kicked in pain: "Can we not shut them down?"

Ji Huang touched his chin and nodded affirmatively: "I also think that we may have made a big fuss. Together these two people, although the fighting power is strong, the willpower to snatch seems to be almost exhausted!"

After saying this, Ji Huang looked down again and said in a low voice, "He's a bit smarter." The soil below was flying, Bai Qing was strong and imposing, and although his arms were broken, it was visible to the naked eye. His speed recovered, his eyes fixed on the top, but he didn't move.

"That's not necessarily!" Qiantu of the black-clothed demon clan looked down sharply, he could feel the blood energy that was about to erupt, and then glanced at the two Zhou Zhang in front of him, helplessly instructed: "If Bai Qing seeks death, We will withdraw immediately, don't hesitate."

Chapter Five Hundred and Eighth Emperor Heng Jing

One must have two, Qiantu doesn't think that a monster like Bai Qing will have a moment of peace, especially at this moment, he may have already been covered by hatred, but he just hopes that he will not implicate himself. Pay attention to the existence of blood relationship with yourself, but rarely have the idea of ​​unity.

At this point, it is just the opposite of the human race. The human race has the idea of ​​taking care of everyone and sacrificing the small family. There will be a life-and-death struggle between blood relatives, and it is not as important as the two lich clans. Of course, the witch clan is the first among them, but, On the whole, the level of unity is far beyond the two Lich clan.

Therefore, Qiantu is not going to help Bai Qing. That's what a fool does. The danger of disturbing a pair of men and women who are fighting with you is no less than the danger of ordinary people robbing food in the mouth of a hungry tiger. Will not seek death.

While everyone's thoughts were flying, Zhou Zhang and the two had already passed through the thin gray fog and stood in front of the crack. The crack was like a cracked door. Only the head was wide and narrow, and there was no trace of light inside. , It was as dark as an abyss, and the two of Zhou Zhang were naturally fearless, but they didn't rush into it to take a look.

Besides, Zhou Zhang thought about it for a while. He is in the Eighth Nine Mysterious Art and can be transformed into any shape. It is said that the width of a human head is just the size of a needle, and Zhou Zhang can turn into an ant and get in. No, she has very little fat on her body, and her slender waist is almost as wide and narrow as her head, which is no problem. However, her protruding part will definitely get stuck, and it will stick to death.

There must be gains and losses!Zhou Zhang sighed, but he had absolutely no idea of ​​going in first. It was always right to observe and observe more.

Zhou Zhang and the two floated their wings behind their backs and hovered in front of them, waiting quietly, which eliminated the advantage of being number one at the beginning, but they also observed it for a while, and only felt that the altar looked unusual at first glance, but , the more you observe, the more you feel that there are more places that you can't see through, and the esoteric places pop out one after another.

The demonic energy spread, and the three little demon leaders appeared beside Zhou Zhang. Seeing that Zhou Zhang didn't go in, they naturally couldn't wait at the back all the time. Zhou Zhang was in front of the most central gap, and they lay on the altar from the edge. On, a little careful observation, in the meantime, took out some dark gray crystals and leaned forward to detect something.

Zhou Zhang looked at it without looking, but couldn't see any name. In his arms, Emperor Hengjing poked his head up, put it in his ear and whispered, "That's a monster hunter for treasure. Crystal, it's not a good thing, but it has a miraculous effect for detecting the surge of power in some areas."

Zhou Zhang's ears were a little itchy, and he nodded slightly. It seemed that he didn't take this matter to heart, but he naturally recorded it in his mind. His current wisdom is blooming, and he can write down most of the things without any effort. It's a memorable one, but it's almost the same, even if it floats by casually when you don't pay attention, it will naturally be imprinted in the back of your mind.

It is also based on this that he will have the ability to predict the enemy's opportunities and see through people's hearts.

"bang bang"

With two loud noises, Xing Feng stood above the altar. Although only his heels were a little firm, his whole body remained motionless in the gust of wind, as if he was stuck to it, and even fell straight forward, only using his toes. Dot dot next to the side of the altar, like a fallen bat, steady as a mountain, and did not give Zhou Zhang any hostile eyes, and carefully observed the altar.


Di Qing's movement was even louder. With a loud noise, he kicked a huge hole above the cliff, and then stood firmly at the hole, leaning against the wall, looking at the altar and floating in the crack. Zhou Zhang in front of him also flashed a few strands of envy in his eyes. People who can fly will never know how much people who can't fly envy him, just like, people who can walk will never feel the pain of losing their legs, even if , Those who have lost their legs are also disdainful in a certain field, and they will also want a pair of legs.

It's just that it won't be too revealing after all. After everyone observed for a while, Di Qing said, "We're outside the door now, why don't we open the door and go in? If it's worth it, let's fight for the winner. It's not worth it, how about someone to discuss over there?"

This is a solution after all, and it is also the most suitable person to say this. There is no difference between Zhou Zhang and Xing Feng. Naturally, Xing Feng does not. At this moment, a tiger roar suddenly came from below.

Immediately, the three of the demon clan suddenly changed color, Di Qing's expression became cold, Xing Feng gave Zhou Zhang a cold look, and didn't say anything, Zhou Zhang looked indifferent, but just lowered his head coldly, some people really don't know. life and death.


With a loud bang, Bai Qing, who had managed to recover both hands, rose from the ground, and with a terrifying power, he rushed towards Zhou Zhang and the two of them without hesitation. Also considered a master.

"Does he really like you so much?" Zhou Zhang couldn't help laughing. With the improvement of his strength, he has rarely encountered such stubborn fools. There is a limit to how stupid he is when he can reach a high level.

"How do I know!" Di Hengjing looked at Zhou Zhang: "Before I saw you, no one was in my eyes anymore. After seeing you, I only saw you in my eyes."

"Uh!" Zhou Zhang was also slightly stunned. He seemed to understand his strange feeling in a trance, perhaps not only because of the abruptness, but also because of the role change, he seemed to be the one being chased.

After laughing dumbly, Zhou Zhang didn't care too much. When it comes to pampering his woman, he seems to be aloof, but he is actually very condoning. As long as you love me, I will be able to give you unscrupulous sky, although now I say It's a bit premature for Di Hengjing to be his own woman, but, isn't that right?

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