On the contrary, Jin Tianqi was very sensitive in dealing with this aspect, and in an instant he caught the disdain that Emperor Hengjing had never seen in Zhou Zhang's arms. The blood was dripping from him, his body was like a rainbow, and his hatred was even more: "The time has come, Zhou Zhang, are you still so obsessed?"

Everyone's heart tensed subconsciously when they heard this sentence, as if they felt a terrifying aura flowing. Obviously, the first demon clan was really angry. It seems that Zhou Zhang must be bloodless today. The corner of Xing Feng's mouth raised, with a sneer of schadenfreude. Although, if he wanted to take revenge, it would be fine if he seriously injured him. After all, it was a revenge for a revenge. better?

At the beginning, the three leaders of the demon clan were even more indifferent. They looked at Zhou Zhang as if they were dead. They didn't care about Bai Qing's life and death, let alone this person. They even had the opportunity to kill him behind his back. It's normal, let alone bystanders.

Among these people who are close, only Di Qing’s complexion changed slightly. In the deepest part of his temperament, he is actually a little cowardly. Otherwise, he would not have been reduced to an unimportant level with his bloodline. One is very terrifying, but at this moment, he gritted his teeth, suddenly got up and stood on the edge of the cave, and said loudly: "Brother Jin, Zhou Zhang didn't know the seriousness of the matter for a while, how about you give me a face?"

Jin Tianqi's body trembled, and the whole person instantly rose a lot, and his momentum became even more surging. He squinted at Di Qing, and the corner of his mouth raised a disdainful smile: "Give you face? Who will give Laozi face? Laozi has already spoken to Emperor Hengjing. It's Lao Tzu's people, are you all deaf?"

Hearing this, Di Hengjing's pretty face was sullen, and he instantly became murderous and broke free from Zhou Zhang's embrace. However, at this moment, Zhou Zhang suddenly reached out and grabbed her. Di Hengjing's eyes trembled, and then he was shocked. Entering my heart, I know my family affairs, I was in a state of anger just now, why is this hand still holding it so firmly?

Then, she heard a soft voice ringing in her ears, she couldn't refuse, she was domineering and unparalleled: "If someone scolds me, you can take action for me, but if someone is disrespectful to you, I will deal with it."

Then, she saw that the man didn't let go of him, he just put his arms around him, stepped on the void, and walked in front of Jin Tianqi in a few steps. Then, there was no turbulent, no imposing manner, just like a high school student bullying Like a primary school student, he naturally stretched out a hand and grabbed the blond hair.

Then he pressed the back of his head, turned his head, and pressed it hard, and the face door and the cliff came into intimate contact.


The cliff wall trembled, like the fragile little heart of people.

Chapter Five Hundred and Twelve The King of Pretence

"I really want to teach you what it means to be arrogant!" Zhou Zhang's voice was still calm, without the slightest turbulence, but the disdain in his eyes was already beyond words: "But, you are just pretending to be arrogant, even with the word arrogance. It didn't touch each other."

While speaking, Zhou Zhang naturally raised his hand and pressed it down again.


Everyone couldn't help shrinking their noses, feeling the pain as if they were in the body. Then, there was a ridiculous feeling. Originally, even kicking Jin Tianqi to death seemed to be more real than crushing the gun, but , When this scene really happened in front of them, they felt that it was still not so easy to accept.

Up and down, whether it's the leader or the followers, whether it's the demon clan or the witch clan, it just feels as if someone is pulling the hair on the unknown part of him. There is something that I don't know how to say. What kind of expression.

"This is Jin Tianqi? The one who was beaten couldn't be fake, right!"

"It's like a father bullying his son, this Zhou Zhang won't be that demon saint, right?"

"I think he is very likely to be the descendant of the great god Pangu."

"Who's going to bite me! I feel like I'm stuck in a dream and can't get out."

Every exclamation and exclamation is accompanied by a shock that everyone can't help but shake their facial features. The whole process naturally makes one's scalp tingle, and Zhou Zhang's calm expression makes one feel an urge to rage, big brother!The person you beat up like you beat your grandson, but you have a great reputation!Can you give me some reaction?

"Having a bewitching beauty in his arms, beating up his rival, his expression is indifferent, and his movements are ordinary. It just makes me look up!"

"More importantly, the enchanting beauty in her arms is Emperor Hengjing, the first person of the Wu clan, and the one who was beaten was Jin Tianqi, the first person of the demon clan. That's the point!"

"A role model for my generation, a role model for my generation! It's been so many years that I haven't seen such a domineering figure."

Shocked, unbelievable, and after the sigh, there was a sound of doubt.

"That person is really Jin Tianqi, why didn't he even react at all?"

"Haha, are you sure you didn't find it? Then Jin Tianqi didn't even move at all. Except for killing Bai Qing with one move at the beginning, he didn't have the aura that he used to be aggressive."

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's a fake! That Zhou Zhang is also a pretentious master, and he made a fake to fool himself. He was very daring, and he wasn't afraid that the real Jin Tianqi would find out and seek revenge."

"In this way, Di Hengjing's actions are also very unnatural, her name is so loud, and she is even more polite when dealing with men outside her family. A little dissatisfaction is murderous, how could she fall in love for the first time? The Terran you met? And I've never heard of his name before."

"That's true! Could it be that this is just a play?"

Because it was too unreal, this kind of skepticism gradually became more and more arrogant, and gradually spread, even the Wu clan who were obviously brought over from home by the two brothers and sisters Di Hengjing were a little suspicious. At the beginning, this lady was out of the bag?

This gang of gadgets also have no brains. They were able to get his granddaughter out of the house of the real first person of the Wu clan to play here.

However, in a word, this Jin Tianqi's reaction was indeed very strange, and Zhou Zhang also felt the same way. Of course, he and those idiots had always been on the same path. A few frightened leaders, of course, they are also a little suspicious at the moment.

Because Jin Tianqi was beaten too hard to resist.

However, Zhou Zhang's eyes became colder, and he looked directly at Jin Tianqi, who looked like a corpse with blood on his cheeks, and said coldly: "You are a bit quick-witted, and you have a lot of experience in pretending to force! I'm afraid you have been exposed long ago. Let me tell you early, no matter what you plan to do, it's useless to me."

"However, I am a little curious. You are obviously not weak. Even if you can't really become the first person of the younger generation, you can still be considered a middle-upper-level person! Why do you want to do this? Just for that little vanity?"

No one noticed that, following Zhou Zhang's words like knives, Jin Tianqi's whole body was trembling slightly. Others didn't know it, but Zhou Zhang had already noticed it. The eyes that formed a gap revealed the hatred of Sen Sen, which was simply inexorable.

The voice was low and gloomy: "Zhou Zhang, right! Today, we have a deadly feud, my gold line is flourishing, and within three days, you will not splatter Zhoushan with blood."

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Zhang's heart did not fluctuate in the slightest, and he even wanted to laugh, but Di Hengjing, who was nestled in Zhou Zhang's arms, had rounded eyes, and she had a little more cuteness. Doubting whether this Jin Tianqi is fake, she naturally doesn't think that Zhou Zhang is the kind of person who deliberately makes a fake for the sake of face and glory.

She just felt that, after all, the first person in the younger generation of the demon clan would not be so weak after all!As she got closer, she could clearly feel that this guy was not weak, but she could crush him to death with one hand.

However, when I heard this sentence at this moment, my heart was shocked. Really, this Jin Tianqi is real.

However, before the two of them could react, Jin Tianqi's chest trembled, and a gentle light flashed, extremely dim, except for the two of them, almost no one could see clearly. Then, Jin Tianqi trembled, obviously blood and flesh. The body turned into a little spot of light and disappeared on the spot, and then a majestic voice came from above: "Zhou Zhang, you dare to destroy my avatar? See you someday, you will definitely take your head."

"Haha!" Zhou Zhang sneered even more: "This person has a lot of tricks."

Although Zhou Zhang sneered, those who were already skeptical seemed to have found a point, and they all showed their original expressions.

"It turned out to be a clone! I said, how could it be so weak!"

"That's right! That's right! How could the first person in the younger generation of the dignified demon race look like this? Besides, I have heard that he killed that barren mountain and forbidden area by himself and returned safely."

"Scare me, but that Zhou Zhang is indeed a character, at least very courageous, but the road ahead is difficult."

Zhou Zhang didn't pay attention to these idiots at all, his eyes moved coldly, and he immediately fixed in a certain place: "I hate pretending to be fake the most in my life!"

Chapter five hundred and thirteenth grandfather beats grandson

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