
A golden light is deep in the sky, and it traverses the sky in an instant. Wherever it passes, auspicious clouds bloom, and the rays of light flow. The sky seems to be cut into two halves, and a huge golden spear appears in the sky. Sweeping the Quartet, coercing the heavens, people have a feeling of scalp tingling.

"This is the God-destroying gun!"

"Could it be that Jin Tianqi's real body is nearby? It seems that a world-shattering war is about to take place."

"The god-killing spear, the axe, and the two most powerful monsters in the monster attack. Today, I was finally fortunate enough to see one of them. This life is worthwhile."

Then, just after the God-destroying Spear traversed the sky and disappeared at the other end, a majestic voice came down from the sky: "Zhou Zhang, I am famous after all, I can give you a chance, and now I immediately kneel down and apologize, I'll spare you, if it weren't for my real body being closed, you would be dead at this moment."

From this sentence, it can be judged that this Jin Tianqi really hates Zhou Zhang, otherwise, he would have run away long ago, and he would not have talked repeatedly, just wanting to regain his dignity, but it can also be seen from this sentence. , This person is also very afraid of Zhou Zhang, those eyes that seem to be able to see everything, he simply does not have the courage to face it again.

Otherwise, he wouldn't specifically point out any seclusion, it's just that he was afraid to show his face again, but the routine of pretending to be forceful is indeed powerful, Zhou Zhang has to admit to this, but this time, Zhou Zhang's eyes are locked. But more thoroughly.

The crowd also sighed, and then turned to Zhou Zhang, wanting to see how the other party would choose.

"He should kneel down and apologize! The God-destroying spear just now traversed the sky, and the auspicious clouds and rays of light bloomed. Even the big demon doesn't have such power! He should calm down!"

"It should be like this. After all, Jin Tianqi's words are not wrong. He has indeed been famous for a long time. He is considered a senior among the juniors. It is not ashamed to admit a mistake."

"Hey, Jin Tianqi is still a bit too benevolent and righteous. If it were a normal person's character, he would have been furious and bloody."

Even Di Qing's face twitched as he looked at Zhou Zhang and said, "For the sake of our family, don't kneel down, just apologize and go! Not to mention Jin Tianqi, then Jin Tianqi One line is not easy to mess with! You can"

"Shut up! Waste!" However, before he finished speaking, he saw his sister's icy gaze. At this moment, he felt that his soul seemed to tremble. At this moment, he seemed to sound his own voice. Several aunts, they seem to be this way, they are extremely protective of their shortcomings. Before falling in love with someone, their family is the most important, and after falling in love with a person, that person is the most important.

In the past, he still had some emotions about listening to the story, and the feeling was not deep, but at this moment, he understood the grandfather's thoughts in a trance, they were too extreme.

Fortunately, he is his own brother. If it was someone else who despised Zhou Zhang, he would have already died on the spot. Di Hengjing's icy eyes melted into water, and he looked at Zhou Zhang in a dazzling manner: "What do you want me to do for you? ?"

Zhou Zhang tilted his head and thought for a while, flew forward a little, picked a relatively smooth and hard stone from the cliff and dragged it down, about two meters wide, and handed it to Di Hengjing: "Help me hold this Bar!"

Di Hengjing held it lightly with two fingers and asked in confusion, "Why do you take this?"

"Beat people!"

Before the words could be said, the black and white wings behind Zhou Zhang quickly stirred, and everyone felt their pupils slid. There was only a gust of wind whistling, and Zhou Zhang and Emperor Hengjing had already disappeared. They didn't even notice. Seeing where they disappeared, he didn't follow until he heard Di Hengjing's giggling.

However, it was discovered that the two of them had already crossed a hundred miles and appeared beside the big monster birds. Zhou Zhanglong released their might and the big birds knelt down together.

Then, seeing Zhou Zhang reaching out and grabbing a handful in the void, he took out a figure with blond hair and golden clothes, and said coldly, "Why do we need another day, how about we separate life and death today?"

However, everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

"Is that person Jin Tianqi soon? Is that face that was beaten up again?"

"No way! If it's still a clone, why is there a wound on the face? It wasn't a clone just now!"

"Just, that"

The crowd was inexplicably shocked, and there was a lot of discussion, and then they also vaguely felt that something was not quite right. Then, they also saw some familiar movements at the same time.


Everyone shrank their facial features, and then they were stunned. Why, this feeling is so familiar, this scene is too nostalgic!Although this scene only appeared a few minutes ago, it made people feel like they had crossed time.

"Pretend, let's do it for Lao Tzu!" Zhou Zhang was really angry, and slammed into Jin Tianqi, but Jin Tianqi was clenching his teeth and said nothing, and there was still hope in his eyes, before he was completely dismantled, The idea of ​​pretending to be forced must never be put out. This is a family lesson.


He was dizzy and dizzy. Jin Tianqi's handsome face was completely gone. However, after all, he was a monster, and he wasn't a low-level weakling. In a fight, although you will be easily defeated in the end, it will not be like a grandson like now, and like a toy in the hands of others.

However, he absolutely cannot resist. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, the force can last forever. After being hit for more than [-] times, Jin Tianqi's eyes are completely invisible. There is only a thin slit, but it is killing With great intentions, steel teeth clenched tightly, and said viciously: "I will definitely smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces."

"What?" Zhou Zhang stopped, his expression was cold and calm, his eyes seemed to penetrate his soul: "Want to run again?"

"You can't stop me, this time you"

"Okay! Try to escape!"

Jin Tianqi felt that Zhou Zhang was not holding on to him, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart, but since things had reached this point, he had no choice. Note that this time, he must run directly, and never give him any chance to seize himself.

Since birth, I have never been so humiliated, and this revenge must be avenged.

Then, there was an extremely dim light on his chest, and if he looked closely, a light that seemed to not exist flashed, and then he turned into a light spot in the sky and disappeared in place.

Chapter five hundred and fourteen escape jade

The area where Zhou Zhang is located seems to be in the center, a place where everyone is watching, and even many people have forgotten the purpose of coming here, what altar, what entry has been left behind, and they are all staring at it dumbfounded. A big show, and then, seeing the golden light in the sky again, Jin Tianqi dispersed again.


Everyone took a deep breath, and sure enough, he disappeared again in front of everyone's eyes.

"Sure enough, it's a clone again. It seems that Jin Tianqi is really angry. If the real body can come, he must have fought Zhou Zhang to death."

"It seems that Jin Tianqi is not too benevolent and righteous. The avatar still appeared with scars. This is to remind myself not to forget hatred!"

Obviously, although the legendary character is stronger than Zhou Zhang in most people's minds, Zhou Zhang's behavior is something they can't ignore, and he respects a lot during his speech, and he won't simply think that. , then Jin Tianqi will definitely be able to kill Zhou Zhang.

Some people even laughed coldly: "Haha, don't you think that Jin Tianqi is the first person!"

"Tsk tsk, deceive the sky and cross the sea, deceive the world, this Jin Tianqi, no, this Jin lineage is the real boldness!"

"Originally, I thought I was a fool and wanted to slap myself, but, suddenly, it seems that many big people are also fools!"

"A lot? I think it's all. Everyone in this world is a fool. Otherwise, how could Jin Tianqi have such a big name? Only Zhou Zhang is a smart person! At least in this matter."

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