Di Hengjing sneered mercilessly: "Brother, I will give you one hand"

"I can't beat you!"

Zhou Zhang's mind was also infected, and he also smiled: "I'll let you both hands!" Di Qing's eyes lit up, this seems to be a try!However, he immediately looked up and down Zhou Zhang a few times, and then saw the faint smile on the corner of his sister's mouth, and suddenly said angrily, "I can't beat you either."

After he finished speaking, Di Qing himself laughed. He felt the inseparable tacit understanding between the two of them, which made his elder brother very happy, and his younger sister grew up and found a good partner.

"If you can't beat it, you can't beat it! Anyway, I'll do it without losing money!" Di Qing looked at Zhou Zhang with burning eyes, his brain is indeed enough, this person is not pedantic, he acts decisively, is smart, has a profound layout, and has outstanding talent. It is simply a perfect brother-in-law, perhaps, there is really a fate to pull the red thread!

"I won't lose money!" Zhou Zhang also agreed, more like a promise, you are her brother, this will keep you honored for a lifetime, there is no need to say too much, the current Zhou Zhang is not so powerful, but , Di Hengjing smiled sweetly, and the stickers were even tighter.

Di Qing also laughed loudly and accepted this sentence. He also knew that it was not the time for a family gathering. He turned his face and said in a low voice: "You guys are ahead, so you must have not observed carefully!"

"Well, that's right!"

"So, I walked at the end. I looked carefully and observed it carefully. There is no doubt that it is a blood sacrifice. That altar is not only connected to this Minghe village, but there should be other altars!"

"Yeah!" Zhou Zhang nodded. In fact, he had already guessed it, but, as Di Qing said, he didn't have time to look carefully and lacked some evidence to support it. However, Di Qing was different. Since he dared to say so, he must have It is a certainty in my heart, so it seems that this guess must be right!

However, Di Hengjing, who was next to him, did have his eyes twitching, and suddenly felt that his IQ was being played with, but she didn't care, instead she asked with great interest, "Did you mean the altar we came in? That's not the door. What? What blood sacrifice?"

Zhou Zhang didn't speak, Di Qing did hurriedly took out a clay pot from his arms and explained to his sister: "You should have seen the ground before the skeleton!"

Di Hengjing frowned slightly, and said with some disgust: "Well, it's just poured with blood. I feel that the place may have been a blood pool before, but it's just a long time ago, so" She was stunned when she said this. Isn't this a blood sacrifice?

"That's right! Blood is not born out of thin air. Most people just look at it, and they will have doubts. Why is there only blood but no bones? And after having this doubt, they will think deeply, under what circumstances would there be only blood and no bones. That is, someone was injured but no one died, but such a thick blood is definitely not just one or two people, at least thousands or even tens of thousands or even more, so we will guess what will happen. Injuring so many people, but one of them didn't die?"

"So, I observed and studied it!" Di Qing handed the pottery pot in his hand to Zhou Zhang. Zhou Zhang looked down and saw that there was a puddle of blood in it, so he waved his hand. As a mild cleanliness patient, he refused to observe. Perhaps it was one of the reasons why he didn't explore it in detail. Anyway, it wasn't a case to solve, and there was no need for solid evidence, as long as he could guess it was enough.

Di Hengjing frowned, and naturally he had no interest in rooting. With a raised eyebrow, Di Qing immediately received the order, put away the pot, and said, "This blood soil lacks a kind of blood essence, and then Before I went back to the altar again, after researching it, I found that it was definitely a teleportation altar, and it needed to be inspired with blood."

"So, that skeleton is definitely not a gatekeeper, but an existence guarding the altar, or in other words."

Zhou Zhang's expression brightened, and he said, "The slaughterer who guarded the escape route!" With the murderous aura, and those few words, Zhou Zhang thought it was more likely that this would be possible, but, if that's the case, why are there no bones left?Did no one escape here?

Di Qing obviously also thought of this layer, and he put away the pottery pot with some sympathy: "Although the speculation about the function of the altar is correct, but there is no bone on the blood soil that arouses our doubts, but it is very strange. It may be wrong, not that no one died, but other reasons that I can't guess for the time being."

"Well, there are doubts!" ​​Zhou Zhang nodded in agreement, then shook his head and continued: "However, now we don't have time to estimate these little doubts, let's pick the peaches first!"

"Well, don't worry!" Di Qing waved his hand, looking at the increasingly mighty air in the center, and said in a low voice, "I once read in books, some of the situation of the fire red lotus of the [-]th grade industry, he It will definitely not be available for a while, and even if we get it, we won’t be able to use it. We’re not in a hurry, we just wait for him to get it before we grab it! So as not to cause trouble because of any crisis that we don’t understand.”

Although Di Qing's words were right, Zhou Zhang said in a low voice: "It is precisely because of this that we have to control that person in our hands, otherwise" this is the difference between Zhou Zhang and Di Qing being both smart people, Zhou Zhang is smart There is an impulsive and gambling nature in being cautious, but Di Qing is more of a strategy to prevent crises.

To describe it in one sentence, Zhou Zhang's intelligence is a sword, and he is aggressive, but Di Qing is a shield, preventing the occurrence of crises and resisting danger. To take an example, if such a situation occurs, moving forward will endanger life. Zhou Zhang must take this step forward, and Di Qing may retreat to a safe position. Zhou Zhang tries to get as much as possible, but Di Qing tries to protect himself as much as possible.

Moreover, Zhou Zhang's words are absolutely right. Since he doesn't understand it, how can he be sure that the guy didn't directly use the possibility of using the [-]th-grade Karmic Fire Red Lotus?Also, does the way out have to be this way?

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Five Karmic Fire

This is just a difference in thinking. Di Qing frowned and thought for a few words of persuasion. The [-]th-grade industry fiery red lotus and Minghe village are all things that are not well understood. It would be too dangerous to go in rashly. However, while waiting for him to speak, Zhou Zhang instructed: "The two of us go in, and you are here to arrange a trap."

Di Qing looked up and down at the two of them, and sighed: "Okay! However, if there is danger, retreat immediately, let alone the red lotus of the [-]th rank karma, even if it is a chaotic young green lotus, it is not worth fighting with your life! "

"Of course!" Zhou Zhang agreed clearly, but, from the confident look in his eyes, Di Qing doubted whether he had listened, but there was nothing he could do, he felt it, he and his sister had one thing in common. The characteristic is that if there is no one else, if you look for a path, you will go to the dark.

Can only sigh, Di Qing didn't say anything, just nodded in response!

Zhou Zhang took Di Hengjing in his arms, and the two rushed towards the center. Due to Di Qing's delay, they entered a little late, but, to a certain extent, it was innocuous and even safer.

Halfway through the flight, a red light rose from the center, and instantly illuminated a large area of ​​space. He and Di Hengjing looked at each other, Zhou Zhang was faster.

After a while, I saw the shadow against the red light. Qiantu also saw the two people here, but there was not much panic. As long as it was not a fool who could judge, the two would definitely pursue and attack. Come, but he sneered: "The two of you go home safely and have a baby, isn't it good to nurture the next generation? Why do you want to follow me here to court death?"


Zhou Zhang stopped in front of the red light. He didn't look at the thousand pictures, but looked at the red light carefully. This light seemed to be ordinary, but when he looked closely, he realized that what kind of light was this, it was clearly small. The flames are like flames the size of rice grains, and they gather together like rays of light. However, they absolutely dare not let it shine on the body. This is the legendary fire of karma. possible.

The word karma comes from Buddhism, which refers to the flames used by hell to punish the wicked, the sinners, and burn away the sins of the soul. However, the twelve-grade karma red lotus is one of the lotus seeds that originated from the primordial green lotus in chaos. At that time There is no trace of Buddhism, so naturally the meaning of the word karmic fire will not refer to the flames of hell.

However, on the whole, it is not too detached from that concept, but is more used to refer to a causal relationship, which is a disguised causal relationship, which directly affects the human soul. It can be regarded as the most difficult and terrifying flame.

Zhou Zhang's expression was still normal, but Emperor Hengjing's color changed slightly. He didn't expect that the appearance of this twelve-rank karma red lotus had not been seen yet. Said: "My idiot brother, if it weren't for him, we would have come here early so that we wouldn't be blocked by this karmic fire."

What Di Hengjing said might be right, but Zhou Zhang shook his head indifferently and said, "It doesn't matter! That thousand pictures will be counted as early as possible, we can't avoid touching this karmic fire sooner or later!"

Talking to the Wu people is a bit bad. Even the hidden words cannot be communicated directly in the mind with consciousness. They cannot use all spells, so they can only chat in a low voice, which is really troublesome, and , Zhou Zhang's voice was normal, and he didn't think about telling anyone or hiding anything.

Within the karma, Qiantu, who had been listening with pricked ears, suddenly laughed wildly: "Hahaha, Zhou Zhang really deserves to be a fierce man who dares to break into the two Lich army alone, although his brain is not very good. However, this courage is really admirable to me!"

Zhou Zhang's expression didn't change. As a mature personality, how could he be furious because of a few words of ridicule, but Di Hengjing's eyes were ice-cold in his arms, and that kind of shuddering indifference overflowed again. , In Zhou Zhang, she is a little domineering, clingy and doesn't hate women, but outside, she is the domineering Ling Ran Emperor Heng Jing, the first person in the younger generation of the Wu clan.

The eyes are not only cold, but a complete contempt, which is a kind of indifference to life, as if the gods are overlooking the world, and everything is ants in her eyes.

Even through the karmic fire, this kind of eyes stabbed straight like a knife, Qiantu's body froze for a moment, he felt as if he had been crushed into dust, what a terrifying sight!What kind of arrogance does it take to form such a contemptuous look, as if there is no emotion at all.

However, after all, it was through the fire of karma, and Di Hengjing was far from reaching the realm of killing with his eyes. Not only did he not make Qiantu subdue, he even made him feel a sense of shame and anger. The scum who lived in the cracks on the ground were not so happy, they glared back viciously, and sneered: "You don't do good gods, but you are here to provoke me. Today, let you taste the taste of karma!" After all!Swing your hands vigorously.

The small karmic fire that seemed to be like light actually fell down with his movements, and it was like a flood that covered Zhou Zhang and the others.

Di Hengjing was even more furious, but Zhou Zhang frowned slightly, looking at Qiantu's actions quite interestingly. He didn't think he had completely mastered the karma in such a short period of time. There should be some magic weapon or rules in it. He took advantage of it!

"Haha, die for me!"

Di Hengjing's eyes became even colder, his fists accumulated strength and he was ready to break away from Zhou Zhang's embrace and blast the so-called karmic fire back. Said: "I have no intention of paying attention to this clown, I want him to help me try this karmic fire, but whoever makes him upset you, then I can only tear down his stage!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard the voice of Qiantu, who was still screaming, suddenly stopped, and then screamed in horror, and then a bloody arm seemed to be torn off, and then fell into the karmic fire Among them, as soon as they passed through, they hovered in front of Zhou Zhang and the others.

Such a sudden scene, although Qiantu was stunned and made Di Hengjing unable to react, but the karmic fire that poured out stopped moving.

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