Five hundred and twenty-six octopus dead net broken

I was angry because of his disrespect to you, and I punished him because he made you angry. We are not for ourselves, but for each other. She showed her affection fiercely, but she saw only one thousand pictures.

At this moment, he simply has a kind of desire to jump into the karmic fire, burn his sins, and then reincarnate to find a woman and fall in love. He has more than once suspected that he has been busy with various things in his life It's right or wrong to use this method to improve your strength without taking care of your love life!

It is also because of this that he hates the two people outside even more. Are you two conjoined babies?Do you have to hold it so tightly wherever you go?Of course, at this moment, he couldn't even think about these messy things. He was like a panicked rabbit, clutching the broken wound on his left arm, looking at the surrounding void with chattering teeth.

Not long ago, he felt that an invisible beast appeared in the void around him. It was extremely terrifying. He bit off one of his arms in one bite, and he didn't even have the strength to resist. Yu he was already a little reluctant to see Zhou Zhang and the two outside, and the thoughts in his mind were disorganized and chaotic.

Naturally, he couldn't see the broken arm, it had already floated in front of Zhou Zhang and the others, knowing that Zhou Zhang's faint voice came: "I thought he was a creature of the Nightmare family, but I didn't expect this arm to be no different from ordinary people! "

"Well, besides, this skin is too bad!"

Hearing these two sentences, Qiantu's whole body trembled, and he had some ominous premonition in his heart. When he looked up, his eyes condensed, almost protruding from his sockets, how could this be possible?when?How did you do it?Is this person difficult?

Countless astonishing thoughts popped up in his heart, and he hurriedly rummaged up and down on himself, at the same time being alert to the surrounding environment.

However, Zhou Zhang was obviously too lazy to pay attention to him, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes observed the broken arm not far away, which was naturally torn off by himself. As the day passed, many people had gradually begun to guard against him.

However, in this period, no one knew that the terrifying aspect of the other side of the flower was simply unfavorable.

The amputated arm, the blood is gurgling, the skin is really bad, there have been holes the size of soybeans, and there is a karmic fire the size of rice grains burning inside. , From this, it can be judged that, at the very least, Qiantu does not have any special bloodline that can resist the burning of karmic fire.

Moreover, his arm is normal, but if it is replaced by an ordinary monster, as long as the limbs leave the body, it should be transformed into a prototype. However, this broken arm has been torn off, but it still looks like a human arm, but it is not without After the change, some crimson lines gradually appeared on the arm, which was quite totem, like a kind of mark.

"Could it be the remaining blood of the demon race?"

Zhou Zhang pinched his chin with a calm expression on his face, everything seemed to be under his control. As soon as he said these words, his natural gaze turned to him, and then he saw the fleeting astonishment in Qiantu's eyes. He smiled lightly: "Really, it's okay to be stupid!"

"It seems that it is the descendant of the demon race!"

Qiantu only felt that he was advancing and retreating, his brain was becoming more and more insufficient, his steel teeth were clenched, and blood was oozing from his gums. When he watched him bully Jin Tianqi before, he was still happy, but now Only then did I understand that every step seemed to be seen by the other party, and every movement seemed to reveal my own stupidity. This feeling is really too aggrieved.

"Squeak" accompanied by the sound of gnashing teeth, Qiantu hissed and screamed: "Zhou Zhang bastard, even if I was burnt out by this karmic fire today, I will never give you a chance to collect the [-]th-grade karma red lotus. I can't get it, and you don't even want to get it, we're dead!"

Contrary to his hysteria, Zhou Zhang was as indifferent as a piece of ice sharpened by a thousand-year-old cold wind, and pointed at him with a lightly pointed finger: "Ten minutes ago, I might have been a little apprehensive about what you said, but , now, you have no qualifications to perish!"

Qiantu still wanted to roar a few words to vent the fear and anger in his heart, but before he had time to speak, he felt a terrifying pulling force coming from his right arm, and in an instant, he heard the sound of skin tearing. , and the sound of cracking bones, as if his arms did not belong to him, he turned his head in horror and looked, a freezing cold air rushed up from the tailbone, and it rushed to his mind in an instant. Scalp tingling!

The space was distorted visibly to the naked eye, and his arm was being pulled by the distorted space. It was already at its limit. Then, with a sound of "呲", the right arm also broke from the root, blood sputtered, and the pain spread. Kailai, extreme fear rose from the bottom of his heart, Qiantu screamed out: "Ah! Zhou Zhang Laozi and you are inseparable!"

Murderers are always killed, and slaughterers are bound to die in slaughter. This is the cause and effect. Zhou Zhang smiled coldly, so that he would not be implicated by that meaningless compassion. A good person, such a villain, will die!

Besides, it's not dead yet!

With a flick of his wrist, his strength surged, and with a "puchi" sound, his right arm was torn from the root, Qiantu's whole body trembled, his face paled to the extreme, and cold sweat slowly flowed down his face, that shadow-like state could no longer be maintained. "Plop" fell to his knees and looked at the ground, feeling a sense of sluggish despair for a while, but there was a vicious red glow in his eyes.

With his arms floating in front of Zhou Zhang and the others again, Di Hengjing also looked at it with great interest and pouted, "Why didn't I notice anything obvious on it!"


Zhou Zhang waved his hand and threw the two arms into the karmic fire. The karmic fire was very different from ordinary flames. There are more and more small holes, but it is estimated that it will not burn to ashes for a while.

It was also at this moment that the extremely cold laughter resounded: "Zhou Zhang, I don't want to do this, but since I have already fallen into your trap, there must be no good results, in this case, let me Taste the consequences of my power to slaughter three thousand souls!"

"If I die, you don't want to leave alive."

"Three Thousand Blood Festival"


Qiantu's body exploded directly, and the monstrous blood light filled the universe. At this moment, countless scarlet ancient stars appeared as if they had passed through the eternal void, and then countless stars burst into blood, forming a huge formation. .


Zhou Zhang's complexion changed greatly, his hands emitted extremely splendid golden light, and he used all his mana. The woman in his arms was also sent out of the formation by Zhou Zhang in an instant. Just when Zhou Zhang wanted to escape, the blood-red formation had been activated and shrouded in a bang. , the world is spinning.

Text 1 Chapter [-] New World

Dragon Emperor City, a key pass located in Linping Port.

On the tower, Zhan Taizhengxiang and a group of soldiers are doing the last resistance.

Outside the Dragon Emperor City, an old man named Xing Wei was standing in front of the city gate in the sky, shouting loudly.

"I advise you to open the city gate quickly and let the old man in, or the blood will flow into a river later."

This person is an immortal-level powerhouse in the Luanfeng Empire, while Zhan Taizhengxiang is just a noble-level person, and there is no chance of winning against him.

"I'm glad that although you and I are a feud between the two countries, we have already made an agreement that immortal-level powerhouses cannot interfere in the battlefield."

"What bullshit agreement, you and I are old acquaintances, and I happened to be promoted a few days ago with an adventure!"

"But the old man in this city is going to be decided today."

"Speak madly, I'll see how you break this defensive formation!!"

"Don't panic, Mr. Murong is on his way, we just need to hold on until Mr. Murong arrives."

After all, it is a key point of the pass, how can the defense formation be so easy to break through.

Looking at the siege that would be difficult to make progress for a while, I was so happy that I couldn't hold back. This battle must be fought quickly.

"Old man, don't think that being a tortoise in there will get you nowhere."

"Look what this is!"

With that said, take out a weapon!

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