From the snow, it seems that Zhan Tai is really suffocated at home, and he has been chattering for so long, and he still doesn't feel tired at all.

Zhou Zhang has a good temperament today. At this moment, he is not bored by Zhan Taicongxue's happiness, but also follows behind him a little tirelessly.

I'm afraid even Zhou Zhang himself didn't feel the change in himself, he would walk quietly behind a little girl.

This doesn't look like one world overlord after another.

But Zhou Zhang didn't know what Fu Pengkun was planning at the moment.

But he didn't mind at all, what could the people in this city do to him?He himself even had some expectations. He just came to this world and saw a few good powerhouses, but he also wanted to know more about it.

However, this Zhantai Congxue is really a shopaholic. If it weren't for the storage ring, I'm afraid I would need a carriage to pull it.

In the afternoon, Zhantai spent almost all of his time in the shopping. If he hadn't watched the night approaching, he probably wouldn't have given up.

Chapter [-] is still here?

The two returned to the mansion, and the day's outing time was over.

Zhan Tai Congxue is very happy. Brother Zhou Zhang and Zhou are with him on this day, which is much better than his eldest brother and second brother! !

Those two people are completely like wood, whatever they say is a blessing, it doesn't mean anything at all, and they are still going shopping with their sister!

It's just like performing a mission!

Zhou Zhang and Zhan Tai Congxue said goodbye and were about to return to their room, but Zhan Tai Congxue stopped Zhou Zhang.

"Brother Zhou, thank you for losing money for so long today. This is the gift I bought for Brother Zhou today!"

After speaking, he took out a flying bun, which is a very delicate object.

"I see Brother Zhou's hair has been loose all the time, but I think it will look better if it is tied up!!"

"Yeah, thanks a lot, from Xue!"

"It's nothing."

After speaking, Zhan Tai ran away from Xue Xue first, it seemed that he was still a little shy.

Zhou Zhang ignored Zhan Tai Congxue's abnormality and went back to his room on his own!

Although he was with Zhan Taicongxue all day long, his breathing and breathing were still going on slowly, and he was still a little bit closer to being in complete harmony.

Hurry back to the room and start breathing, presumably it won't take too long to end.

After about two hours, Zhou Zhang finished his breathing, and he had a faint feeling of wanting to make a breakthrough. This event made Zhou Zhang feel extremely excited.

When the time comes to cooperate with this medicine pill, it really makes people feel extremely excited!Zhou Zhang himself didn't think that it's been a few days since he came to this world, but he's really becoming more and more interested in this world.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang felt that someone was coming, and Zhou Zhang's vigilance was not low at all, and he felt it the moment these men in black entered the mansion.

However, Zhou Zhang was in a good mood now, so he planned to play with these people, so he waited motionlessly for their movements.

These people seem to have spent their time doing some research, and after a while, they found the location of Zhou Zhang's room.

These people crept on the roof and made a little noise on purpose, presumably to attract Zhou Zhang's attention.

If you don't give a little response at this time, wouldn't it be too disrespectful, thinking of this, Zhou Zhang pretended to be panic.

"Who?? Who is there!!"

When these men in black felt that Zhou Zhang had noticed him, they hurriedly swept away from the mansion.

At this time, Zhou Zhang also flew out, but just as Zhou Zhang flew out, a person from Zhantai Mansion also flew out.

This person is Zhan Tai Zhengxiang. It turns out that Zhan Tai Congxue was still worried about Zhou Zhang, so when he returned to the mansion, he went to his father first and told what happened during the day.

Although Zhan Taizhengxiang is not worried about Zhou Zhang's safety, but if Zhou Zhang makes a mistake in his house, it is difficult for his daughter to say.

The helpless Zhan Taizhengxiang could only keep an eye on the direction of Zhou Zhang's room at night, and hurried over when there was a slight disturbance.

Zhou Zhang followed the three for half an hour, until they stopped far away from the city gate.

"It seems that I am quite popular. There are so many people coming to receive me."

"Stinky boy, you don't know how to live or die when you're about to die!"

"It doesn't take us too seriously."

"Yo, it seems that there is an uninvited guest also coming."

This is the man in black standing behind Fu Pengkun speaking. It seems that he noticed the arrival of Zhan Taizhengxiang.

It turned out that Zhan Taizhengxiang was afraid of being discovered, so he kept a certain distance along the way, but this could not be hidden from Zhou Zhang, Zhou Zhang found Zhan Taizhengxiang early in the morning.

"Fu Pengkun, what do you mean? Young Master Zhou is an honored guest of my mansion. What do you mean by being invited here in the middle of the night by you?"

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to follow me, but it's okay, we'll deal with it today, and no one can stop me from marrying Congxue."

"If you speak madly, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop this old man."

"Really, Zhan Taizhengxiang, do you still recognize this old man?"

This is the man in underwear showing his face.

"you are you"

"Why did you appear here, Fu Pengkun, could it be that you colluded with the empire!!"

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