"So what if it is, and what if it isn't?"

"As long as all of you are killed today, who will know about this!!"

This man in black is an immortal-level powerhouse of the Luanfeng Empire. It is said that he has reached the fourth-order level early, and is only one step away from the mid-term.

"Hmph, don't think that the old man can be slaughtered by anyone because of his super strength!!"

After speaking, he flew over, and Zhan Taizhengxiang was indeed an old-fashioned respectable powerhouse.

"The Holy Finger of Crazy Sand!!"

"Da Yan Demon Finger!!"

The people in the deputy city lord's mansion couldn't easily stop him.

"You bastards, you can't even stop an old man, raising you bastards is a waste of resources in the government!!"

Although these people were said by Fu Pengkun, none of them dared to refute.

"Eat my trick!! Cangyun Divine Palm."

"Kill the Holy Finger!!"

Zhan Taizhengxiang was a little lost at the moment.It seems that the worship of Li's house is one point stronger than that of Zhan Taizhengxiang.

"It doesn't matter, I think you're already a little weak."

"It doesn't matter, Young Master Zhou, it's just a small injury,"

"I have long heard that there is a master in Fu's house, and seeing it today, it really lives up to its reputation."

"It makes the old man more motivated."

"Yo, it looks like it's all right, did I start lightly?"

How could Zhan Taizhengxiang stand this kind of insult, his dignified city lord was humiliated in person.

"The Emperor Qingjing refers to another trick from me"

"Black Evil God Palm!!"

"I didn't expect you to have some doorways, bah"

"For this little injury, I will definitely make you pay it back a hundredfold!!"

This Fu mansion's offering did not expect that he would suffer a loss, and he was angry at this moment.

"Shenyu Emperor Palm, see if you can take this move from me!!"

There was no rest in the hand enshrined by Fu Mansion. This palm was so aggressive that Zhan Taizhengxiang was afraid that it would be difficult to deal with it.

"Quiet Emperor Finger!"

It seems that this is Zhan Taizhengxiang's last resort. The ending is doomed, and Zhan Taizhengxiang can't win.

Pfft Zhantai Zhengxiang vomited blood, but for the time being there is no fear of his life, but I am afraid he has no ability to fight back.

"You've done a good job, go and heal your wounds, and then you can leave it to me."

Chapter [-] The folding fan is in hand

Zhan Taizhengxiang is already struggling to speak at the moment, but looking at his appearance, he still wants to say something.

Zhou Zhang transported him some insides, allowing him to temporarily stabilize the injury in his body.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Zhou, I cough, I didn't even do this little thing well."

"You've done a very good job, go and heal your wounds."

"Originally, I didn't have any plans to cause trouble!"

"But I have to say that you guys really like to cause trouble!!"

"Isn't it bad to live??"

"Ha ha ha ha"

A group of people began to laugh. They all felt that this young man had always been a soft persimmon behind Zhan Taizhengxiang, but now he has stood up to be brave.

"It's just you? Are you scared of your guts, and don't take a good look at the current form!"

This Fu Pengkun is in a very happy mood now. Now that Zhan Taizhengxiang has fallen, there is only one hairy boy left.

Judging from his appearance, he was of the same grade as his own. Even if the offerings in his own home failed, there was still He Yixian, an immortal-level powerhouse by his side, and he would definitely eat this kid tonight.

"Sign up for the name, kid, I never kill nameless people."

This Fu mansion's worship is still talking nonsense at the moment, and he has no idea what opponent he is about to face.

"Hehe, I am Zhou Zhang, I don't know what your Excellency calls you."

"Hmph, remember your uncle, my name is Zhang Zhiwen, and now you can die."

"This sentence should be what I said to you, dead people don't need so many words!"

"Cangyun Divine Palm!"

Although this Zhang Zhiwen said that, but this person was arrogant and took his opponent seriously. He thought that this person was like Zhan Taizhengxiang and wanted to test Zhou Zhang's strength.

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