But fantasy and display are always the exact opposite. Not only did his ideal not come true, he also ruined his name!

Zhou Zhang was amused by this coming palm, which was no different from scratching his body.

But Zhang Zhiwen didn't think so. Even if it wasn't his strongest move, the person in front of him took the slap so plainly that he didn't have time to react.

Just when he was about to take another shot, Zhou Zhang moved.

With a mediocre wave, this worshiper named Zhang Zhiwen flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

The group of people behind were obviously startled. I didn't expect that this seemingly very weak person would solve the offering of Fu Mansion at once.

Now everyone no longer despised Zhou Zhang, if he continued to despise him, he might be capsized in the gutter.

"Boy, you are very talented, but it's a pity that all geniuses die, especially you."

"If you do yourself well and don't mess with people you shouldn't mess with, you can probably spend the rest of your life happily.

"Remember, the person who killed you is He Yixian!!"

As he spoke, he pulled out a sword. Although this He Yixian still said that, but he did not slacken any slack. He was not as stupid as the worshiper named Zhang Zhiwen.

If you despise this young man at this time, you will definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

The people around were also shocked when they saw the sword. In their eyes, the boy in front of him was no different from a dead person.

"I haven't seen Lord He draw his sword for a long time. There are hundreds of people who died under this sword."

"Yes, there are not many people who can let Lord He draw his sword. This person should be honored to die under this sword!"

"Seeing you take out your weapon, I can't help but let you see my gun."

After speaking, he also took out the bloodthirsty gun of the God of Slaughter!

The sword spirit of this spear has woken up at this moment, but he knows the strength of his current master, and he does not dare to be presumptuous in front of Zhou Zhang!

But he has been sealed for so many years, but he has a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart. Now that he was released, he received an order from Zhou Zhang.

"Go, let me see how strong you are!"

After he finished speaking, he threw the God-Slaughter Bloodthirsty Spear and rushed towards He Yixian with a whistle along the way.

"Ahhhh, you are actually me, and you let a sword spirit fight me!!"

He Yixian is also a person who has lived for a long time, and he admits that he can see the clue of this gun at a glance.

He developed greed for this gun. If such a good gun is held in his own hands, his strength will definitely be improved to a higher level.

"Giant Sacred Blade"


A face-to-face fight is a must, looking at the strength of this sword spirit is not bad.

"Hmph, stop here!!"

"Heavenly Ghost Slash!!"

The bloodthirsty gun of the God of Slaughter was turned back by this blow.

Zhou Zhang's hands were quick and his eyes were fast, one of them strode forward, and the other grabbed the gun body.

An unskilled shot, without any fancy, stabbed He Yixian straight.

Facing the gap in cultivation, He Yixian clearly felt the terrifying degree of this gun.

"Jiuyou Phantom Demon Slash!"

But what he didn't expect was that this shot was so powerful that his move only blocked it for a moment.

Before he died, he didn't understand how he died, was it because of his arrogance, he had used his best.

It was exactly what he said, and he provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked. This person is not someone else but himself.

After solving He Yixian, Zhou Zhang turned his attention to the rest of the people.

"I said, I'm a person who doesn't like to cause trouble, but why do you want to mess with me?"

"Is it bad to live?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong, please let me go a lot, Lord Zhou, I have eyes and don't know Mount Tai, I shouldn't provoke you, can you give me a chance!"

"I promise, I will never pester Zhan Tai from the snow, and I will call you Ye Ye when I see you in the future, please, please"

As he talked, this Fu Pengkun had already started to cry.

"Spare my life, I really know I'm wrong."

"What about the folding fan you bought during the day?"

"Here here, Master Zhou, take it if you like it."

This Fu Pengkun hurriedly handed over the folding fan he bought during the day, only praying that the folding fan could save his life.

"Well, since the folding fan has been obtained, then you have no need to live."

With another wave of his hand, Fu Pengkun and his group of men connected to the two fallen corpses and disappeared together.

"Let's go, everything is settled."

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