Zhou Zhang originally thought that it would be very good if this artifact could understand human words, but he didn't expect to speak human words now, not bad, but he picked up a treasure.

"I see that you are so clever, so I will call you Zhou Ji!"

"Thank you master, this name is very good."

"I ask you, did you not use your full strength yesterday?"


This tool spirit was obviously agitated by this question. Yesterday, he really did not use his full strength. After all, he didn't know anything about this new master, but he really wanted to know what his strength was.

This Artifact Spirit is not a good thing, he has a strong anti-Master heart, if this Zhou Zhang is not strong enough, he must have been attacked by the Artifact Spirit at this moment.

Don't look at how well-behaved this Artifact Spirit is on the surface, but he is not an Artifact Spirit who is willing to be an Artifact Spirit, but he really wants to have a physical body so that he can be a human being.

It's just that he has never had a chance. Now that the seal has been lifted and he finally came out, his thoughts will not be dispelled so easily.

These Zhou Zhang did not know that he was deceived by the actions of the little tool spirit, thinking that he was as good as he said.

"Then let me ask you, what if you exert your full strength?"

"Hey, if I exert my full strength, I should not be my opponent below the immortal level, and even those who are slightly weaker at the immortal level, I can compete for a lot of time."

Saying this makes Zhou Zhang feel that he has really picked up a little treasure. Although he is about to reach the quasi-holy ninth rank now, it is a pleasure to have such a helper by his side.

Chapter [-] Retreat

While Zhou Zhang was talking with this artifact spirit, there was movement outside, and it was obvious that someone was coming.

Zhou Zhang hurriedly returned the spirit to the gun and put it into the storage ring.

Only then did a sound come from outside.

"Big Brother Zhou Big Brother Zhou"

It turned out that Zhantai came from Xue, presumably because of what happened last night.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

Zhan Tai heard the response from Xue, and then opened the door and walked in.

Zhou Zhang was sitting there at the moment, but although the furniture was complete, there was no tea in the teapot.

Zhantai said hurriedly when he saw this from Xue.

"Brother Zhou, I'll ask the servants to get you something to drink. Our Zhantai Mansion has been poorly entertained, and we haven't sent anyone to serve you for so long."

"No need, I like cleanliness, but some people will be a little uncomfortable."

"So, Brother Zhou, that Fu Pengkun didn't do anything to you last night, right?"

"Did you get hurt anywhere?"

"Haha, that Fu Pengkun has such a thief, but he doesn't have that ability."

"You don't have to worry about this matter. Why can't I be so strong?"

"Hey Brother Zhou, you look a little more heroic with your hair tied up."

It turns out that Zhou Zhang was wearing the hairpin after Zhan Tai Congxue gave him the hairpin yesterday.

The hairpin was actually brought up by a ghost.

"Yeah, I just thought it would be more convenient to tie up my hair."

This Zhou Zhang was actually lost by this question, and he didn't know how to answer it.

It's no wonder that although Zhou Zhang has experienced so many things, he knows very little about the relationship between men and women.

"It's nothing, I'm leaving too, Brother Zhou."

It seems that not only Zhou Zhang has no experience, but Zhan Tai Congxue is even more overwhelmed.

Ever since I returned to my room yesterday, I have been thinking about the bits and pieces that I spent with Zhou Zhang during the day.

No, just at dawn the next day, I hurried to Zhou Zhang's place.

But even though he was here at Zhou Zhang, he didn't know what to say other than asking about what happened yesterday.

And since he entered Zhou Zhang's room, he couldn't help but want to look at Zhou Zhang's body.

It doesn't matter whether you look at it or not, it makes you feel confused, which makes Zhan Tai Congxue, who has never been in contact with men since childhood, not knowing what to do.

On weekdays, the ones I see most are my father and a few older brothers.

But it's fine if she sees an ordinary man, but she is very interested in Big Brother Zhou. She doesn't even know when she fell in love with this Big Brother Zhou. Was it the first time they met?Or when you go shopping with her during the day.

She wasn't even sure if she liked Big Brother Zhou, what Big Brother Zhou thought of her, and whether he felt that he was a woman's family and was a little too reserved.

It seems that this Zhantai has fallen into the snow a lot, and he still thinks about it when he returns to the room, and never forgets his big brother Zhou.

Zhou Zhang, who was still in the room, naturally didn't know. He was planning to find a good place to retreat quickly. The signs that he wanted to break through in his body became more and more obvious.

After finding Zhan Tai Zhengxiang, he explained his purpose, presumably there will be some kind of retreat in this mansion.

"I didn't expect Young Master Zhou to be so talented, it really makes me feel ashamed."

"There is indeed a retreat in my mansion, but I am afraid that this retreat will be a little unsafe. After all, I only have the strength of the esteemed class now, and I am afraid that it will be difficult for Zhou Gongzi's breakthrough."

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