"If that's the case, then I'll look elsewhere."

"Young Master Zhou, I'm really sorry for not being able to help you much."

"It's serious, since that's the case, I'm going to go out for a few days."

"I wish Young Master Zhou a smooth breakthrough in advance."


After saying that, Zhou Zhang left Zhantai Mansion. He was lucky to buy the map of Qingfeng Continent. Otherwise, it would be a problem to find a place where people would not be disturbed.

After leaving Dragon Emperor City, Zhou Zhang walked to a nearby mountain called Heifeng Mountain. It was a good retreat in the deep mountains. No one disturbed him, and he was not afraid of being noticed when he broke through.

As soon as he said it, Zhou Zhang flew to the Heifeng Mountains. The Heifeng Mountains are located in the Yellow Dragon Empire. Because there are many beasts here, some hunters will also go there.

But as long as you enter the deepest part of the Black Wind Mountains, you don't have to worry so much. There is no one to mess with the beasts, except for Zhou Zhang.

As long as there is some coercion along the way, the beasts are all avoided, but it is very quiet.

Soon after reaching the depths of the Black Wind Mountains, Zhou Zhang found a mountain, and soon opened a cave and placed some restrictions.

After carefully checking the surrounding area and making sure that it is safe and sound, I started to try to break through.

Zhou Zhang left silently and went to the mountains to break through, but Zhan Taicongxue didn't know.

At night, she foolishly knocked on Zhou Zhang's door.

"Big Brother Zhou? Is Big Brother Zhou here?"

After calling several times in a row, no one responded. Zhan Taicongxue felt that something was wrong. In the past, he would have responded with just one call. What happened today?

With a little doubt, she pushed the door and found that the door was not locked.

Where did Brother Zhou go?It will still be there tomorrow morning! !

Zhan Tai went to his father to ask from Xue, presumably his father would know.

"Dad, where did Brother Zhou go, why can't I find him?"

"Oh my lovely daughter! What's the matter with you looking for Zhou Gongzi like this?"

"It's nothing, no no no, I won't tell you anything."

"Master Zhou told me this morning that he is about to break through, and he must have found a suitable place for retreat now."

"If you don't have anything to do, just wait for your big brother Zhou to break through."

"Okay, then I'm going back to my room."

Zhantai Congxue naturally has nothing to do with her, she just wanted to see Zhou Zhang too much, thinking about it, she couldn't wait to go to Zhou Zhang just because she didn't see it at night during the day.

On the other side, Fu Liangji had already arrived in the Luanfeng Empire and met the mastermind behind this incident.

"My lord, a strange man has come to Zhantai's house recently. This man is very powerful. I don't know what kind of hatred he has with Xiaoer, but he killed my son at night."

"Even Senior He Yixian was not spared, and they were all brutally murdered together. My son, my son, can't even find the corpse in the capital!!"

"I ask the adults to be the masters of the villain and the villain's son!!"

Fu Liangji didn't add fuel to the fire and said that he definitely knew that he would be found, but when he was talking, Fu Liangji started to cry.

Chapter [-] The Quiet Terrible

After listening to Fu Liangji's words, the adult thought for a while.

"Has the origin of this person been found out?"

"Reporting to the lord, this person seems to have appeared suddenly, and the subordinates are in a hurry. I haven't checked this person carefully, only know that this person's surname is Zhou, and I don't know anything else. incompetent"

"Humph, you are too incompetent if you only know the word "week". Your son was killed, and now you don't even know the name of the other party!!"

"You always know what the opponent's strength is!!"

"Judging from the fighting on the scene, this person has extraordinary skills and may be very strong, otherwise it is impossible to eliminate He Yixian within a few moves."

"Waste!! There is such a powerful person in the city, why is there no news at all? How can you be the deputy city lord??"

"Now that my son died and came to me? Do you want me to fight someone with unknown strength?"

"My subordinates don't dare, I just suspect that this person might have something to do with the fact that I was happy to attack Dragon Emperor City that day."

"We have already eliminated that old man in Murong. According to Xingwei's strength, it will definitely be no problem to capture this Dragon Emperor City. However, there is news that Xingwei and all the soldiers have died."

"This person has been here for the past few days. Could it be that this person knew in advance our plan to attack Dragon Emperor City?"

"Hmph, I don't even know what to do with this plan. Could it be that that person has the power to reach the sky?"

"After you go back, remember not to mention this matter again, so as not to cause extra troubles, so as not to make people feel defensive against us, but you still need to trace the cause of your son's death, but you must stop there."

"The kid was alone that night, and our plans won't leak out!"

"What? Then my son died so inexplicably? Let that bastard live in peace like this, I can't swallow."

"What? Are my words useless? It's all about planning!"

"Don't dare, my subordinates should be damned! My subordinates will take care of it."

"Hmph, it's almost the same. Don't worry, that person can't escape. When things are successful, I will definitely make his life worse than death."

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