Looking at Dai Zhengyang Zhouzhang who was paralyzed on the ground, he was helpless, what did he say?How could he be so frightened.

It's not Zhou Zhang's fault. Dai Zhengyang was already frightened by himself just now, but before he could calm down, he was suddenly discovered that Zhou Zhang appeared in his training room. Zhou Zhang broke Dai Zhengyang's restriction and walked in. The degree of fright is increasing.

"I see that you have only reached the imperial level at this age. Presumably the road to cultivation is also extremely difficult. I don't want my subordinates to be so strong."

When it's over, do you still want to kill people? I'm afraid I'm looking for an excuse to get rid of myself because of my low strength.

Zhou Zhang didn't know what Dai Zhengyang was thinking. If he knew, he would be euthanized by Dai Zhengyang.

"This secret book was obtained by chance today. You can use it to practice. It must be much stronger than your current practice!"

As for this cheat book, it was Zhou Zhang who found it in his storage bag after killing the monarch-level person. It is a good choice for Zhou Zhang to keep this kind of thing and give it to Dai Zhengyang.

Originally, Zhou Zhang still had a lot to say, but seeing Dai Zhengyang, who was so frightened by himself, Zhou Zhang felt that there was no need to say any more. He would definitely not say it. Zhou Zhang bypassed Dai Zhengyang and walked out.

After Zhou Zhang left, Dai Zhengyang stood up tremblingly. He couldn't believe what had just happened, and stared blankly at the secret book in front of him - the Holy Scripture of Hua Qing.

When Dai Zhengyang opened the secret book, he instantly felt that the secret book was not simple, at least it was an intermediate-level holy-grade secret book, and what he was using now was only a heaven-grade advanced technique, which is not a star and a half.

From low to high, the grades of the exercises are divided into Xuan, Earth, Heaven, Spirit, Sage, Immortal, God, and Antiquity. Each stage of the exercises has three grades: upper, middle and lower.

At this moment, Dai Zhengyang has experienced the real feeling of the rest of his life. Although the more than [-] people are fierce this time, it is just a test of the master to himself and others, and it is obvious that there are more people coming. It is a powerful existence, otherwise it is impossible to have an intermediate level of holy practice. Now this Dai Zhengyang can't imagine that a strong man can solve his own master easily, how strong his master is!

Although he got a holy book of exercises at the moment, Dai Zhengyang was not so happy. It was really scaring him a lot today. He would still pretend to be deaf and dumb in the future. It would be good to live like this, at least this book The exercises are awesome!

It seems that my master still trusts me very much. Today, I just warn myself by the way, it's good to live!Dai Zhengyang couldn't hold back the temptation of the new exercises, so he hurriedly threw himself into the practice.

After leaving the Three Immortals Temple, Zhou Zhang was not in a hurry to go back. He was going to see the wounded today. After all, he was working for himself, so it would not cool their hearts to take a look.

Soon Zhou Zhang arrived at the place. At this moment, almost all of them were from his own security team!

"Master is here!"

A soldier near the door immediately saw Zhou Zhang.

"Well, I came to see you, you are all good!"

"Then, sir, do our rewards count?"

A soldier is still a little worried, after all, there is nothing they can do if they are not given it.

"Well...it doesn't count!"

"Ah? Why! We have shed so much blood in the battle to kill the enemy. If you say it, you can give it if you say no!"

"This is what you told Mr. Dai in the morning. What do you mean by suddenly saying it doesn't count!"

As soon as I heard Zhou Zhang say that it doesn't count, this group of people exploded.

"Be quiet!"

At this time, one of the captains shouted loudly. He wanted to see what Zhou Zhang had to say about this matter, and he had to agree to this matter no matter what!Even for a day he wouldn't agree!

"You people! It's only been two days! I didn't want to talk about it today, but since someone asked me, I'll tell you in advance!"

At this moment, Zhou Zhang can't help but want to laugh. This group of people is really too cute, the kind of dissatisfaction in his heart but he dare not express it directly.

"For the sake of your performance today, I'm going to give each of you five more days, um... For those who are seriously injured, one more day, don't make a fuss!"

The person who wanted Zhou Zhang to give a statement, and the whole room, couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"Long live sir!"

A group of people cheered, but a sentence came out from the cheers just for Zhou Zhang to hear.

"Master? What you just said is true? Did I hear it wrong!"

"Then when you heard it wrong, I didn't say anything just now!"

"Don't, sir, I just heard it clearly!"

"Yeah, sir, he's a fool. He can hear it clearly after two hits."

After the man finished speaking, he stood up with a lame leg and punched the man with two punches.

"Ouch! Are you trying to kill me!"

"Let me ask you, did you hear what the master said just now? If you didn't hear it, let you listen carefully."

Then he raised his fist again.

"I heard it clearly, I heard it clearly, the master just said that the brothers who came on the court will have five days, and our group will have six days!"

"Look at the lord, I said he was stupid, hit him twice and he heard everything clearly!"

Zhou Zhang was not only amused by this scene, he reckoned that if he really said that he didn't say anything, this person should have been ravaged to death!

"Okay, let's focus on recuperating, the security of Luoyan Village still needs you!"

After saying that Zhou Zhang left, this news of myself can be said to be the best condolences to them.

It's just that Zhou Zhang didn't know that the person who was beaten just after he left was well served by those who were close and who could stand up.

This group of people doesn't care whether he is injured or not, and how serious the injury is. It's not a loss to let him lie down for a few more days just based on the remarks he just said.

Before I knew it, it was time to eat dinner. When we got home, Ma Mengmei and Feng Qianxue were preparing food, and they could eat it soon.

"As for Xiaolin, let him buy two jugs of wine, and call Dai Zhengyang back by the way, and have a good drink tonight."

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