"I guess he hasn't come back yet, sir, I'll call him now!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Qianxue put down her life and went out to find Shao Wenlin. Really, she didn't want to come back when she was about to eat. There was one thing she had to do to run errands, and she'd have to talk about him later.

Chapter [-] The Zhou Chapter Effect

At this moment, Shao Wenlin was actually on his way back, but it wasn't so immediate. He just happened to meet Feng Qianxue who came out to find him.

"Huh? What are you doing out here, wife?"

"What? What do you think I can do when I come out?"

After he finished speaking, he grabbed Shao Wenlin's ear.

"Ouch! It hurts! It hurts!"

Shao Wenlin was extremely depressed. What did he do wrong? He directly grabbed his ears when he came up. Fortunately, there would be no one here.

"Pain? The pain will make your memory long, and you won't know to come back when it's time to eat! Do you need me to invite you back?"

"Remember, remember! Mrs. wife, you will definitely hint to go home in the future, and never let Mrs. wife come out and call me again!"

Hearing this, Feng Qianxue let go of his hand. He is a good man, but he can't remember to go home.

"Also, the master said, let you go and bring Big Brother Dai home for dinner, and by the way, buy a few pots of good wine to have a good night when you come back."

After speaking, Feng Qianxue went back. She didn't want to buy wine or something.

Seeing Feng Qianxue walking away, Shao Wenlin also laughed. Don't look at her fierce sometimes, but there must be a reason. This is probably because the master went home to find himself and found that he was not there. Since there are no servants in this family, there is nothing to do. , but there is something I can't find myself.

Arriving at the Sanxian Temple, Shao Wenlin knocked on Dai Zhengyang's door, and knocked several times, but no one responded, it shouldn't be, where can he run at this time, he is here every day!

Just thinking about the door opening, Dai Zhengyang looked unhappy, probably because he disturbed his practice again.

"Master asked you to go to dinner at night and buy some wine for a drink, presumably to celebrate for you!"

Originally, Dai Zhengyang was upset because he was disturbed by Shao Wenlin, but when he heard that the master asked him to call him, he called himself again, or went to dinner!

"Okay... let's go."

This attitude, what happened to Dai Zhengyang?The expression just now wanted to eat himself, why did he suddenly say nothing.

After Shao Wenlin bought a few pots of wine, the two quickly walked to the door of Zhou Mansion. Dai Zhengyang was standing at the door and suddenly couldn't walk.

"Well? Brother Dai, what's wrong with you? Why didn't you leave?"

"Ah... ah nothing, I suddenly thought of something, let's go."

What happened to Dai Zhengyang today, even though he was victorious, he looked like this, forget it, maybe he has something on his mind.

Dai Zhengyang walked into the restaurant and saw Zhou Zhang sitting on the main seat. Zhou Zhang smiled at him, and Dai Zhengyang's smile was even more unnatural.

"Sit down, I'll wait for you two."

Shao Wenlin did it directly, but Dai Zhengyang couldn't. Listening to this sentence, he seemed to be asking himself why he came so late.

Now that the people were all together, Zhou Zhang went straight to eat, and after a while, Zhou Zhang said to Wang Er.

"Bring the wine, I think everyone has almost eaten, let's drink!"

As soon as they said they were going to drink, Feng Qianxue and Ma Mengmei avoided it. Originally, the two of them didn't eat too much, but they were almost done by now.

"Come on, let's have a drink too, congratulations to Dai Zhengyang for his great victory today!"

"I did what you want!"

Both Shao Wenlin and Wang Er were holding cups, and they drank them in one gulp, but Dai Zhengyang felt that he couldn't just drink such a glass of wine. It's not easy to say.

Dai Zhenglin picked up the wine jar and drank it, and after a while, the jar of wine was finished.

"Good drink! Brother Dai is not in a hurry to drink slowly."

Shao Wenlin felt that something was wrong with Dai Zhengyang since he met him at night. What's the matter? A large jar of wine was finished after drinking it. Don't everyone drink it cup by cup!

Zhou Zhang also found out that Dai Zhengyang was different. He must have been frightened by himself. He just looked for him once during the day, and he called him over for dinner this night, so he must have not recovered.

"Brother Dai, you make us a little ashamed. You just served a jar and our little cup seems too small."

Wang Er is a little helpless, he can't do it himself, I guess he won't be able to go down this jar of wine, this Dai Zhengyang is still sitting well.

"Tiny, trivial, I'm not happy!"

"Huh? What's so good about this, let us all hear it!"

"It's nothing, nothing, little things, little things, just little things."

Although Dai Zhengyang said it was a trivial matter, Shao Wenlin and Wang Er didn't believe that any trivial matter could make him drink a jar.

"Say it, it's all my own people, say it to make everyone happy!"

"Yes, it's not that there are outsiders, hurry up! Say it to make everyone happy!"

Dai Zhengyang did have some good things. He won the battle today, experienced the experience of an unusual ghost gate, and obtained a cheat book. Of course, it is much more than that.

"Hey... I have improved a stage today, and it is now the middle stage of the emperor."

After speaking, Dai Zhengyang couldn't help laughing.

"When Shao Wenlin called me today, my breakthrough had just ended, and I was still sorting out the spiritual power in my body. If this guy goes, he will knock on the door!"

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