Zhou Zhang directly ordered the expulsion, and Lin Shaoqing had no choice but to leave angrily.

Since Zhou Zhang can't help him now, he can only go to find Zhou Zhang's low-handed people, and let them help him say some good things and then persuade him, maybe he still has some hope.

Soon, Lin Shaoqing was fighting in Luoyan Village and heard about Dai Zhengyang's whereabouts.

All Lin Shaoqing can think of now is to ask Dai Zhengyang to help him to intercede. After all, Lin Shaoqing saw Shao Wenlin at noon, and he would definitely not help him.

Soon, Lin Shaoqing found Dai Zhengyang, and Dai Zhengyang also met him. As soon as they met, Lin Shaoqing couldn't wait to speak to Dai Zhengyang.

"Brother Dai, go to Lin Shaoqing again. You are the head of the Lin family in Jiuyang City. You must be the captain of the security team in Luoyan Village?"

Without waiting for Lin Shaoqing to finish his message, Dai Zhengyang interrupted Lin Shaoqing and asked.

"I'm the captain of the Luluoyan Village security team. I don't know what the Lin family has to do with me?"

"Brother Dai must also know that I bought two cheat books in the auction house that day, and it is precisely because of these two cheat books that I am now in trouble."

"I know about this matter now that there are people waiting for you to go out in all directions, and they want to rob you of these two cheats."

"It is this matter, this matter has already made me devastated, so now I implore Brother Dai to help me?"

Lin Shaoqing is already a little nervous now, after all, the first few sentences of Dai Zhengyang and Zhou Zhang are exactly the same.

"It's not big or small, but it's not something I can make a decision about. You have to ask our master about this matter. As long as our master agrees, there will definitely be nothing in this matter. question."

The thing that Lin Shaoqing was most worried about came. He didn't expect that Dai Zhengyang would directly hand over the decision-making power of all issues to Zhou Zhang, so his purpose of coming here was gone.

"Then... Can Brother Dai help Lin to say a few more good words in front of Master Zhou? This is a little bit of brother's intention, please accept Brother Dai."

Lin Shaoqing said, and hurriedly took out [-] yuan of low-grade Lingyu from the storage ring.

Dai Zhengyang was looking at these ten thousand pieces of low-grade spiritual jade at the moment. In fact, he was already a little moved, but his instinct told him that he could not touch any of these spiritual jade, and he would be finished if he touched it.

"It's better to ask Patriarch Lin to take these things back. I'll say a few words for you on my master's side."

Although he heard Dai Zhengyang's words, Lin Shaoqing still didn't take it back. If he did take it back, Dai Zhengyang probably wouldn't help him.

"Look at you, I told you to take it back, what are you doing! Are you trying to make me make a mistake?"

Dai Zhengyang's tone was also a little displeased. After hearing this, Lin Shaoqing hurriedly put the things back.

"Then there are Brothers on behalf of Lao, Lin is very grateful!"

"But I advise you not to hope too much."

After speaking, Dai Zhengyang turned around and continued to go about his own business.

Lin Shaoqing saw that Dai Zhengyang had left and was about to turn back, but at this moment he felt that there was no hope in his heart.

Dai Zhengyang refused the Lingyu he gave, so he would probably cover it up. If this was the case, then his group would really have nowhere to go!

But things were not as bad as Lin Shaoqing thought. After he left, Dai Zhengyang found Shao Wenlin to discuss the matter.

Because Dai Shengyang felt that he didn't know much about this aspect, he certainly knew about this matter, and he would get into trouble for himself and the master after helping him, but would this matter have other benefits.

Soon, Dai Zhengyang found Shao Wenlin who was strolling in the cultivator exchange, and walked a few steps to the side of Shao Wenlin and said.

"Brother Shao, are you busy now? I have something I want to discuss with you."

Chapter [-] Proposals

When Shao Wenlin heard Dai Zhengyang's shout, he stopped and looked at Dai Zhengyang with a puzzled expression.

"Brother Dai, what can I do for you?"

Dai Zhengyang also said helplessly.

"Remember that Lin Shaoqing at the auction that day?"

"Lin Shaoqing? Who is that!"

Shao Wenlin looked confused, who was Dai Zhengyang talking about!

"Oh, I forgot about this. I thought you knew that he was the guy from the VIP room No. [-] who bought our two cheats."

After Dai Zhengyang said this, Shao Wenlin suddenly realized.

"It turns out that his name is Lin Shaoqing. He was waiting for the master outside the mansion at noon today. He must be worried because of those two secret books!"

"He is really worried because of those two cheats. Now all the forces are staring at him, he can't go out at all. He came to me just now and said that he wanted me to help him say a few more words in front of the master. Didn't I come to find you?"

Dai Zhengyang is a little depressed now, and he is the last to know about feelings.

"If it looks like this, my master must have rejected him. Since our master has rejected him, what else can we do?"

Shao Wenlin looked at Dai Zhengyang helplessly. Don't be stupid. The master has already rejected you. Now let me speak for him again.

"Hey, don't worry. Although he has already approached our grandfather about this matter, and our grandfather has also rejected it, it does not mean that there is no room for relaxation. I think our grandfather has already done so. It's amazing, these people will definitely not take it seriously, so as long as there is a favorable condition for us now, then our master will definitely help."

Dai Zhengyang said quickly when he saw that Shao Wenlin's expression was a little wrong.

"You're smart about this, what do you think, why are you pulling me?"

"I, I'm just a rude person. What good ideas can I come up with? It's still up to my brother Shao!"

What a joke, Dai Zhengyang came to Shao Wenlin because he couldn't think of a way, but he always felt that this matter would be beneficial to Luoyan Village.

"You're a little weird today, why are you talking about him all the time? Could it be that you've received some benefit from him?"

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