"This is wrong. He did take out [-] low-grade Lingyu just now, but I don't dare to accept it."

"I'm sorry you don't have the guts. If you really dare to accept it, you can see that our master won't kill you, but when you say this, I really have an idea."

After Shao Wenlin was sure that Dai Zhengyang did not receive any benefit, he said the second half of the sentence faintly.

"Look, I'll tell you, you can definitely think of some good ideas. Good brother, say it quickly, and let brother hear it."

Dai Zhengyang quickly asked Shao Wenlin, but Shao Wenlin really thought of a way, and he really did not find the wrong person!

"But it's useless for me to say this. The final decision depends on whether our master agrees or not. You can go back with me now."

"Okay, then we will discuss it after we meet the master."

After speaking, the two returned to the Zhou Mansion together. At this time, it was almost time to eat, and Zhang Wenlin planned to go back.

Not long after returning to the mansion, Zhou Zhang came back. When Zhou Zhang saw that Dai Zhengyang was there, he felt a little surprised.

Shao Wenlin stood up first to speak.

"Master, the person standing outside the mansion at noon must be the head of Lin Shaoqing's house. He should be a man who wants to ask you to return to him and protect him!"

True, but I didn't promise that it wouldn't do us any good. He also said he wanted to work with us for two years for free, and I didn't promise either, after all, there are many people and many troubles.

Zhou Zhang looked at this situation, presumably this Lin Shaoqing looked unyielding, and he also found two of his subordinates, and came to him specifically to intercede.

"But grandpa, have you ever thought about this, he bought this item at the auction in Luoyan Village, if we help him spread the news that he only needs to buy the item at the auction in Luoyan Village , our Luoyan Village will protect his safety. If there is any auction in Luoyan Village in the future, I believe more people will come."

Shao Wenlin is also a little uneasy at the moment, his method is really not the best strategy, if he does this, there may be more troubles in the future.

"Ridiculous! Don't you want us to protect him when you buy anything in the future? That's not a mess!"

"That's not the case. We don't need to protect them for free, but to charge him [-] percent of the items she auctions."

Shao Wenlin was a little angry when he saw Zhou Zhang and quickly explained, after all, they are already committing crimes a bit against the wind.

"If you say that, this method is not bad, but we Luoyan Village can't make such a promise now!"

Zhou Zhang thought about it, this method is indeed possible, it can not only enhance the reputation of Luoyan Village, but also attract more people for future auctions, but now the problem lies in Luoyan Village, Zhou Zhang thinks that these things are in addition to There is no one who can take on this big responsibility by coming forward to solve the problem by yourself.

"But sir, you just said that this Lin Shaoqing agreed to work in our Luoyan Village for two years for free. Isn't he the one who can do such a guarantee?"

Shao Wenlin's thinking at the moment is that he can help Lin Shaoqing this time, and he can also make a long-term plan in the future, which is really a strategy that kills two birds with one stone.

"Let's eat first, I can think about it later."

Zhou Zhang always felt that there was something wrong with this matter. Although Shao Wenlin's analysis made the advantages to them outweigh the disadvantages, Zhou Zhang still wanted to reconsider.

After Zhou Zhang finished speaking, he ignored the two and walked into the room to prepare for dinner.

At this time, Wang Er was just next to him, and he almost heard the conversations of several people. When he saw Zhou Zhang leaving, he walked over and said.

"Two good brothers, why don't you think about it? Grandpa has rejected that person today, what does this mean? It means that Grandpa has said it very deadly, and he is absolutely impossible to help. He came to persuade again, wouldn't that make the master's words go back on his word?"

Wang Er's remarks seemed to wake up Shao Wenlin and Dai Zhengyang with a blow to the head.

"Why didn't I think of it. Wang Er, you are really talented. I said that this proposal is obviously very good, but the master still doesn't agree. It turns out that the problem is here!"

Chapter [-] Why Don't You Ask

After Shao Wenlin learned about this matter, he immediately wanted to understand. No wonder his master had such an attitude when he came back to talk about it today. It was obvious that this matter was profitable, but he still refused.

"Then what should we do next? We can't just give up on this."

Dai Zhengyang asked Shao Wenlin, since he can no longer agree to this matter now, the difficulty of the problem becomes even greater.

"I think there are many things that need to be changed. For example, let Lin Shaoqing come to Luoyan Village for two years. Since he can propose to stay in Luoyan Village for two years, it proves that among these people, there is a right A very important person to him. In this way, the plan is now a bit of a waste."

Shao Wenlin analyzed it and said to Dai Zhengyang.

"What do you say? Why can't we use Lin Shaoqing any more?"

Dai Zhengyang didn't understand, this was obviously a very good opportunity, why did he suddenly say no.

"If we want to help him now, we need to follow the convention we just said, and use it as a precedent. But since we follow the precedent rules, we can't break the rules first. So he only needs to pay for the photographed items. Ten percent of Lingyu is enough."

Shao Wenlin thought for a while and explained to Dai Zhengyang that the only way to do it now is this.

"Then... If this is the case, don't we have to do this behind the back of the master? If it is known, the end may be very miserable."

Wang Er was also persuading him. He didn't want to cause any other trouble because of his words.

"And if I knew that I was involved in this matter, I would definitely be involved."

"What are you afraid of! The sky is falling down and there is a tall one on it, isn't it Shao Wenlin?"

After listening to Shao Wenlin's words, Dai Zhengyang felt that this method was feasible, and he did not come up with the idea, so she was not afraid.

"A tall one? It's not necessarily. What we're doing now is a good thing. There's no reason to punish us! I'll ask tentatively when we're eating for a while. If it doesn't work, let's not bring it up again."

Shao Wenlin is not stupid. If he talks about this matter, then the consequences must be borne by him alone.

After waiting for a while, the food was ready. After all, there were a few more people today, and Ma Mengmei prepared two more dishes.

"Okay, everyone is eating, and the meal is ready."

Ma Mengmei saw that today's food was not only a little late, but no one was in the restaurant, so she shouted outside.

Soon, everyone was seated one after another.After Zhou Zhang moved his chopsticks, everyone began to eat one after another.

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