However, if the three of them had discussed it, and they asked it during dinner later, all of them were just burying their heads in eating, but no one brought it up.

Although the three people at this time just said very well, but now no one wants to take the lead. As long as someone speaks first, he would rather be the second than the first.

But when the three were worried and no one spoke, Ma Mengmei asked.

"I don't know why Big Brother Dai came here to eat suddenly today? He didn't say hello in advance."

After Dai Zhengyang heard this sentence, he prevaricates and turns back to Ma Mengmei.

"I came here today for some business, chatting and chatting, and then it was a little late, so I stayed for dinner."

"What can we talk about now?"

This sentence was simply asked by Ma Mengmei out of curiosity. In fact, he didn't want to know why Dai Zhengyang came here today. He just asked politely.

This question made Dai Zhengyang a little embarrassed.He originally said a reason casually, but looking at the eyes of Shao Wenlin and Wang Er, he understood that this was an opportunity, and the first person to speak today fell on his head.

Although very reluctant, Dai Zhengyang still spoke. After all, Shao Wenlin and Wang Erke are thinking about themselves now.

"I'm here today because Lin Shaoqing, who was making a lot of noise recently, bought two cheat books, and now he's thinking about how to go back."

"Oh, I've heard people say this too. I heard that the two cheats are expensive."

"These two cheats are really expensive, so he doesn't dare to go out until now. He has been staying in this Luoyan Village all the time."

Dai Zhengyang originally expected that Ma Mengmei would continue to ask questions, but Ma Mengmei seemed to have satisfied what she wanted to know, and continued to eat without speaking.

At this time, Dai Zhengyang had already opened his mouth and told the matter. He didn't want to continue talking, so he winked hard, and then Shao Wenlin and Wang Er continued to talk, but these two people, At this moment, he is only concerned about eating, and completely ignores Dai Zhengyang's eyes.

Zhou Zhang originally felt that the two of them would be asking this question during dinner tonight, but he didn't expect to say it by such a coincidence.

Originally, Zhou Zhang thought that there would be a second person to tell his purpose, to see how he thought about it, but after looking around, he found that no one seemed to pay attention to Dai Zhengyang.

Dai Zhengyang was extremely embarrassed at the moment.He wanted to say it now but didn't dare.He had already scolded Shao Wenlin and Wang Er over and over again in his heart at the moment, and he had just said so well that no one was helping him at the moment.

Taking a few deep breaths, Dai Zhengyang stood up and began to speak as if to strengthen himself.

"Master, I want to ask, how are you thinking about this matter? Is it worth it?"

Zhou Zhang put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked up at Dai Zhengyang. Dai Zhengyang was scared at first, but now he was looking at him again, and he was already shaking a little.

Zhou Zhang thought for a while and said.

"I just thought about this matter. It is indeed beneficial to us. But now I do not advocate doing so. You may be able to help him in a small amount, but you still need to focus on the overall situation, that is, your own life is the most important. We will discuss this matter until there is another auction like this in the future, and when your strength has fully grown."

Zhou Zhang's words were very clever. He didn't say that he disagreed or agreed. Zhou Zhang had just heard the conversation between the three of them in the room. After all, the distance could not be hidden from Zhou Zhang's ears. .

And Zhou Zhang also thought about it in the room, and felt that this matter was indeed feasible.

Chapter [-] Looking for Lin Shaoqing

Dai Zhengyang was also a little guilty after getting such a harsh reply. After all, he neither agreed nor disagreed, and he didn't know what to do.

Dai Zhengyang stood there, a little dazed, he didn't know how to answer his master's words, but fortunately Zhou Zhang spoke directly.

"Everyone, let's continue to eat, and try not to talk about business at the table."

After Zhou Zhang said this, no one spoke again, and the meal was over soon.

After eating, Dai Zhengyang hurriedly called Shao Wenlin over and asked.

"What does the master say at the dinner table, what does it mean? Should we do it next? Will there be any bad results if we do it?"

When Shao Wenlin heard Dai Zhengyang's words, he was amused by him, but he did not expect that this wooden head was indeed a wooden head.

Looking at Shao Wenlin, who had already laughed, he became even more puzzled. Was what he just said funny?

"What's so funny, you say what I ask you."

In this world, I can laugh louder and explain to Dai Zhengyang while holding back a smile.

"I'm talking about a great hero. If the master understood so well just now, why didn't he understand it when he came to you? The master has already said that this matter must be done in the future, which means that our proposal today is approved. Yes, but the master doesn't want to do this by himself, so we just need to go to Lin Shaoqing to talk on behalf of the master."

After saying this, Shao Wenlin couldn't help laughing again.

Dai Zhengyang suddenly realized that after listening to Zhou Zhang's reply, he was at a loss. He didn't know what Zhou Zhang was trying to express, and whether they were allowed to do it or not allowed to do it?It was already allowed, but it didn't say that it was allowed this time, but since it didn't say that it was allowed this time, that attitude was a positive one.

"Okay, you knew it earlier, you can't tell me directly, you have to wait for me to pull you again before you tell me."

Dai Zhengyang was a little angry. Shao Wenlin knew about it a long time ago, but he didn't tell himself, as if he was the only one who didn't know.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you. I think the master has already said enough, but I didn't expect you to still understand."

I didn't understand, could it be my fault, I just didn't understand?I can ask you if I understand.

Dai Zhengyang felt that his IQ was made fun of by others, and was very uncomfortable at the moment, so he said a little unhappily.

"Since you have understood what the master said, then only you and Li Shaoqing can talk about this matter."

"Of course it's up to me to talk about this matter. Could it be that you think I'll leave this matter to you? I'm afraid you will be fooled by others."

Dai Zhengyang thought he could pull it back, but he didn't expect Shao Wenlin to say that he would be fooled by others.

At this moment, Dai Zhengyang was about to be blown away by Shao Wenlin. If the two of them didn't have such a good relationship before, and they weren't in Zhou Mansion, maybe he would have killed Shao Wenlin long ago.

But at the moment, he is indeed in Zhou Mansion. Since Dai Zhengyang is more obedient than anyone else in Zhou Mansion, he is the only one in this circle who has seen Zhou Zhang exhibit that part of his strength.

I feel like I really have nothing to say.Dai Zhengyang ignored Shao Wenlin, turned his head and left.

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