Shao Wenlin looked at Dai Zhengyang's back and shouted.

"Brother Dai still needs you tomorrow for this matter, but you must not come out tomorrow. After all, you promised Lin Shaoqing this matter, so he must return this love to you. Let's take the business openly, so don't you want the ten thousand spirit stones?"

When Dai Zhengyang heard this, he turned his head and said with a smile.

"I didn't expect you, Shao Wenlin, to have a little conscience and still think about me leaving first, see you tomorrow."

After listening to Shao Wenlin's words, Dai Zhengyang felt a little warmer. After all, Shao Wenlin didn't forget himself no matter what.

Soon, the next day will arrive.

Early in the morning, the young man found Dai Zhengyang directly. In Zhengyang, he was waiting for him at the Sanxian Temple.

It seems that Dai Zhengyang should have just come out.

After seeing Shao Wenlin, Dai Zhengyang said hello

"I didn't expect you to be so early, I still think I'll find you."

"I'm not like some people. I practice day and night. Every morning, someone calls me to get up."

"It's amazing, people with families are really different from me. Every day, the biological clock calls me to get up!"

"Okay, let's not quarrel, let's hurry up and find Lin Shaoqing, he must be in a hurry now."

Dai Zhengyang didn't want to quarrel with Shaolian early in the morning.However, every word this kid said really made people angry, but fortunately, Dai Zhengyang stopped directly this time.Otherwise, Dai Zhengyang would not be in a good mood this morning.

However, although the two were thinking about going to find Lin Shaoqing, they didn't have Lin Shaoqing's specific location, which was a bit embarrassing.

As a last resort, Dai Zhengyang searched for a few more patrol captains. Sure enough, the patrol captain paid attention to everyone on the street.

After asking the captains of several patrol teams, he soon learned Lin Shaoqing's residence - Sanhelou.

Soon the two walked to the front of the Sanhelou, which is a small inn.

Dai Zhengyang and Shao Wenlin were almost well-known in Luoyan Village, so after asking the second shopkeeper and Lin Shaoqing's location, the second shopkeeper led them directly to Lin Shaoqing's room.

Knocked on the door, but no one in the store responded, so Dai Zhengyang shouted to the inside.

"I don't know if the head of the Lin family lives here, and Dai Zhengyang has something to come here."

This Lin Shaoqing didn't know who was knocking on the door. He thought that someone was making trouble, so he ignored it. I have to say that Lin Shaoqing was very concerned about this matter. At this moment, when he heard the two of them coming, hurry up. Come to open the door.

"Two brothers, who came to find me so early, must have some good news?"

"You're right. The two of us do have good news, but this news is not particularly good."

Shao Wenlin no longer concealed it, and said it directly, this news is indeed not very good, after all, his master did not fully admit it.

"I wonder if the news you two said is not very good, what do you mean? Could it be that this matter has not been discussed yet?"

"Our master just didn't fully admit this matter, so today it's just me and the two of us!"

Chapter [-] Proposals

Shao Wenlin and Dai Zhengyang came to look for Lin Shaoqing early in the morning, but the two of them smiled at Lin, and the answer was ambiguous.

"Then your master doesn't agree, can you help me?"

"Our master did not agree to help you, but our master agreed to this matter, so the two of us can help you now."

Shao Wenlin explained to Lin Shaoqing.

"That means, as long as I'm here for two years, you can help me, right!"

"I don't need you to stay here for two years. What I need now is that you need to pay 10% of the price of your auction item as our protection fee."

Shao Wenlin paused and continued.

"If I remember correctly. The price of your two items should be 1300 million, so you should give me 130 million low-grade Lingyu."

Lin Shaoqing was not happy that he didn't have to stay in Luoyan Village for two years, when he heard that he needed to pay 10% of the protection fee.

"But but I'm broke now. Since I bought those two cheats, I have spent 1300 million yuan on my inferior products, and now I can only take out a few hundred thousand yuan at most."

Lin Shaoqing said a little helplessly, he is really penniless now.

Shao Wenlin didn't expect that he would have so little Lingyu left on his body. Maybe he had been doing business in the past, but after suddenly converting it to Lingyu, he felt a little uncomfortable with Shao Wenlin.

After all, the development of Luoyan Village, from the previous paragraph to the present, has been developing so fast that Shao Wenlin has become a little uncomfortable.

In the past, the commercial street was only a few thousand taels of silver at most, but now since the opening of the cultivator exchange, it has turned into tens of thousands of low-grade Lingyu, so that the list of [-] million Shao Wenlin Don't want to throw it away.

Shao Wenlin thought for a while and asked Xiang Lin Shaoqing.

"I think it's not because of these two cheat books that you are so anxious to go out. If it was just because of these two cheat books, you would definitely be able to escape this encirclement by yourself, so the problem is that among these people, there is you. Needs protection! Am I right?"

Lin Shaoqing did not expect that Shao Wenlin would be so wise, and he could only guess something from a simple inference.

"That's right, there is indeed a person in this group of people who needs to be protected. That person is my daughter. This time I wanted to bring him out to see the world, but I didn't expect to see such a thing. If you go out with him, the chances will be reduced too much."

Lin Shaoqing didn't hide it either, since things have come to this point, it's better to explain them in full.

After listening to Lin Shaoqing's words, Shao Wenlin felt that this matter seemed to have turned a corner.So he said to Lin Shaoqing.

"I have a plan now. That is, you go back now and get enough Lingyu, and then come back and leave with this group of people."

After hearing this proposal, Lin Shaoqing immediately rejected it.

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