"Impossible, now there are my enemies in this group of people, so if I leave Luoyan Village, then they will probably attack. Now that I am here, they dare not act rashly because they are afraid of Luoyan Village. The escort will also join the battle, but if I leave, it is not certain."

After listening to Lin Zhaoqing's words, Shao Wenlin couldn't help laughing.

"I don't know what you mean, am I wrong?"

Lin Shaoqing asked Shao Wenlin a little puzzled.After all, the only reason why this group of people dare not move out is that they are still here, and they have no full plans.

"Patriarch Lin, I think you're overthinking it. In our Luoyan Village, I can't necessarily guarantee you other things, but I can guarantee you safety. If you leave, I can guarantee that there will be absolutely nothing wrong with the rest of these people."

After listening to Shao Wenlin's words, Lin Shaoqing must be a hundred people who don't believe it. At most, there are only a few emperors in this Luoyan Village, so how can they protect the safety of these people.

Seeing Lin Shaoqing's face full of disbelief, Shao Wenlin explained again.

"Does the Lin family think that our Luoyan Village has been here for so long because of these security teams?"

Is not it?I think it was because of the existence of these security teams that Luo Yan Village was able to settle down, and these security teams must have been attracted by the Spirit Gathering Array.

"It seems that Patriarch Lin thinks so, so let me give you a word. Not everyone likes to take action when they do things, so there is a security team. Do you understand?"

After listening to Shao Wenlin's words, Lin Shaoqing naturally did not understand. After all, what he said in this sentence did not like to take action in person.But there are really no other people in this small village.

Patriarch Lin now that my words and my thoughts have been brought to the fore, it depends on your own considerations.If you agree to the cooperation this time, then you will have to get enough Lingyu by yourself, and then continue our cooperation. If you don't agree, then it will be deemed that today's events have not happened.

After Shao Wenlin finished speaking, he turned to leave. As for Dai Zhengyang, he didn't say a word from beginning to end, but he did say a word before leaving.

"Patriarch Lin should probably think about who this Luoyan Village belongs to?"

After saying this, the two of them left on the front and back, leaving a confused Lin Shaoqing.

Until Dai Zhengyang and Shao Wenlin left, Lin Shaoqing was still thinking about the last sentence.

"Who is it in Luoyan Village? What else does this sentence mean?"

Not long after, the housekeeper of the Li family came over and asked.

"Has the Master Patriarch succeeded in negotiating just now?"

"They didn't negotiate successfully. Their intention was to let me go home for 130 million low-grade Lingyu, and then they could ensure our safety."

Lin Shaoqing shook his head and said.

"Why don't they rob the 130 million Lingyu. And if the owner of the house leaves, what will happen to the safety of the young lady?"

"The 130 million Lingyu is nothing, counting the 5% of the auction house, they just got these two cheats, the price they should have, and if that's the case, I don't need to be here. I have stayed in the smoke village for two years."

Lin Shaoqing seems that the money is not a big problem now, the important thing is to take his daughter back.

"But Master Patriarch, you have to think about it carefully. If you leave, the young lady will definitely be captured by our enemies. At that time, it is not something that 130 million can solve."

Chapter [-] Agreed

The housekeeper was a little anxious at the moment, after all, this young lady was like his own daughter as he watched him grow up.

"I naturally took this into consideration. They said that as long as I go back and get the realm, then Luoyan Village can be responsible for the safety of the rest."

After listening to Lin Shaoqing's words, the housekeeper thought that the owner of the house had gone crazy?

"Patriarch, you don't really believe what Luo Yancun said, how could they protect the safety of so many of us?"

"But we don't have any other results now. We can only choose to believe him, and the words they each left to me just before they left. I really don't understand the meaning of the two sentences."

Lin Shaoqing suddenly thought of this sentence, but why didn't he think of it, so he planned to say it and let the housekeeper count him up.

"Then what did they say?"

The butler asked quickly.

"The first sentence is that not everyone likes to do things by themselves, and the second sentence is that he asked me to think about who is in Luoyan Village. I really don't know what they're trying to say."

After listening to these two sentences, the butler was also confused.

"These two sentences seem to be commonplace, but since the owner of the house said that each of them said it before they left, it proves that these two sentences have profound meanings. What does it mean?"

"I can't guess, but the two of them feel as if these two sentences can completely dispel my concerns."

Lin Shaoqing shook his head and said, if he knew, he would not have said it.

"Then what else did they say before? You can't say these two words for no reason!"

The old butler seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked.

Lin Shaoqing thought about it and said.

"Before this? Before that, they did say something. He said that you thought Luo Yan Village had been here for so long, did you rely on the security team?"

"No wonder, no wonder, that's what happened."

The old butler suddenly realized and figured out the meaning of these two sentences.

Lin Shaoqing saw the butler's expression and quickly asked

"You see what they mean? What are they trying to say?"

"Patriarch, you don't know. During the few days I stayed in Luoyan Village, I walked around and inquired about some news about Luoyan Village, and then I found out that this gathering array didn't exist early in the morning. It's just this year."

"What does this Spirit Gathering Array have to do with this sentence, you should just say the main point."

In Lin Shaoqing, there was already some impatience.

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