At this moment, after listening to Yu Binhong's words, many people stood up one after another, and they all told Yu Binhong about their experiences.

"My lord! I'm also from Black Earth City. We know each other, and I'm willing to be loyal to the Jing'an Empire until the moment I die!"

"My lord, I am from Tanshan City. We have fought to the death, but we still failed. They were arrested and filled into the army of the Han Chong Empire. I hope Daen can give me another loyalty to the Jing'an Empire. Opportunity."

"Sir, I'm from Pingnan City..."

"My lord, I am also Tanshan City, I..."

This group of people is not a minority, and most of what they say is the truth. Most of them are from the previous lost cities. Some of them are their own generals and were forced to surrender, and some were forced to fill the city. In the army of the Han Chong Empire.

After listening to their words, Yu Binhong felt that after all, these were the people of the Jing'an Empire, and he could give them a chance at this moment, so he planned to relocate them to Chuanmen City. After all, if there were more people, the defense It will also be more convenient.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang, who was watching from a distance, also found out about this, and Zhou Zhang felt that something was wrong.So under the investigation, Zhou Zhang knew what happened just now. Zhou Zhang thought about it and felt that it was a little inappropriate. After all, these people were forced to join the army of the Han Chong Empire, but since They obeyed so easily, and they were willing to attack their own people, so if they were given a chance at this moment, who could guarantee that they would submit to Han Chong again the next time they faced such a situation. empire?

So Zhou Zhang flew over here directly.

Yu Binhong, who had been going very smoothly, suddenly noticed that someone seemed to be flying towards him in the distance, so he turned his head to look. When he turned his head, the person he felt was already flying to his place rapidly. In front of him, he also saw Zhou Zhang's face clearly in an instant.

"Meet Mr. Zhou."

Yu Binhong hurriedly knelt down and knelt down. Unexpectedly, Lord Zhou also came to see their attack on the Han Chong Empire this time.

After hearing Yu Binhong's words, the people behind them also knelt down and bowed down. They had just heard Commander Yu talk about Lord Zhou's deeds, and now they were even more excited when they saw the real person.

"Meet Mr. Zhou."

After Zhou Zhang saw everyone's kneeling and worship, he motioned them to stand up, and then turned to ask Yu Binhong.

"Yu Binhong, do you know what you are doing now?"

Yu Binhong hurriedly replied when he heard Zhou Zhang's question.

"Master Zhou, these people were originally from the Jing'an Empire. They were forced to join the army of the Han Chong Empire for some reason. At this moment, I think they must have the heart of allegiance to their own country, so I think , maybe... maybe give them another chance."

Zhou Zhang naturally knew what Yu Binhong was doing, but he just wanted to remind Yu Binhong that it was not right to do so, but unfortunately Yu Binhong did not understand what Zhou Zhang meant.

"Then can you assure me that these people will use all their strength in the future battle? Since they have already chosen to betray the Jing'an Empire before, wouldn't they have the possibility of a second betrayal?"

Yu Binhong was told by Zhou Zhang, and he didn't know how to respond. He really couldn't guarantee that this group of people would not betray the Jing'an Empire again.

"My lord, I really can't assure you of this."

After listening to Yu Binhong's words, Zhou Zhang continued.

"Since you can't guarantee me that this group of people will not betray the Jing'an Empire again, what are you doing now?"

After listening to Zhou Zhang's words, Yu Binhong was a little anxious. He really couldn't bear to hurt so many people who belonged to the Jing'an Empire.

"But adults and these people, they are also forced, can't they give them another chance? They are all willing to serve the Jing'an Empire at this moment!"

"Chance? Why give them another chance, give them another chance, and let them stab us when our Jing'an Empire is in danger? Since they have already had the first time, there must be a second time. If they feel lucky this time they can survive, then next time they encounter this situation, they will think they can still be safe, and do you know what they say is what they think in their hearts?"

Chapter 127 The Great Victory and Return

After Zhou Zhang finished speaking, he ignored Binhong and wanted to say something else, so he walked directly in front of these captured soldiers and those who just said they were the Jing'an Empire.

"Don't say that my Jing'an Empire didn't give you a chance, but you didn't cherish it when you had the chance. I, you didn't choose to obey, but chose to fight to the death, then maybe you won't be as embarrassed as today. already."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhang was ready to take action. At this time, Yu Binhong hurried up and knelt in front of Zhou Zhang.

"Sir, Lord Zhou, please be merciful. I am willing to guarantee this group of people that they will not betray the country. If there is a next time, I am willing to use my life to deal with the dead soldiers. "

After listening to Yu Binhong's words, Zhou Zhang couldn't help but snorted and said.

"Exchange your life for those dead soldiers. Do you think your life is worth a few dollars. Do you think you can exchange for those dead soldiers when you die?"

After speaking, Zhou Zhang directly pushed Yu Binhong away. In Zhou Zhang's view, Zhou Yubinhong's current approach is really superfluous.

But just as Zhou Zhang was about to attack, the other soldiers of the Jing'an Empire also knelt down and pleaded with Zhou Zhang.

"Master Zhou, please think twice!"

"Yes, Lord Zhou, I hope you will show mercy!"

"After all, this group of people did not intend to do this. If they have a chance to correct it once, I believe they will definitely not do such a thing again."

"Master Zhou and the others belong to our Jing'an Empire after all. They made a mistake before, so can't we accept them anymore? After all, they haven't done anything yet, making them regret the things that they have for a lifetime. It's not too late."

Zhou Zhang listened to the pleas of this group of soldiers and generals, and his heart was also shaken. In fact, he didn't really want to execute these people, but when he came to this Chuanshui City, he saw so much, after collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. Very hatred for those who collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country.

"Forget it, since there are so many of you interceding for them, I won't force them any more, but if there is anything with this group of people in the future, I'm sorry for the Jing'an Empire, then I hope this matter will not go through me again. handle it by hand."

After listening to Zhou Zhang's words, these kneeling soldiers and soldiers also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Lord Zhou for being successful. If these people have anything to do with the Jing'an Empire in the future, we will definitely execute them on the spot."

Yu Binhong hurriedly promised Zhou Zhang, after all, these people seem to be very angry, but he thinks it is better to leave them alone.

"Thank you Lord Zhou for not killing me. I will definitely be loyal to the Jing'an Empire in the future, and I have absolutely no other ideas!"

Seeing that Zhou Zhang had forgiven him, the group of people also hurriedly said to Zhou Zhang.

"In that case, there is no need to keep them in the rest of the prisoners."

After Zhou Zhang finished speaking, he shot directly, regardless of whether the group of people behind him would stop him or not. When facing Zhou Zhang's shot, this group of people had no ability to resist and immediately turned into flying ashes and disappeared in the crowd. in front of you.

After doing all this, Zhou Zhang left directly.

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