After Zhou Zhang left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Now these captives are no longer important. In their opinion, it is very good to be able to protect this group of people who used to be the Jing'an Empire. If they go again now If you want to keep these captives, if Lord Zhou is really angry, then the lives of their group will be difficult to say.

And everyone was also frightened by Zhou Zhang's song just now. After all, among the group of prisoners just now, there were one or two generals, both at the emperor level and at the emperor level. The people at the emperor level and the emperor level have also become Flying ash, ordinary nobles can't do this at all.

Although the scene just now made the relationship between everyone a little delicate, today's big victory is entirely due to Lord Zhou, and Lord Zhou's strength is so powerful that everyone will care about the previous unhappiness, the answer is yes, Everyone doesn't care about this at all. From everyone's point of view, Zhou Zhang's actions are entirely for the consideration of the Jing'an Empire. What's more, now that everyone knows Zhou Zhang's strength, they believe that Zhou Zhang will take them to defend against those of the Han Chong Empire. human.

Soon, everyone began to clean up the battlefield. After all, only the prisoners were cleaned up now. There are still many military supplies in the camp of the Han Chong Empire.

They have been cleaning up for a long time just now, and they have not finished cleaning up, but the people from the Jing'an Empire, which are cheap now, have already cleaned up almost the same. At this moment, they only need to search again, and then they can all move back to Chuanmen City. .

After everyone cleaned the battlefield, they also returned to Chuanmen City with supplies one after another. At this time, the soldiers on guard on the city wall couldn't help cheering when they saw that the soldiers in Chuanmen City were returning with loads.

They knew just now that Commander Yu was taking everyone out to attack the Han Chong Empire, but they didn't expect to come back so quickly, and they came back with so many trophies, and they all shouted loudly on the city wall.

At this time, everyone also heard the voice on the city wall, and they responded, and they also deliberately lifted their trophies, as if showing off to the people on the city wall. After all, this was the first time this group of people fought like this. A big victory, and the fact that so many materials were handed over to the enemy, is a symbol of glory.

Someone has already opened the city gate, and a group of people entered the Chuanshui City mightily. When they were in junior high school, many people already knew about it. The street was waiting for these people to return, so the more they lived, the more crowded they became, and the streets were already full of people standing on both sides.

In fact, these ordinary people should not be in this Chuanmen city at the moment, it is because the previous General Zhou was afraid that his collaborating with the enemy and treason would be leaked, so he restricted the entry and exit of these ordinary people, so that they could only be honest Staying in this Chuanmen city, but at this moment they also witnessed the moment of victory.

The soldiers in Chuanmen City are walking on the streets of Chuanmen City at the moment, and the sympathy in the hearts of the people on both sides of the road is even stronger.

Listening to the praises from the people around them, these soldiers felt very comfortable. They chose this path for the life of the people of Limin. Now they are very satisfied to hear their praise and praise.

Chapter 128

So soon, after the soldier returned in triumph, almost everyone in Chuanmen City knew about the newly arrived Lord Zhou, and knew that this victory was entirely due to Lord Zhou, and everyone was full of life again. hope.

But at the moment, Zhou Zhang was thinking about what happened today in his room. Today, he originally wanted to establish his prestige. After winning the battle, this group of people will indeed listen to him more, but the incident just now is a little bit different. It was beyond his control. Those who had treasoned the country would have so many people to intercede for them. This might cause some estrangement between him and this group of people.

It's a pity that Zhou Zhang didn't know what the soldiers and the people in the city were thinking at the moment, otherwise he would definitely not worry about this matter. Now all the soldiers and people think that Zhou Zhang is like a god, and they fight as soon as they come. A big victory, the people of the Han Chong Empire, I am afraid they will not come again for a while.

And after knowing that there was going to be a war, their first thought was to leave here, but they were trapped here by the previous General Zhou. Now that they have the opportunity to leave, they have no idea of ​​leaving. They want to Witness the soldiers in Chuanmen City, repelling the waves of people from the Han Chong Empire.

At this time, everyone in Chuanmen City was happy. They repelled the Han Chong Empire and wiped them all out, but the Han Chong Empire was different.

The moment those generals found out that their generals had died, they had already sent a message like the Han Chong Empire. After all, if the Han Chong Empire did not agree, they would not dare to retreat at all. If they dared to retreat, That's disobedience to military orders!

But after they sent the message for a long time, there was no follow-up response. After all, according to the time, they must have packed up their things and are on their way back. They should have been notified at this time, but now they are No news yet.

It's time, the commander who attacked the Jing'an Empire can't sit still. He has now lost a general under his command, and there is no news of his soldiers now, so he hastened to send someone to inquire.

However, the camp they are currently stationed in is quite far from Chuanmen City. After sending out the people, the coach felt a little uneasy, so he flew out to check.

This group of people is still coming back with supplies at the moment, presumably the speed of returning will not be very fast, if they are caught up by the people of Jing'an Empire at this time, I am afraid it will be bad.

Our coach galloped all the way, hoping to see his own people earlier, and if he really encountered misfortune, maybe he could turn the tide of the battle, but at this moment, the more he flew, the less confident he felt, after all, so long has passed. Now, why is there no news at all?

With the passage of time, the coach has almost arrived at Chuanmen City, but he still hasn't seen his group of men. Chuanmen City is already in front of him. A few days ago, General Zhou there, who had worked with Lin Jiangju, his subordinate, said that he wanted to cooperate with the Han Chong Empire and put forward a lot of conditions, but after thinking about it, he agreed. After all, the less struggle, the better for him.

But now his subordinate General Lin and his soldiers are all gone, no need to think that it must be the soldiers in Chuanmen City, thinking of this, this coach is furious.

A few days ago, under the banner of wanting to surrender, he asked me for so many benefits, but now he has bit me back and swallowed so many of my subordinates, okay!Really a good plan!Well, now why don't you let me meet for a while, you so-called General Zhou.

At this time, Zhou Zhang, who was resting in Chengdu Mansion, also noticed that someone seemed to be outside Chuanmen City, and he was not weak. After all, Zhou Zhang is now outside Chuanmen City, and his nerves are tense all the time. of.

At this moment, the general of the Han Chong Empire outside the city also wanted to see what kind of virtue and ability the General Zhou in this Chuanmen city house was, and he actually played a lot of himself.

But what he didn't know was that there was no such thing as General Zhou in Chuanmen City at this moment, and the previous General Zhou had become Zhou Zhang.

However, just when he wanted to enter the Chuanmen City, he found that there was also an aura coming towards him in the Media City.

"It's just right, it saves me the trouble of entering Chuanmen City to find you."

Soon Zhou Zhang came to the front of the Han Chong Empire coach.Looking at the person in front of him, he found that his strength was not weak, so he asked curiously.

"I haven't asked you who your Excellency is. What's the purpose of coming to my gates outside the city? If you can't say a satisfactory result, then you don't want to leave easily today."

The head coach of the Han Chong Empire didn't expect Zhou Zhang's tone to be so loud. He even threatened him at the top, and said that if he couldn't tell the reason, he would not leave, so he laughed loudly.

"It seems that Your Excellency is really a noble person who has forgotten things. A few days ago, didn't you communicate with General Lin, who is not like me, how to come to my Han Chong Empire? Now you have forgotten me. You promised me before. I gave you so many benefits from the same song. I didn't expect you to do such a sinister and cunning thing. On the one hand, I used the banner of surrender to appease my soldiers, and on the other hand, I secretly planned how to swallow it. It's a good idea to drop my army."

Zhou Zhang immediately understood after hearing what this person said. It turned out that this was the commander-in-chief behind the Han Chong Empire. When he came here, he must have known that his army had already been eaten by him, so he laughed too. up.

"Your army was indeed eaten by me, but I'm sorry to tell you that I also killed General Zhou, so I didn't use the banner of surrender, and I didn't need to surrender. banner."

The head coach of the Han Chong Empire heard Zhou Zhang's words and couldn't help being taken aback. It turned out that Chuanmen City had changed to a new city lord in such a short period of time.

"I just said that the previous General Zhou didn't have such great ability. If he had such great ability, he wouldn't use the banner of surrender to ask me for so much reward. I didn't expect it to be a new one. City Lord, you haven't asked your honorable name yet."

"In the next week's chapter, report your name."

Zhou Zhang also asked the name of the coach of the Han Chong Empire.

Chapter 129 Escape

The coach of the Han Chong Empire did not expect Zhou Zhang to be so frank, and now he is more and more interested in Zhou Zhang.

"Sun Fei'ao."

Zhou Zhang looked at Fei'ao up and down, he was probably in the middle stage of life, he should be in the fifth or sixth order, but Zhou Zhang was sure that he was definitely not the black hand behind the scenes.

Since he is not the mastermind behind the scenes, it can be proved that he is only responsible for explaining sexual skills, and the current plan is to use a long line to catch big fish.

So Zhou Zhang thought about it and said.

"It turned out to be General Sun. I wonder if you came to me to settle the account with me?"

Fei'ao looked at Zhou Zhang, he couldn't see Zhou Zhang's specific strength, so he didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

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