After hearing Ye Xinghuai's words, Zhou Zhang couldn't help but say with a smile.

"You, as long as you manage the Jing'an Empire well, that is the best thank you to me."

Hearing what Zhou Zhang said, Ye Xinghuai quickly replied respectfully.

"Senior Zhou, please rest assured, this junior will definitely make the Jing'an Empire prosper, and not let Senior Zhou and the people of this Jing'an Empire be disappointed!"

Zhou Zhang nodded in relief.

"I'm satisfied with your words. Now I won't stay any longer. I'm leaving."

"Why don't you stay for one night, senior? Why go back in such a hurry, it's not too late to leave tomorrow."

Hearing that Zhou Zhang was leaving now, Ye Xinghuai hurriedly said, but he still wanted to ask Zhou Zhang something.

"No, I thought you still had a lot of things to do yesterday, but I will delay you here, so it seems that it's better to leave earlier and donate money. It doesn't make any difference to me at night and day."

After speaking, Zhou Zhang immediately got up and flew towards the present, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Looking at the direction in which Zhou Zhang disappeared, Ye Xinghuai muttered.

"Don't worry, Senior Zhou, the Jing'an Empire will definitely get better and better."

After Zhou Zhang left the imperial city, he did not hurry, but flew unhurriedly. Although he had always wanted to go back to Luoyan Village, but now when it was time to return to Luoyang Village, Zhou Zhang did not. anxious.

Before, I just felt that staying in other places would have some unfamiliar feelings, especially since I have stayed in Chuanmen City for more than a month, this feeling has become more and more intense, but now I am on the way back. But suddenly disappeared.

In fact, if you really count, it didn't take too long to go out this time, it only took more than a month. If you were still in Luoyan Village, I believe it would be over soon.

Because Zhou Zhang was in a hurry along the way, he returned to Luoyan Village when it was almost dawn. He didn't feel this way before, but this time Zhou Zhang really found the change in Luoyan Village. Now, if it was in the past, I'm afraid he would still see some people going to the fields to farm at this time, but now the people who get up early are busy with their own shops.

Walking on the streets of the village, Zhou Zhang looked at the busy people around him, and there were many people who saw him, but these people just glanced at them and went back to work. Zhou Zhang couldn't help but be a little curious, don't these people know each other? alone?

Suddenly Zhou Zhang laughed, these people really didn't know him, he just came back from the imperial city, and now he still looks like he was in his 20s, and the people in Luoyan Village already had an impression of him as a person with more than 40 years of age. old man.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang found a place where no one was around and changed his appearance. Now that he has arrived in Luoyan Village, his previous identity is no longer applicable.

He quickly walked to the front of his house. He thought that no one would get up at this time, but when he pushed the door, he found that it was actually open. Zhou Zhang couldn't help but wonder, who would open the door at this time?After all, the current genius is only Mengmengliang.

With curiosity, Zhou Zhang opened the door and walked in. After opening the door, Zhou Zhang saw Shao Wenlin and Wang Qiang who had just woken up in clothes in the yard. At this moment, the two were discussing something.

"Uncle Shao, Uncle Dai has been out for many days now, but he hasn't come back yet. Should we send some people to look for it?"

Shao Wenlin also asked in shock.

"Have you not come back yet? It's been half a month now. What is it that can take so long?"

After Zhou Zhang heard it, he also asked a question out of curiosity.

"Did Dai Zhengyang go out?"

Only then did Shao Wenlin and Wang Qiang discover Zhou Zhang's arrival, and they hurried to meet him.

"Master, you are back!"

"Hello Uncle Zhou, Uncle Zhou, are you back?"

Zhou Zhang nodded and said that he had already accepted the greetings from the two of them.

"What happened to Dai Zhengyang? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

After Shao Wenlin heard Zhou Zhang's question, he quickly explained to Zhou Zhang.

"It's such a master. Half a month ago, Dai Zhengyang suddenly said that his friend needed his help, but he didn't tell us what it was. It's been so long, when Wang Qiang went to look for Dai Zhengyang this morning, he found out that Dai Zhengyang hadn't come back, so he hurriedly came to me."

After listening to it, Zhou Zhang also understood. It turned out that the gate had been opened so early for this reason. Zhou Zhang thought about it and said.

"About his friend? And he left in a hurry without saying what it was. It seems that this matter should be a big deal, otherwise you, Dai Zhengyang, will definitely not have the same temperament and leave without saying anything."

"We didn't worry about it at first. After all, with his strength, as long as he doesn't go to some particularly dangerous places, I believe he can come back soon, but the time has passed, and it has been half a month now. If he didn't come back, we were worried that something had happened to him."

After listening to Zhou Zhang's analysis, Shao Wenlin explained the reason to Zhou Zhang.

At this moment, after hearing what Shao Wenlin said, Wang Qiang was also a little anxious. His uncle Shao said for a long time but he didn't say the main point, so he said.

"Uncle Zhou, think of a way to find Uncle Dai. Before he left, he didn't tell us anything. It's been so long now, something must have happened, or he wouldn't have come back for such a long time. And there is no news at all."

After hearing the words of the two, Zhou Zhang began to ponder. When the two saw Zhou Zhang, they stopped talking or disturbed, and quietly waited for Zhou Zhang's analysis.

In fact, it's not that Zhou Zhang doesn't want to find Dai Zhengyang, but since the Jing'an Empire is so big, where can he find him?And he didn't even say any news before he left. It must be something that many people can't know about, but such a thing will definitely be slowly walked out. Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang asked.

"Have you heard of any secret treasures or the like around here recently?"

Shao Wenlin thought about it carefully and replied.

"Master, there is no such thing as a secret recently, and I haven't heard anyone say that there is a secret near here recently."

Chapter 148 Attack on Luoyan Village

After listening to Zhou Zhang, he couldn't help but have a headache. All he can think of now is the clue of secret hiding, but if there is no secret hiding, what else would there be?

"Isn't it a secret? If it's not a secret, why does he keep it mysterious? Is there any news from farther away?"

After thinking about it for a while, Shao Wenlin shook his head and said.

"There is no secret hidden in the place farther back to the master. Unless it is a more distant place, there is no way for us to detect the news."

Zhou Zhang doesn't know now, where to start, he said helplessly.

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