"It's a bit difficult to do. Now, although I think of where he can go, there is no similar news at all."

At this moment, Dai Zhengyang was indeed not in the secret collection, but he was deceived by his friend at first.His friend told him that he had found a secret, but the strength of several of them in this secret would be a little tricky, so he found him.

The people who notified Dai Zhengyang were some of Dai Zhengyang's friends who played well before, so Dai Zhengyang agreed to this matter without hesitation. Since it was a secret, Dai Zhengyang didn't say anything.

But it never occurred to me that these few people didn't know what the secret was, but they were jealous of Dai Zhengyang's job now, so after inquiring about the strength of Na Luoyan Village, they secretly plotted this matter. They first lied to Dai Zhengyang. After they came out, it was originally in a negotiating tone, and wanted Dai Zhengyang to join them together, so that a few people could control Luoyan Village to enjoy the endless glory and wealth.

But what a few people didn't expect was that Dai Zhengyang refused them without hesitation, and said that he would never agree to this matter. Originally, a few people thought that Dai Zhengyang was worried that this matter would fail and that he would lose his job, so He did psychological work for him for a long time, but he did not expect that Dai Zhengyang still did not agree with this matter from the beginning to the end.

After all, the patience of a few people is limited. After Dai Zhengyang did not agree with this matter at all, a few people completely lost their patience, so they forcibly imprisoned Dai Zhengyang. At the moment, they are contacting Ma around to prepare to raid Luoyan Village.

Dai Zhengyang, who was imprisoned by them at the moment, is also a little worried. Now his master doesn't know if he has come back. If they go to attack Luoyan Village at this moment, those members of the security team may not necessarily be able to stop them. down this attack.

But suddenly Dai Zhengyang laughed, because he just remembered that his master had gone out. After his master had gone out, Shao Wenlin also told him about it, saying that if something happened, he would go to the officers and soldiers immediately. It was the emperor's promise to do his best to protect Luoyan Village, so even if this group of people found more people to attack Luoyan Village, I believe it would be useless in the end.

However, in the eyes of everyone, Dai Zhengyang's smile at the moment is a little crazy, seeing that Dai Zhengyang is laughing at the moment.One of them said with some disappointment.

"Hey, I said Lao Dai, we are brothers after all. Now that we have the opportunity to make a fortune, you don't want to forget about your brothers if you want to make a fortune alone."

Seeing someone speak, the people next to him also began to persuade.

"We have been persuading you for several days, but you have no intention of partnering with us. Could it be that you have the heart to watch your brothers live such a hard life?"

Dai Zhengyang listened to the few of them and didn't open his mouth, ignoring them at all.

Since Dai Zhengyang still doesn't speak, he doesn't speak anymore. It's been several days. No matter what they say, Dai Zhengyang doesn't speak, and everyone has nothing to do.

At this time, a person suddenly ran in a hurry outside.

"Report to Mr. Wang. Everyone is here now. Would you like to go out and say a few words?"

After Wang Wenwen heard this, he nodded and said.

"Okay, I see, I'll go out now."

Speaking of Wang Wenwen, he walked out. At this moment, there were already people standing outside. Wang Wenzhang cleared his throat and said.

"Brothers, thank you very much for coming to help me, Wang, during your busy schedules. This time our goal is Luoyan Village. Everyone must know that there is a gathering of spirits in Luoyan Village, but this gathering The Spirit Formation can not only increase our cultivation, but it is also a never-ending machine for making money. As long as we capture Luoyan Village, everything in Luoyan Village will be ours. Glory and wealth."

Everyone knew why they were called at this moment.It was Jing Wang's article that said that, and everyone was boiling.

"Looking at Luo Yancun for a long time, it's unpleasant to see that there is a spirit gathering formation that charges such a high price. How can we cultivate?"

"Yeah, and the selection of the guards there is so harsh, since you didn't want me at the time, I don't want to protect you now!"

Seeing the enthusiasm of the crowd, Wang Wenwen couldn't help laughing. It seemed that the attack on Luoyan Village was almost certain.

Wang Wenwen returned to the room with satisfaction and looked at Dai Zhengyang who was still not speaking.Also laughed.

Brother Dai, I have to say that without your help, this thing can be done.At this moment, a large group of people have gathered outside, and we have already inquired about the strength of Luoyan Village. The group of people gathered now has no problem in attacking Naluoyan Village. I don’t know if Brother Dai is stubborn. What are you wearing?

Dai Zhengyang laughed after listening to Wang Wenwen's words.

If you are so confident, then I am here waiting for your good news.

After Wang Wenwen heard it, he said disdainfully.

"I know that you encountered a group of people when the Sanxian Temple was first established, but those people chose to attack in four batches stupidly, but I won't be so stupid. Now there are more than a thousand people outside. Well, all the people poured into Luoyan Village, I see how the more than [-] members of the security team can resist!"

At this moment, Dai Zhengyang kept his mouth shut again. After Wang Wenwen glanced at it, he also walked out angrily. The priority now is not to fight against Dai Zhengyang, but to seize Luoyan Village as soon as possible. It's time.

"Brothers, I think everyone agrees now, and now they all have the idea of ​​attacking Luoyan Village, so how about we set off now?"

Chapter 149 Death Order

When everyone heard this, they all became excited. They were waiting for Wang Wenwen to say these words, and they all shouted loudly at this moment.

"Let's go now!"

"If I don't go now, I can't help it any longer."

Seeing the enthusiastic response from everyone, Wang Wenwen waved his hand and said.

"Then all the brothers, let's follow Wang to kill Naluoyan Village."

After Wang Wenwen finished speaking, he took the lead and rushed out, followed by the people behind, and this group of people rushed to Luoyan Village in a mighty manner. I had to admire the courage of this group of people. There is no real understanding, all of them think that the last time Luo Yancun resisted was purely a fluke, but all of them were wrong, and now they don't have a little bit of consciousness.

In Luoyan Village at this time, Zhou Zhang, Shao Wenlin, and Wang Qiang were still thinking about where Dai Zhengyang had gone. They didn't know that someone was already rushing towards Luoyan Village on the other side.

The base of this group of people was not very far from Luoyan Village, so they soon arrived near Luoyang Village. A group of people who were originally happy, suddenly saw officers and soldiers appearing in front of them.

These officers and soldiers were supposed to be evacuated after Zhou Zhang returned to Luoyan Village, but due to the celebration banquet yesterday, Ye Xinghuai also forgot about this matter and has not given any orders to this group of people, so they are still guarding In the vicinity of Luoyan Village.

Very early on, they saw a group of men aggressively heading towards Luoyan Village, so they directly reported that their commander had already brought a group of his own soldiers to intercept this group of people.

Before these people were dispatched, they had already been ordered to die. If there is still one person in this group of people who survived, they would have to fight until the last moment. implicated.

Wang Wenwen and the group of people behind them had absolutely no idea what was going on at the moment. They were on their way to Luoyan Village, but suddenly they encountered a group of officers and soldiers, and these officers and soldiers were still waiting for them here.

Wang Wenwen asked curiously to the officers and soldiers in front of them. They stopped them at this place, apparently for them.

"I don't know it's us who are waiting here."

The leading officers and soldiers did not expect this group of people to be so arrogant, and said at this moment.

"If you want to attack Luoyan Village, then it's you."

Wang Wenwen did not expect that this officer and soldier would be so frank, he said it directly, and said with a big laugh at the moment.

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