"Aunt Feng, who really has nothing to do, don't think about it too much."

Feng Qianxue continued to persuade when she saw that Lin Linger still refused to admit it.

"Ling'er, if you don't say anything, your Aunt Feng will really not help you. If you come across anything in the future to beg you, Aunt Feng and I will not help you. Think clearly, now is your only chance to seize a strong foreign aid."

After Lin Linger heard Feng Qianxue's words, she began to think, if she really did not help herself if she encountered any difficulties in the future according to Feng Qianxue's intention, then she really couldn't find anyone to help her.

After thinking about it, she might really need Aunt Feng's help now, so Lin Linger told Feng Qianxue what happened yesterday afternoon and night.

After Feng Qianxue heard Lin Linger's narration, she couldn't help but laugh.

"I didn't expect you to have such a cute scene. I said how did you come here last night, it turned out that there was no place to live."

As soon as Feng Qianxue said this, Lin Linger quickly covered her mouth and said.

"Aunt Feng, keep your voice down. This is my secret. How can you say it so loudly?"

After Lin Linger finished speaking, she looked around again. Fortunately, no one noticed the conversation between the two of them at this time, otherwise she would be even more embarrassed.

"Okay! I'll be quieter."

Feng Qianxue said with a smile, the more she felt that Lin Linger was cute, the more she wanted to match Lin Linger with her grandfather.

The next thing the two of them discussed became secret, so Feng Qianxue pulled Lin Linger into her room.

Arriving in the room, Feng Qianxue cleared her throat and continued after making sure that no one would eavesdrop.

"So, a lot of interesting things happened to you yesterday."

When Lin Linger heard this, she suddenly thought that someone peeped at her last night. Now it seems that this person is probably her Aunt Feng.

"Aunt Feng, were you secretly watching the two of us by the window last night?"

Feng Qianxue didn't expect that Lin Linger would suddenly ask such a question. She didn't know how to answer for a while, so she could only hide it with an embarrassed smile.

"What are you talking about? Linger, I don't understand what you said. How could your Aunt Feng do such an eavesdropping thing!"

Chapter 162

After saying this, Feng Qianxue still felt a little uneasy, it didn't mean that Zero Two continued to talk about her and Zhou Zhang.

"I believe you also saw it this morning. Our master went out early in the morning, so he is avoiding you now, but from another angle, we can see that our master also has some meaning for you, otherwise, she will not be at this moment. She will avoid you, but will continue to do what she usually does, but now that she starts to avoid you, it directly shows that he has a ghost in his heart."

Ling'er originally wanted to ask Feng Qianxue, but when she heard this, she immediately forgot about it.

"Really? Aunt Feng! Is everything you said true?"

Lin Linger shook Feng Qianxue excitedly and asked.

"Stop! Stop! Stop shaking, your Aunt Feng can't stand such a toss."

"Then Aunt Feng, tell me quickly, what should I do next?"

After Feng Qianxue listened to Lin Linger's words, she thought about it and whispered in Lin Linger's ear.

Zhou Zhang, who was suddenly preparing to paint in the painting shop, sneezed suddenly.

Zhou Zhang said angrily.

"Who the hell is this? Could it be that he is talking ill of himself behind his back?"

Zhou Zhang certainly couldn't think of it, now Feng Qianxue is advising Lin Linger.

After thinking about it, Zhou Zhang really couldn't think of who this person would be, so he stopped thinking about him, prepared his own tools and started, and then finished the painting in front of him.

Here, Lin Linger was very happy after getting Feng Qianxue's true biography. Following Feng Qianxue's advice, she dressed up and started rushing to Zhou Zhang's painting shop.

Lin Linger walking on the road was full of confidence. She didn't understand it before, and she was a little timid, but after being enlightened by her Aunt Feng, Lin Linger suddenly understood, Why do you need to be so timid, if you love it, just let go and chase after it, otherwise it will be yourself who will regret it in the end.

Soon, Lin Linger went outside Zhou Zhang's painting shop, checked her clothes carefully, and walked in.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang also discovered Lin Linger's arrival, and couldn't help but feel even more headache. He thought that Lin Linger would not come again when he entered the painting shop, but he never thought that he had just painted quietly for a while. came over.

Zhou Zhang ignored Lin Linger's arrival and continued to paint the paintings in his hands. Lin Linger was not in a hurry. When he came here, his aunt Feng had already told him that at this time, it was absolutely impossible to leave alone. Just watch it quietly, it won't be long before Uncle Zhou can't help but take the initiative to speak.

If it was as Feng Qianxue said, it didn't take long for Zhou Zhang to take it any longer. He really didn't understand that when Feng Qianxue came to find him, not only was there no trace of embarrassment, but he was still watching him quietly as before. , but I used to look at paintings, but now I look at myself for a long time, and Zhou Zhang felt uncomfortable.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Zhang decided that it would be better to explain this matter clearly, so he turned around and said to Lin Linger.

"Lin Linger, why are you staring at me all the time?"

Seeing that Zhou Zhang really asked himself like Aunt Feng said, I was very happy, but suddenly I thought of what Aunt Feng said to me, so I answered according to the method that Aunt Feng said.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking, Uncle Zhou, you only have paintings in your eyes, so what do you see in my eyes?"

Zhou Zhang was a little confused when he heard Lin Linger's words. He didn't know why Lin Linger suddenly said this and thought about it and replied.

"Nature in your eyes is what you see."

When Lin Linger heard that her Uncle Zhou really understood, she hurriedly said.

"But Uncle Zhou, how do you know if you haven't seen my eyes? Maybe you've seen my heart."

After saying this, Lin Linger's heart was a little uncontrollable. At that time, she felt embarrassed when Aunt Feng said it, but now she feels even more shy after saying it.

Zhou Zhang was also embarrassed by this sentence. He did not expect Lin Linger to say such a thing.

"I haven't seen anything, and I don't know anything!"

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