Lin Linger took a deep breath, everything was still under Aunt Feng's control, so she continued.

"But Uncle Zhou, you haven't seen my heart, how do you know that my eyes are all about you?"

Zhou Zhang was speechless for a moment when he heard these words, but he didn't expect that he would be tricked by a little girl.

"Where did I say that I know that all your eyes are on me, but I never said that."

"But Uncle Zhou just said that what I see in my eyes is what I see. I have been looking at Uncle Zhou just now, so my eyes are full of you."

Zhou Zhang was completely speechless by Lin Linger's words. He turned around and continued to paint, ignoring Lin Linger.

When Lin Linger saw this scene, she burst out laughing. I didn't expect her Uncle Zhou to have such a cute scene.

"Uncle Zhou, then you know? Why are my eyes full of you? But I see other things in my eyes!"

Zhou Zhang said without looking back.

"Do not want to know."

Although Zhou Zhang said he didn't want to know, Lin Linger still said it.

"Because my heart is full of Uncle Zhou, so I also see Uncle Zhou in my eyes, so naturally I can't see anything else."

However, if there is any regret medicine at the moment, Lin Shaoqing will definitely take it. Last night, he didn't know where his daughter lived. Later, he was relieved until he knew that Lin Shaoqing lived in Zhou's house, but on the second day, his daughter did not Back at the inn to find himself, Lin Shaoqing came out to look for it.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Shaoqing felt that it was more reliable to go to Zhou Zhang's painting shop, so he went directly to the painting shop without going to Zhou's house.

But just as he walked to the door of the painting shop, he heard such a conversation in the house. It was really a girl's college who didn't stay. I didn't expect that it took so long for my daughter to become like this.

She used to be a shy little girl, but she thought that she started chasing boys now!

Lin Shaoqing didn't want this scene to happen so quickly. Although he acquiesced to his daughter's actions yesterday, Lin Shaoqing coughed deliberately in front of the door.

After hearing the coughing outside the door, Lin Ling'er, who was still happy at first, instantly froze. When did her father come over?

Chapter 163 Someone Helps

I didn't notice it just now, what happened to me these past few days, how could I be so careless, I didn't notice Uncle Zhou's arrival last night, and I didn't notice the arrival of my father today, I must have told Uncle Zhou just now. If so, your father has heard it.

After Lin Shaoqing coughed, he walked in directly and said after seeing Lin Linger.

"Where was my good daughter last night? Don't tell me the next day, but I'm about to worry about dying as a father."

After listening to her father's words, Lin Linger really felt that her father would do bad things and good things. She had followed what Feng Ayu taught and was about to succeed, but she didn't expect her father to be killed suddenly. All her efforts All in vain.

"What have you to worry about? You didn't even leave a guest room for your daughter yesterday, but now you're running over and worried."

Shao Wenlin is a little embarrassed that he owes this sentence. Yesterday, he didn't do it on purpose. You really thought that your daughter would not come back.

"Don't you know that it's wrong for your father? This situation will never happen in the future. Yesterday, I really forgot about this stubble."

After listening to the conversation between the father and daughter, Zhou Zhang suddenly felt that all this had been arranged, how could it be so coincidental?Lin Shaoqing didn't book a room for his daughter, and then Lin Linger went to her own home, and then spent the night in her own home. This is obviously because Lin Shaoqing wanted her daughter to live in her own home!

At this moment, if Lin Shaoqing knew Zhou Zhang's inner thoughts, he would definitely feel wronged. All of these were his unintentional actions. How could he have nothing to plan such a thing.

"Okay, now you've seen me too. Your daughter slept well last night, and she's safe now. If there's nothing else, you can go back."

At this moment, Lin Linger said to Lin Shaoqing a little angrily.

Lin Shaoqing did not expect that his daughter would order him to evict him so quickly. He thought that he had destroyed it himself. With such a good atmosphere just created, his daughter must hate herself now.

But Lin Shaoqing won't leave so easily. How could it be possible to leave so easily? Could it be that as soon as he stepped out, these daughters would start to make a routine for Master Zhou again, but he didn't want to see this happen.

After thinking for a while, Lin Shaoqing said.

"Daughter, the last time I came to this Luoyan Village, my father didn't accompany you around. Now that we have the opportunity, our father and daughter will take a good walk in this Luoyan Village, how about a look?"

Lin Linger didn't expect her father to want to pull her away, so she said directly.

"No, I've been shopping with Uncle Zhou yesterday, and I don't want to watch it today."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhang couldn't help it. She didn't want Lin Linger to stay with her now. God knows what else this little girl has to do with her, so she quickly persuaded her.

"Linger, why don't you walk around this Luoyan Village with your father, after all, there are many beautiful and fun places in Luoyan Village, and this is also your father's kindness, so you can't live up to it. him."

When Lin Shaoqing heard this, Zhou Zhang spoke up and quickly continued.

"Yeah, after all, the last time you suffered so much grievance, and now you haven't compensated it well. Today in Luoyan Village, you can accompany your daughter to buy something, which is also a compensation for the last time, okay? Ah daughter?"

Seeing her father, Lin Linger took it all into account. If she didn't go, it would be a little ugly, so she said.

"Alright then, then I'll accompany you to take a look at Luoyan Village today, but I can say yes, if I see anything I want, you must buy it for me."

Having said this, Lin Linger also suddenly thought of herself. Aunt Feng told her that she was going to buy some cosmetics and rouge pollen. Today, she took this opportunity to let her father accompany her to buy it.

After making up his mind, Uncle Lin Linger walked out with his father.

Watching the two walk away, Zhou Zhang breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't been given a routine by a girl for so long, and he didn't even have the slightest bit of strength to fight back. Thinking about it, it was terrifying.

But now that the two have finally left, Zhou Zhang can paint with peace of mind, but after painting for a while, Zhou Zhang can't help but start to worry, since there is a first time, there will definitely be a second time, and now Lin Shaoqing comes to save The field, but next time, who will come next time?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang was in no mood to paint, so he had to put down the brush and go out for a walk, wanting to relax, but he hadn't been so distressed for a long time.

On this side, accompanied by Lin Shaoqing, Lin Linger is happily shopping. She is very happy at the moment. Under the guidance of her aunt Feng, she has already succeeded in the routine. Uncle Zhou once, although she My father made trouble in the middle and didn't continue, but it's worth having such a good start. It's worth being happy.

In addition, his father's sudden disturbance did not disrupt Aunt Feng's plans. Now he can ask his father to help buy a lot of things, which is the best of both worlds.

Poor Lin Shaoqing didn't know what Lin Linger was thinking at the moment. He thought that his daughter was so happy because she was shopping with him. If he knew that he was being used by his daughter to go shopping, Lin Shaoqing would have killed him. .

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