Seeing that Zhou Zhang was thinking about Guan Zhongyi, he continued.

"And Zhou Gongzi wanted to find an alchemist, so he came directly to my Danliao County. I must have some misunderstandings about the alchemist. We are indeed famous for alchemy, but we are not the only alchemists in this world. When Liaojun only has talent, there will be some alchemists in other places, but those are basically people who are outside the umbrella and have not been incorporated into my alchemy association. They are a little greedy for money, so they will be worshipped by several alchemy shops. Refining pills for them, but the level of these alchemists is generally not very high, they have been polluted by money, and it is difficult to improve in the realm of alchemy, so those who come to our Danliao County to buy pills are mostly It's to buy some high-grade medicinal herbs, but Zhou Gongzi certainly doesn't know about these things, if he knew, he certainly wouldn't have come all the way here."

After listening to Guan Zhongyi's words, Zhou Zhang also understood. He really didn't know these things. It seemed that he was in a hurry. He just ran over when he knew that the alchemist was here.

However, since he had already arrived here, he did not say that he would go back empty-handed. After thinking about it, he asked Xiang Guan Zhongyi.

"If that's the case, then the old gentleman will choose some suitable candidates for me. Of course, for this matter, I will also write down the kindness of alchemy to me Zhou Zhang."

Chapter 191 Someone is calling

Although Guan Zhongyi didn't know Zhouzhuang's cultivation at the moment, he mostly guessed it. Probably the lowest person in front of him is also a high-ranking person, but what kind of protection can such an album that is so far away from them give them. ?

Zhou Zhang also saw Guan Zhongyi's concerns. I am afraid that in their opinion, he is only a cultivation level above the venerable level, and I am afraid that the protection he said can't have a very high effect.

"Mr. Guan is probably worried about the kindness I said. If the alchemy association has let go of my Zhou Zhang now, then if in the future, if alchemy encounters any difficulties or cannot accomplish anything, you can ask me Come and ask for help, and I will do my best to help.”

After Guan Zhongyi listened to Zhou Zhang's words, he carefully looked at the young man in front of him. I'm afraid what he said would not be lying to himself. Although he said that he had nothing to do right now, he could ask the people in front of him to help him, but he was so young. If there is such a person, there will be such a cultivation base, which will definitely be unlimited in the future, and such a favor will definitely not be rejected by himself. After thinking about it, Guan Zhongyi agreed to this matter.

"Since Zhou Gongzi has said it for this sake, if I don't help, there will be some things that can't be said, so please ask Zhou Gongzi to wait for a while. I recall that the general list that Zhou Gongzi needs will be handed over to Zhou soon. son."

Zhou Zhang was overjoyed when he heard that, and finally negotiated this matter, so he didn't have much worries.

"Then the old gentleman has to be in charge. It would be better if we could call the people here."

Guan Zhong laughed as soon as he heard it, but Young Master Zhou didn't want to be troublesome at all.

"You don't have to worry about this, Young Master Zhou. I will find someone to inform them. Presumably if you ask Young Master Zhou to find them, it will not be so easy to find them."

Zhou Zhangyi heard that this old gentleman is really interesting, and since that's the case, he should help a little.

But since I just came in, I know that the few people who just brought me have stayed outside and didn't leave. If that's the case, let them help and call the people I need.

As soon as the door was opened, several people outside Hu were directly exposed. They didn't expect Zhou Zhang to come to open the door, and they were also taken aback.

Guan Zhongyi saw Zhou Zhang, and he also looked at his behavior. He didn't expect Yuan Shaohong to keep guarding the door. It seemed that he was afraid that something would happen to him. It doesn't matter, presumably the reason for this week's son is to let them run errands.

"What do you guys want to do when you stay here and don't leave? Is it because you know what errands are going to come next, so you came here?"

Yuan Shaohong and the others didn't know what happened, but now that his own president said so, he could only answer.

"If there is anything wrong with the president, just tell me."

Zhou Zhang originally wanted a few of them to help, but he never thought they would agree so easily, so he said with a smile.

"That's just right, there is indeed something that needs your help. I will ask you to help me call them over if you need to find a few people later."

Yuan Shaohong and the others did not expect such a result, but now that he has already said his words, it is not good, and if he does not agree, he can only bite the bullet and continue this errand.

"Young master, don't worry, if the president asks to do this, we will definitely do it."

Guan Zhong laughed when he heard Yuan Shaohong's words, presumably these people didn't want to help, but now they dug a hole and jumped in.

"In that case, go and call Su Jiangxun, Jiang Hongwei, Jia Zizhen and Ge Yayi."

Yuan Shaohong could only execute at this moment, and now there is no room for him to retreat.

"It's the president, I'm going to call a few of them."

After speaking, Yuan Shaohong and the others walked out directly.

After Yuan Shaohong and the others left, Guan Zhongyi also asked Zhou Zhang.

"I don't know what Mr. Zhou's cultivation is like now. After all, it is really difficult to see through Mr. Zhou's cultivation with the eyes of this old man."

Zhou Zhang Wenyan also knew the reason for his question. He wanted to have a more accurate understanding of the promise he just said. After all, if his strength is too weak, I am afraid that the promise he promised is not too big. significance.

"I want to take care of the old gentleman because he wants to know the protection I can bring to the alchemy club? Now I have a cultivation base of immortal-level great perfection, but it is true that I have been stuck here for many years."

Zhou Zhang's seemingly understated answer caused waves in Guan Zhongyi's heart. At such a young age, he has the cultivation of immortal-level great perfection. It is conceivable that the young man in front of him must be even more serious when he reaches the venerable level. Young, but if you ask such a delicate young man in this world, he really doesn't know that there is this one in front of him.

Looking at Guan Zhongyi looking at his eyes, Zhou Zhang also understood, I am afraid that few people would think that at such an age, they already have this immortal-level great perfection.

"Does Mr. Guan have some disbelief in the cultivation base I said?"

At the moment, Guan Zhongyi was thinking about whether the younger generation he knew had achievements that surpassed those in front of him, but he was pulled back by Zhou Zhang's words, so he quickly shook his head and said.

"It's not what Zhou Gongzi said. I'm just wondering if the younger generation that the old man knows now has a cultivation base higher than Zhou Gongzi, but after thinking about it, maybe it's because the old man knows too few people. It's also possible that no one really surpasses Young Master Zhou, and after thinking about it, I can't think of a single one."

Zhou Zhang laughed when he heard it. It turned out that he had misunderstood, but what Guan Zhongyi said was in the city, who said what he knew?Even he didn't believe that he had reached such a high level of cultivation at such an age.

"No matter how old seniors are joking, it's just a fluke."

Seeing Zhou Zhang speak so modestly, Guan Zhongyi also sighed.

"There is no chance of a fluke in the current strength, as long as it is improved, it is one's own ability."

Zhou Zhang wanted to say something, but he heard footsteps from outside, thinking that he had already brought everyone back, so Zhou Zhang did not continue to speak.

"President, we have called these people over as you said. If there is nothing else, we will retire first."

Guan Zhong nodded, indicating that they were all right, Yuan Shaohong immediately retreated after seeing it.

Chapter 192 Better Resources

After seeing Yuan Shaohong and the others retreating, Guan Zhong spoke to Zhou Zhang again and again.

"Young Master Zhou, I have already found the few people you asked for now. Do you think you are satisfied?"

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